Student’s Perception of Virtual Breadboard Simulator and
TeamViewer in Digital Electronics
Rudi Mulya
, Nizwardi Jalinus
, Hansi Effendi
, Khairul Muttaqin
and DessyDwisusila
Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Padang, Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Padang, Indonesia
Department of Machine Engineering, Universitas Negeri Padang, Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka, Padang, Indonesia
Department of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Samudra, Jl. Prof. Dr. Syarief Tayeb, Langsa, Indonesia
Department of English Education, Universitas Riau,Kampus Bina Widya Km 12,5 Simpang Baru Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Keywords: Virtual Breadboard Simulator, Teamviewer, Digital Electronics.
Abstract: This research aims to describe the quality of digital electronics practicum with Virtual Breadboard Simulator
and TeamViewer. This quality can be seen in the effectiveness and perceptions of students. The research uses
descriptive quantitative research methods. The research subjects were 21 students majoring in Electronic
Engineering at D3 Padang State University who took the Digital Electronics Practicum course. Data on
student perceptions of product display aspects (Simulator and TeamViewer) were obtained from student
response questionnaire sheets with indicators of clarity of usage instructions, legibility, image display quality,
color composition, communication facilities, and ease of operation. The data were analyzed using the
percentage of responses from students according to their respective indicators. The results showed that
students had a positive reaction to practicum activities. Therefore, it is concluded that the digital electronics
practicum with the Virtual Breadboard application has good quality if the implementation is assisted by
TeamViewer, which is carried out in groups and works together in real-time in building a circuit.
Vocational education as education-for-work is based
on the philosophy of essentialism, pragmatism, and
existentialism (Sudira, 2012). Education that has the
combined characteristics of education and training
functions (Vokasi, 2020), Balanced theory and
practice-oriented towards specific skills and job
readiness of graduates (Haris et al., 2020), (Utami et
al., 2018). Vocational education based on its
characteristics has very important practical/practice
learning (Sasongko & Widiastuti, 2019).
The purpose of the practicum is to test and apply
the theory and scientific evidence learned in a course
or portion of a course(Haryoko & Jaya, 2018).
Practicum is also defined as a learning strategy that
allows students to empirically practice cognitive,
affective, and psychomotor abilities using laboratory
facilities (Utami, 2017).
Practicum is usually carried out in a real (hands-
on) laboratory, besides having advantages, it also has
several limitations, including (1) unable to meet
distance learning needs (Altalbe, 2018); (2) requires
longer instruction time; (3) unable to provide for
students' special needs(Burkett & Smith, 2016); (4)
expensive equipment and operations (Crandall et al.,
2015); and (5) unable to accommodate all the material
and limited time, resulting in failure to meet the
expected learning objectives(Brinson, 2015).
Laboratory practicum in vocational education is
very important to make students active in the learning
process (Belmawa, 2020), (Jaya, 2010). Moreover,
the knowledge gained through direct experience in
the laboratory is proven to be more profound and has
a long-term effect (Kastelan et al., 2015). Direct
experience in the laboratory can also be constrained
Mulya, R., Jalinus, N., Effendi, H., Muttaqin, K. and Dwisusila, D.
Student’s Perception of Virtual Breadboard Simulator and TeamViewer in Digital Electronics.
DOI: 10.5220/0012194500003738
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Innovation in Education (ICoIE 4 2022) - Digital Era Education After the Pandemic, pages 5-9
ISBN: 978-989-758-669-9; ISSN: 2975-9676
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
if a situation changes suddenly, such as the current
pandemic phenomenon.
In addition to the problems above, the education
system in Indonesia has undergone changes due to the
COVID-19 pandemic. The distance education system
is one method for overcoming social distance-related
obstacles to direct learning. one of the applications of
a distance learning system such as online lectures will
facilitate the learning process without the need for
face-to-face meetings(Dewantara et al., 2020). This
impact also has implications for digital electronics
practicum learning.
Digital Electronics Practicum is one of the
subjects that must be taken by students (UNP, 2018).
This course examines and exercises various digital
circuit types. Digital circuits are the foundation of all
digital systems currently in use(Luković et al., 2016).
Circuit logic is a central concept in understanding
how computers and electronics work. Currently,
several software has been produced that can visualize
and simulate it, such as Virtual Breadboard
1.1 Virtual Breadboard Simulator
A simulator is software that simulates physical
instruments such as measuring instruments or other
real systems. A simulator is a form of an interactive
multimedia object consisting of heterogeneous
formats consisting of sound, graphics, hypertext, text,
animation, images, videos, which contain both
implicit and explicit learning objectives and are
digital. The purpose of the simulator is to provide
simulative facilities that allow students to conduct
experiments conducted like a real (hands-on)
A breadboard is a circuit board whose function is
to arrange electronic components and place them
without soldering them to electronic circuits. A
breadboard is used to connect one component with
other electronic components via cables. Virtual
Breadboard Simulator is one of the simulators that
can be used to support the Digital Electronics
The Virtual Breadboard Simulator provides
virtual tools and materials in the form of Breadboard
with its power supply, various types of TTL logic
transistors, switch components, LED and 7-segment
displays, cables, and logic probes, and much more.
This simulator is developed by James Caska which is
open source. The Virtual Breadboard Simulator
display is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Initial View of Virtual Breadboard Simulator.
Figure 1 depicts the display of the Virtual
Breadboard simulator. This simulator enables
students to design circuits that are more complex and
sophisticated than in actual practice. Due to the
limited number of components available in the
physical kit, this is the case (Lum Tan & Venema,
2019). In Virtual Breadboard there is a menu for
building sequential or combinational sequences.
Figure 2: Tools in the Virtual Breadboard Simulator.
1.2 TeamViewer
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the use of
communication media for digital electronics
practicums needs to be increased. Communication
media used to support practicum activities can run
collaboratively online so that there is interaction
between lecturers and students, between students and
practicum equipment. One of the software used is
TeamViewer. The TeamViewer interface looks like
Figure 3.
Figure 3: TeamViewer Interface and Virtual Breadboard
ICoIE 4 2022 - The Fourth International Conference on Innovation in Education
Supporting online practicum activities with
software that offers a collaborative approach, with an
online meeting menu and TeamViewer remote
desktop access. TeamViewer is a speedy and easy-to-
use remote meeting and desktop control solution that
also boasts a high level of security. For the sake of a
complete answer, TeamViewer can be used to (1)
meeting functions, such as for training sessions; (2)
display the desktop for meetings, collaborations or
presentations; (3) assist coworkers, friends, or
customers remotely on an as-needed basis; (4) Use
these free Android and iOS meeting applications to
join in on the go! (5) Linked machines may use a
variety of operating systems; and (6) TeamViewer
operates under Windows,Linux Operating System or
Mac OS.
Based on the need to conduct a Digital Electronics
practicum, this study seeks to characterize student
reactions to the display component of the Digital
Electronics Practicumwhich was carried out with a
Virtual Breadboard simulator and online
collaboration with TeamViewer.
This research uses descriptive quantitative research
methods. The research subjects were 21 students
majoring in Electronics Engineering D3 Padang State
University who took the Digital Electronics
Practicum course. Data on responses were obtained
from student response questionnaires with indicators:
1) clarity of usage instructions, 2) image display
quality, 3) legibility, 4) color composition, 5) ease of
operation, and 6) communication facilities (Muchlas,
2015). Determination of the tendency of student
responses is done by using the percentage technique
using equation (1) as follows:
P represents the percentage of reaction, as
described by the expression in Equation (1),
, 𝑛
, 𝑛
, 𝑛
, 𝑛
each represents the number of
selections for a score of 1 for the choices STS
(strongly disagree), 2 for TS (disagree), 3 R for
(undecided), 4 for S (agree), and 5 for SS (strongly
agree); and N indicates the number of questionnaire
The successful implementation of the digital
electronics practicum learning model may be
determined based on the descriptive analysis of the
collected data and the student response rate criteria
presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Student responses rate criteria.
e Level
80% - 100% Ver
66% - 79% Goo
56% - 65% Poo
0% - 55% Very Poo
Students data responses on product display aspects
are presented in Table 2.
Table 2: Student responses to product display aspect.
Score Maximum
Clarity of
learning and
e instructions
468 630 74,29
Image display
245 315 77,78
242 315 76,83
258 315 81,90
Ease of o
eration 279 315 88,57
Quality of
280 420 66,67
Total 1772 2310 76,71
Based on Table 2, a graph can be made showing
student responses to the product display aspect as
shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Student responses to product display aspect.
In the aspect of clarity of instructions for use, a
value of 74.29% was obtained. The meaning of these
values explains that the models and support systems
developed for the user guide are easy to learn and
Student’s Perception of Virtual Breadboard Simulator and TeamViewer in Digital Electronics
The picture quality was also responded well by
students. The results obtained are 77.78%. This value
indicates that the images and illustrations displayed
on the model and its support system, in particular,
Simulator programs and online collaborative support
systems are effective in arousing curiosity and
fostering student motivation.
Figure 4 also shows that the readability of the
perceived product is very good with a perception
level of 76.83%. These results indicate that the
display of letters in the Virtual Breadboard simulator
program as a substitute for real tools and materials, as
well as the TeamViewer program as an online
collaborative work tool, facilitates pupil
comprehension because it is simple to read.
The color composition aspect was very well
received by students with an average level of
education by 81.90%. These results indicate that the
composition of the supporting colors has been
changed to generate an aesthetically acceptable
composition in the student's answer.
In the aspect of ease of operation, a response of
88.57% was obtained, which indicates that the model
and its supporting system are easy to operate. Ease of
use is reflected in the results of student assessments
which show that the menus provided by learning
support devices are easy to recognize, read,
understand, and execute.
Regarding the quality of communication, it was
revealed that there was a poor response from the
qualitative data collected. This is due to the fact that
participants may encounter unanticipated
technological issues, such as slow internet
connections, which prevent the practicum from being
completed normally. Nevertheless, with a mean
response rate of 66.67%, the subject generally gave a
good response to aspects of the communication skills
of the support system. This demonstrates that services
like as chat rooms, voice over IP, video conferencing,
and file transfers may be utilized efficiently and
without difficulty used to support practical activities.
Researchers pay attention to the results of the
analysis, it can be stated that in student responses, the
product applied has given a good appearance with an
average response rate of 77.71%.
The conclusion of this study is that the Digital
Electronics Practicum using Virtual Breadboard
Simulator gets a positive reaction when TeamViewer
is used to facilitate its implementation. This is
confirmed by response statistics indicating that
students respond well to practicum activities. Due to
the epidemic, TeamViewer can be utilized to
facilitate online collaborative digital electronics
practicum through online practicum learning.
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Student’s Perception of Virtual Breadboard Simulator and TeamViewer in Digital Electronics