Regional GDP has the strongest correlation of all in-
dicators, at 0.867, indicating that it has the greatest
influence on people's rural tourism decisions.
Internet development directly affects network at-
tention. Using the scale of Internet users and Internet
penetration rate in different regions as indicators, the
results show that they are significantly correlated with
network attention. At the same time, the more devel-
oped the regional network is, the faster and more ex-
tensive the information dissemination is, thus pro-
moting further increase in network attention.
Users with different attributes have different pref-
erences for tourism. For example, older people prefer
recreation tourism and younger parents prefer parent-
child tourism, and socio-demographic characteristics
may affect network attention to rural tourism. Using
age and education level as indicators, results show
that 0-14 years old age and network attention showed
a significant negative correlation. 0-14 years old pop-
ulation does not yet have economic ability and has
limited use of the Internet, so the more the proportion,
the lower the network attention. High school educa-
tion showed a significant correlation and age 65+
showed a highly significant correlation, suggesting
that age and literacy base also influence the magni-
tude of regional network attention to some extent.
The capacity of hospitality services is a guarantee
for the development of tourism destinations. The
number of star-rated restaurants and the number of
homestays are chosen as indicators, as people mostly
choose to travel freely, in addition, one of the main
features of rural tourism is to experience local food
and folklore. The results show that the two are very
significantly correlated with network attention, indi-
cating the importance of hospitality service capacity
in the development of rural tourism. As a representa-
tive of the quality of tourism facilities and service lev-
els, star-rated restaurants are important contact points
for tourists travelling and determine their experience.
At the same time, with the rapid development of the
experience economy and the upgrading of consumer
demand, especially in rural tourism, more and more
tourists are choosing local homestay.
Tourism resources are the core element of rural
tourism development, and are the premise and foun-
dation of rural tourism. The number of national rural
tourism key villages in each region is chosen as the
indicator, and the results show that it is significantly
correlated with network attention. The tourism re-
sources of a region will first radiate the surrounding
areas, forming a regional agglomeration effect, and
the number of tourism resources directly affects the
formation of rural tourism hotspots, thus affecting the
regional network attention.
Transportation directly affects the accessibility of
tourist destinations. Considering that tourists in rural
tourism mostly choose to drive themselves, road
miles was chosen as the indictor. The results show
that the road miles is significantly correlated with net-
work attention. To get rich, first build roads, roads
make tourist destinations more closely connected to
their sources, and are essential for the development of
rural tourism.
Based on the Baidu index, this paper analyses the spa-
tial and temporal evolutionary characteristics of net-
work attention to rural tourism and its factors. The
study combines rural tourism with online big data, en-
riching the research related to rural tourism. There are
also practical implications. The spatial-temporal evo-
lution of network attention shows that rural tourism
currently suffers from declining fervour, imperfect in-
frastructure construction and marketing and promo-
tion tools that need to be strengthened. Rural tourism
destinations should enrich rural tourism product sys-
tems, improve rural tourism infrastructure, develop
differentiated marketing strategies and strengthen
public relations management.
In addition, there are certain limitations. Firstly,
the measurement of network attention to rural tourism
is relatively single, considering only the Baidu index
and lacking comprehensive consideration of other
platforms. Secondly, the index system of factors
needs to be improved, for example, due to the lack of
data, it is difficult to quantify the government policy
orientation and other indicators. Rural tourism has
now entered a new period of development, and there
is still much room for research in the future.
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