of disciplinary measures, and provides a powerful
tool for the grassroots discipline inspection and su-
pervision organs in grasping the scale of disciplinary
measures, and also provides a more interpretable way
for the disciplinary measures of party discipline. At
the same time, the use of a hesitation fuzzy set can
more comprehensively portray the different opinions
of those involved in decision-making, providing a
practical tool for giving full play to the role of deci-
sion-making groups in the disciplinary work, facili-
tating further standardization of the procedure of
party disciplinary punishment and discipline, which
is of great significance for promoting the construction
of the rule of law. This paper verifies the effective-
ness of the method in the context of actual case pro-
Through the case study, it can be found that this
method provides program recommendations for dis-
ciplinary decision-making, and decision-makers can
then choose among the recommended programs, and
the whole process also fully reflects the democratic
and centralized decision-making process, which ap-
plies to the disciplinary process of party disciplinary
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