indicating that the simple the operation interface and
the more convenient the use of we-media are, the
more favoured the middle-aged and elderly users
favour the platform. Data analysis revealed that
middle-aged and elderly users are willing to accept
and use video we-media (e.g., Tik Tok, SnackVideo,
and WeChat video) more frequently than we-media
in the form of picture and texts (e.g., WeChat official
account, MicroBlog and Zhihu), among which Tik
Tok short video exhibited the highest acceptance and
frequency of use.
The trust of middle-aged and elderly users in
health we-media (the professionalism of health we-
media) positively affects their perceived usefulness.
This result indicates that the we-media account with
more professional scene building, wardrobe props,
and literal use results in middle-aged and elderly
users to have a positive attitude toward them.
Both perceived ease of use and perceived
usefulness exhibited a positive effect on want-to-use
attitude of middle-aged and elderly users. Their
perceived ease of use considerably affects their
want-to-use attitude. This result revealed that the
simpler the operation of health we-media is, the
more convenient the access channels, the higher the
acceptance of middle-aged and elderly users are.
The higher the accuracy and professionalism of
health information are in we-media account, the
higher the recognition of middle-aged and elderly
users are.
The want-to-use attitude of middle-aged and
elderly users towards we-media platform has a
positive effect on their use behaviour. As displayed
by the results of empirical research, the more
middle-aged and elderly users want to use health
we-media, the more likely they are to use health
information obtained from health we-media in their
daily life.
7.2 Enlightenment and Limitations
Based on the above conclusions, we proposed the
following suggestions for we-media platforms and
health we-media accounts from the perspective of
technical difficulty and professionalism. We-media
platform owners should consider the requirements of
the middle-aged and elderly users in the design of
interface, simplifying the operation difficulty of the
platform so that they can directly obtain health
information without asking for help. To ensure the
truth and accuracy of health information, we-media
owners should reinforce user trust by improving
shooting environment and the professionalism of
wardrobe, makeup, and props.
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