In 2021 the government, through the Ministry of
Education and Culture, the government launched the
prototype curriculum, which was further enhanced in
2022 and became the Merdeka curriculum. In its
journey, the implementation of the Merdeka
Curriculum (IKM) was carried out in stages, not
simultaneously and not massively. The government
provides opportunities for schools to conduct IKM
learning independently. IKM Mandiri is made in
three categories: Mandiri Learning, Change, and
Mandiri Sharing.
One of the schools that uses the Merdeka Learning
curriculum is SMA Negeri 15 Padang, also a Sekolah
Penggerak. According to the results of interviews
with deputy school principals in the field of
curriculum and several learning committee teachers
at SMAN 15 Padang, "In Merdeka curriculum, there
is a term called KOSP (Education Unit Operational
Curriculum) which is the basis of learning at school,
teaching modules and student profile project
In the Merdeka Learning Curriculum, learning
strives to lead to the formation of the Pancasila
Student Profile following its vision and mission,
which emphasizes the formation of Pancasila
students. Based on the Minister of Education and
Culture Regulation No. 22 of 2020 concerning the
Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Education and
Culture of 2020-2024, Pancasila Students are the
embodiment of Indonesian students as a lifelong
student who has global competence and behaves
Pancasila values, with six main characteristics:
Believers, fear God and have a noble character, global
diversity, work together, independent, critical
reasoning, and creative.
Based on research conducted by (Winarsih,
2022), the elementary school level has implemented
character education following the strengthening of
the Pancasila Student Profile through the components
of Pancasila Student Attitudes. The teacher explained
that almost 85% of students had already instilled the
character of students following the profile of
Pancasila students, and 15% of students still did not
have the character as a student profile of Pancasila.
In Research conducted by (Nisa, 2022), the
application of learning projects Strengthening
Pancasila Student Profiles at the Junior High School
Level in the planning, application process, and
evaluation of the learning project strengthening
Pancasila Student Profile has the stages that need to
carried out by the teacher with the facilitator.
In (Hadian, 2022) research, planning a project
strengthening the Pancasila Student Profile (P5) at the
high school level includes forming a team, making
technical guidebooks, and determining project
themes. Meanwhile, the organization of projects
includes forming a project group supervisor team,
determining research objects, and determining
student structure in groups. The implementation of
the project starts from the determination of the
formulation of research objects, the formulation of
the problem, making research instruments,
implementation of observations, making reports, and
making blogs to upload project reports. Meanwhile,
the supervision and evaluation of the project are
carried out with internal and external supervision.
Before using the Merdeka Learning Curriculum,
SMA Negeri 15 Padang had implemented character
education for its students. For example, by inviting
students always to maintain the cleanliness of the
school, not damage plants, and discipline in time.
Education developers use Pancasila Student Profiles
as the leading destination (Kemendikbud Ristek,
2021B). According to the Deputy Principal of the
Curriculum Section of SMAN 15 Padang, there are
still several obstacles to applying the Merdeka
Studying Curriculum in this school.
It is undeniable that information technology has
been a powerful locomotive in driving social
transformation around the world in the last few
decades. Most of these change processes are based on
the production of information. Freddy K. Kalidjernih
explained that information technology, including
education, plays an important role in social change.
Kalidjernih explained that education faces the
implications of these changes, especially concerning
an increasingly globalized life that has shaped and
sharpened teaching and learning cultures
(Kalidjernih, 2011). In line with this view, the
Ministry of Education and Culture responded to these
modern problems by initiating a Sekolah Penggerak
program to realize the Pancasila Student Profile,
namely students who have a noble character, are
independent, have the critical thinking, are creative,
work together and have global diversity.
In implementing the Merdeka Belajar curriculum
using the Merdeka Belajar platform, teachers are
assisted in finding inspiration, references, literacy,
and understanding in efforts to implement the
Merdeka Curriculum. The Merdeka Mengajar
Platform is a Penggerak partner for teachers forming
Pancasila students. The Merdeka Belajar Platform has
three functions: teaching the Merdeka curriculum
more effectively, learning new concepts, and working
to create works or products.
(Sinsuw and Sambul, 2017) In preparing learning
tools, teachers use technology and information as
learning resources and media, providing space for
Analysis of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project Using Merdeka Belajar Platform at the Senior High Schools to Improve the