positive school culture provides its own color and is
in accordance with specific school management
practices (Cahyani et al., 2020).
3.4 Global Diversity Character
One of the profiles of Pancasila students is the nature
of global diversity. In this case, students with a
Pancasila profile and global diversity have a passion
for preserving noble cultures, places and identities
and are open to interacting with other cultures, mutual
respect and the possibility of forming a new culture.
It is positive and does not conflict with noble culture.
Three key elements make up the globally diverse
profile of Pancasila students, namely:
Get to know and appreciate culture
Intercultural communication skills in dealing
with other people
Reflection on and responsibility for diversity
Diversity means diverse, different, many, diverse
and so on, causing many differences that exist in
every life, diversity focuses more on national values,
namely there are differences in ethnicity, race,
religion, culture, language, etc., that exist in the
country of Indonesia (where unity is the link in the
chain of diversity). Global diversity is respect for
diversity. Global diversity is tolerance for
Here are some activities that can contribute to the
global nature of diversity: flag ceremony, sing folk
songs, literacy program, through pictures, by
example, and oral statement((Yasinta et al., 2022)
Yasinta et al., 2022). First, the flag ceremony is a
mandatory Monday activity from elementary to high
school to instill national values in students,
accompanied by values such as discipline, leadership,
cooperation and togetherness. Believing in the value
of global diversity, can be found in introducing
national values to students by introducing the
Indonesian flag and national anthem to help students
know and love their own nation. Second, folk songs
are songs that take place and develop in the
environment with local poetry and language. Students
do marching exercises with all students, the purpose
of which is to train student discipline and instill the
value of diversity by singing the national and regional
anthems and singing with all students and teachers.
Third, teaching the value of global diversity to
middle school students, the teacher read short stories
to students during class.Fourth, the teacher's
creativity in creating and using media images
effectively and efficiently inspires students to
participate in learning so that basic education goals
are achieved.Fifth, at school, teachers are role models
for students, attitudes and behavior are always felt by
students, so if you want to change student character
for the better, teachers also behave well.Sixth, oral
communication is one of the things a teacher does
when trying to convey the value of global diversity to
students, because the first step a teacher can take is to
convey it directly.
Below are some student activities that can
contribute to the global diversity of learning: not
picky friends at school; get along with everyone in the
school environment, regardless of religion, ethnicity,
race, etc; use tolerance; do not interfere in other
people's worship; watch cultural performances from
the archipelago, even if the performances are not from
their own tribe; learn foreign languages to find
information; exchange students abroad; open for
external development; fostering local culture; and do
the flag ceremony every Monday.
3.5 Character Education in the Digital
In this era of all-round technology, it has made
children look very passive and rarely socialize in the
family and society. The attention of today's children
is more to pay attention to the screen in front of their
eyes than to play with their peers. So it's not
uncommon for children to lose valuable time playing
with family, studying, developing their talents or
playing with their friends because their attention has
been taken over by cellphone screens or existing
technology. Here the role of parents is very important
in guiding, monitoring, and managing children's time
from the digital devices used.
Pancasila is the most appropriate word to summarize
all the characters and competencies expected of every
Indonesian student. The term student used to refer to
this profile means anyone who is currently studying.
Pancasila students are profiles of graduates who
demonstrate character and competence to uphold the
noble values of Pancasila to students and
stakeholders. The key elements of the Pancasila
student profile are Faith, Fear of God Almighty and
Noble Character, Global Diversity, Mutual
Cooperation, Independence.
Global diversity is one of the characteristics of the
Pancasila student profile. The attribute of global
diversity as part of the Pancasila student profile is one
of the attributes that shapes Indonesian students'
appreciation of culture, place and national identity.