2.3 Perceived Organizational Support,
Work Autonomy, Psychological
Capital and Employee
Intrapreneurial Behavior
(1) Perceived organizational support and employee
internal entrepreneurial behavior. According to the
organizational support theory, the higher perceived
organizational support, the more resources and
encouragement the organization will give to
employees for innovative behavior, the lower the
employee perception of innovation risk (Zhan and Li,
2020), and the stronger the employee willingness to
return to the organization (Eisenberger and
Stinglhamber, 2006). Therefore, the higher perceived
organizational support, the more inclined the employees
with high entrepreneurial self-efficacy are to make
use of their own advantages and carry out internal
entrepreneurial behavior to give back to the
organization. Based on this, this paper proposes the
following hypothesis:
: Perceived organizational support positively
affects employee intrapreneurial behavior.
(2) Psychological capital and employee internal
entrepreneurial behavior. Psychological capital can
trigger positive organizational behavior of employees,
and has a positive impact on organizational
citizenship behavior (Stavros and Cole, 2013),
change support behavior (Wang et al., 2018) and
innovative behavior (Sweetman et al., 2011).
Intrapreneurial refers to the initiative of employees to
take personal risks to promote organizational reform
and innovation, which is a transformational and
innovative organizational citizenship behavior. It will
also be positively affected by psychological capital.
The higher the level of psychological capital of
employees, the more likely they are to engage in
intrapreneurial. Based on this, this paper proposes the
following hypothesis:
: Psychological capital positively affects
employee intrapreneurial behavior.
(3) Work autonomy and employee internal
entrepreneurial behavior. Du et al. found that there is
a direct link between job characteristics and work
behavior and more broadly active behavior (Du et al.,
2000). Research shows that giving employees the
right to freely choose working methods can prompt
them to think and solve problems creatively (John et
al., 2010). When employees have high levels of
autonomy, a cascade of internal reactions can drive
employees to significantly improve their personal and
work outcomes by increasing their positive state of
mind. Based on this, this paper proposes the
following hypothesis:
: Work autonomy positively affects employee
intrapreneurial behavior.
2.4 The Mediating Effect of Work
Organizational support can not only directly affect
work engagement, but also indirectly affect employee
work engagement through self-efficacy (Benjamin et
al., 2015). Perceived organizational support had a
direct effect on employee job involvement. The
influencing mechanism of perceived organizational
support on work engagement and found that there
was a positive correlation between perceived
organizational support and work engagement. Based
on this, this paper proposes the following hypothesis:
: Perceived organizational support has a
significant positive effect on work engagement.
Individuals with high psychological capital are
more able to perceive the meaning and value of work,
and have a higher sense of self-efficacy. They are full
of enthusiasm and confidence in work, so they can
achieve better work performance and become more
active and active in their work. Based on this, this
paper proposes the following hypothesis:
: Psychological capital has a significant
positive effect on work engagement.
As an external environmental resource, work
autonomy can greatly meet the needs of employees
for the working environment, provide them with
more freedom in decision-making, planning and
implementation, make them feel the trust and support
of the organization, improve their sense of
responsibility for work, and thus generate work
motivation and enhance work involvement. Relevant
studies show that work autonomy can achieve high
job involvement by satisfying individual needs.
Based on this, this paper proposes the following
: Work autonomy has a significant positive
effect on work engagement.
Starting from the definition that work engagement
is an active and positive motivation state, scholars
have linked work engagement with active work
behavior in some studies (Bakker, 2011). Dedication
and enthusiasm for work and organization (Schaufeli
et al., 2006), as an important characteristic of engaged
employees, can promote employees to carry out
intrapreneurial activities.
: Work engagement has a significant positive
effect on employee intrapreneurial behavior.
According to the above analysis, not only the
sense of organizational support, work autonomy and
psychological capital have a direct impact on work