Guowei et al. (2018) into the reform of the govern-
ment's basic information path, transforming each de-
partment into a point in the overall structure and cre-
ating a link between departments in the form of points
to realize data exchange, realizing decentralization
and de-marginalization; concurrently, the data is
backed up and can be used multiple times in retrieval,
boosting the efficiency and breadth of information us-
age. To clarify the future direction of optimizing the
collaboration and development of key departments in
China's smart government, Hu Mo and Ma Jie et al.
(2020) depict the influence of government depart-
ments on the overall government and score the node
2.2 Government Information
Resources Collaborative Sharing
Gan Yu and Liu Kunxiong (2015) propose four strat-
egies to build a composite level of collaborative or-
ganizational relationship, improve the adhesion of in-
formation resources and services, insist on user-ori-
ented full services, and form an interactive and circu-
lar system. They use the construction of innovative
inter-regional information collaboration in Hunan
Province as their starting point. In the form of actual
study, Liu Huancheng and Li Yujie (2018) examined
the current state of information resource sharing in
China's collaborative government and proposed a so-
lution to address the existing information resource oc-
clusion issue from the standpoint of multi-body build-
ing. In order to solve specific types of problems in the
middle ground, Feng Weichen and Liu Xinping
(2018) brought incentive theory into government col-
laboration and information sharing and employed
shared interests as the driving force behind collabora-
2.3 The Lack of Detailing in
Government Information
Classification Research
Government information sharing and collaboration
are examined by domestic scholars only from a macro
perspective because they lack a thorough understand-
ing of the information held by the various depart-
ments that make up the government as a whole. This
causes a discrepancy between theory and reality in
practical application. As a result, rigors categoriza-
tion of government information study is required. It is
necessary to better develop government information
collaboration practice and research. The majority of
domestic scholars' theoretical research on collabora-
tive government information service is abstract; it
lacks field research and case studies on practical ap-
plication; and it is unable to experience the working
mode and working environment of information ser-
vice in government work, leading to generalization
and hollowing out of theoretical research.
2.4 Information Synergy Theory
Information synergy theory is a development of syn-
ergy theory, which dates back to 1976 and the gener-
alization of the traditional theory from synergistic ef-
fects by German theoretical physicist Hermann
Hacken. The synergy theory states that synergy is a
type of subjective and dynamic integrative behavior
that causes the organizational components to develop
a close, linked, and effective relationship with one an-
other, leading to an amplified effect at work. The
number of elements and subsystems cannot only be
multiplied by or subtracted from one another. Syn-
ergy was initially used to explain the inherent laws of
order and disorder of systems at the spatial scale, but
as humanities and social sciences gradually became
aware of it, its range of application and intrinsic sig-
nificance were continuously expanded, giving rise to
information synergy theory. Information synergy, ac-
cording to Huang et al., is the spreading and sharing
of information among several people and the new ad-
ditive effect that results. The first thing, according to
Zhang, is synergy, and the crucial element of infor-
mation synergy is the occurrence of synergy-led ac-
tion, which results in the multi-level processing of in-
formation and the combination of information into
various synergistic roles, having a significant impact
on the internal information system. Information syn-
ergy theory is currently understood in academic cir-
cles in a broad and ambiguous manner, demonstrating
a gradual development of study from "connotation" to
"extension". As opposed to the theoretical disparity,
the field of practice is the primary source of study.
Here, the framework for information generation in
various scenarios is applied, and the naturally occur-
ring group information synergy behavior is used as
the detailed analysis object. In order to conduct study
on information synergy, the primary scholars, led by
Chen Rui, limit the occurrence of information syn-
ergy to the smart city and categorize the information
synergy process into three stages of "initiation-flow-