education. This Citizenship Education course has a
strategic role in preparing intelligent and responsible
citizens. A nation can be called a developed and
strong nation if the fundamental values that guide it
are indeed manifested or applied in people's daily
behavior. So that in the nation's life, there will be no
more deviations, abuses, colonialism, discrimination,
and other negative behaviors. The Indonesian nation
now seems to be in a position that is vulnerable to
various influences and problems. The existence of
Citizenship Education in tertiary institutions can help
build student character, especially in social care.
Based on the results of the researchers'
observations in the preliminary study on students at
Bung Hatta University in Padang City, it appears: (1)
There are still students who do not want to help their
friends when they are in trouble, and this statement is
supported by the research results of Oktariani et al.
(2020) which states that students' social care attitudes
greatly influence the development of the student's
character. Social awareness that needs to be
developed is an attitude of respecting the opinions of
others and an attitude of caring about what other
people feel. Furthermore, there is also research by
Wahyuni & Reswita (2017) which states that the
emotional maturity of students will be stable if their
existence is appreciated and accepted by other
students, meaning that the attitudes and behavior of
students in the campus environment must show
mutual respect for one another. (2) Less concerned
with disaster-stricken areas (Soekarno & Mujiwati
Sri, 2015). (3) Lack of respect for the opinions of their
friends, and this statement is supported by the results
of research by Chang et al. (2019), which states that
students of different races tend to be less valued for
their opinions. This statement is also supported by the
results of research by Mwangi et al. (2018).
Likewise, the situation of students at Bung Hatta
University is motivated by various things, one of
which is the lack of students' understanding of the
1945 Constitution article 28F that every citizen has
freedom of expression (Republic of Indonesia, 1945),
lack of understanding students of the existence of a
plural Indonesian nation, namely different languages,
different religions, different ethnicities and races (Ali
Imron & Nugrahani, 2019) so that they are still bound
by idealism and maintain their respective egos
(Hefner, 2020). (4) Students are less involved in
community activities and are more likely to act
individually because they are preoccupied with
gadgets. This situation of students is supported by the
results of research by Schwartz et al. (2018) at
universities in the United States, which stated that
students tend to be more individual and do not want
to be involved in discussion groups on and off
campus. Students choose groups of friends who are
equal to their lives, while groups of students whose
economic level is at a low level, the average student
does not want to socialize. According to Rifat et al.
(2017) gadgets or information and communication
technology tools should be used by students to
accelerate social action and disseminate information
to their friends to do good (Pratiwi et al., 2019).
Students as social beings cannot live alone, but
need other people in various ways such as getting
along, doing assignments, helping each other, caring
for each other, working conscientiously and having
noble character (Wijaya et al., 2019). Students are
individual beings and social beings. Students as
individuals mean that each student has the right to
own personal property and adapts to the surrounding
environment. In contrast, students as social beings
mean that everyone cannot live alone but needs one
another (Lockwood, 2016). Students' social concern
will exist if they understand the values and meaning
of social care (Betzler, 2019). Caring is an attitude or
behavior of students that can be observed as actual
behavior in helping others who require help
(McElmeel, 2002). In fact, social care is a
participation or participation of students in building
relationships with the surrounding environment
(Kemendikbud Language Center, 2016). Social
concern is an attitude of openness with humans in
general which is shown by caring for every human
being who needs help (Bloom, 2017).
Forms of social care are (1) Concern for joy and
sorrow, meaning concern that arises without
differentiating between good and bad situations and
feeling what others feel. (2) Personal and shared
concern, meaning concern that arises because of
personal impulses in helping someone and also
concern that is carried out together in feeling what
others experience. (3) Urgent concerns, namely
concerns that are in the common interest that must be
prioritized for action (Tal Saban & Kirby, 2019).
Social concern will arise if students understand
the forms of concrete action in implementing social
care (Crowley & Fleury, 2019). This concept is based
on the cognitive domain. Namely, the lecturer
provides students with examples of cases in narrative
form. Students are encouraged to feel what other
people feel (affective), and finally, what is known and
felt is then manifested in the form of behavior (De
Vignemont & Jacob, 2012), including 1) if someone
asks for alms then they are willing to give it, 2) if
there are parents who need a seat on public
transportation then they are welcome to sit, (3) if a
friend is sick then come to visit, 4) if there is a dirty
room, they are moved to clean it even though it is not
on a picket schedule, 5) if someone experiences a
disaster, they collect funds as a form of social action
to ease the burden on others, 6) if a friend needs a pen
or something else, he is moved to help, 7) if someone