Content Analysis of Geography Teaching Materials for Class X
Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar - Case Study: Theme 04, Human, Space,
and Environment
Lailatur Rahmi, Mentari Dian Pertiwi and Anna Mariana Zebua
Universitas Negeri Padang, Prof. Dr. Hamka Street, Air Tawar, Padang,
West Sumatera Department Geography, Faculty of Social Sciences, Indonesia
Keyword: Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar, Teaching Materials and Projects to Strengthen Pancasila Studen t P r o f i l e s ( P 5 ) .
Abstract: Teaching materials in Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar have the primary reference that directs educational
policies, including being a reference for educators in building the character and competence of students. In
addition to providing the benefits of knowledge, it also strengthens students' character. Teaching materials
used in schools must be based on the Pancasila Dimension. To analyze the Geography textbook contained in
the Social Sciences book using the content analysis method. As a result of the content review, there are several
errors in this textbook, including errors in punctuation, sentences, and paragraphs, using wrong concepts and
generalizations. As a solution, the development of teaching materials by educators must be adapted to the
needs of a large number of students in order to actualize the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project
In Kepmendikbudristek No. 56/M/2022 concerning
Guidelines for Implementing Curriculum in the
Context of Learning Recovery, curriculum
implementation by academic units must pay attention
to the achievement of student competence in
academic units under particular conditions. It was
further explained that in the framework of recovering
learning losses that occur in particular conditions,
academic units or groups of education units need to
develop a curriculum with the principle of
diversification following the conditions of the
academic unit, regional potential, and students.
Learning Loss is a phenomenon in which a generation
loses the opportunity to gain knowledge because of a
delay in the teaching and learning process. In this
case, the learning process is a teaching process, not
just overseeing the content but how students get the
learning outcomes set.
The central concept of Merdeka Belajar is
independent thinking. Indarta (2022: 3012) states that
the teacher is free to independently translate the
curriculum before it is translated to students so that
the teacher can answer every student's needs during
the learning process. Independent learning involves
independent conditions in fulfilling the objectives,
methods, materials, and evaluation of learning for
teachers and students with concepts based on student
needs (student-center).
The Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar is one of the
curriculum concepts that demands independence
from students (Manalu et al. 2022: 81). The
independence in question is the freedom of teachers
and students in carrying out the learning process that
can be obtained through formal and non-formal
education. Implementing the independent learning
curriculum does not limit the concept of learning at or
outside of school but requires the creativity of
teachers and students.
According to Manalu et al. (2022: 82) that the
presence of an independent learning curriculum aims
to answer the challenges of education in the era of the
industrial revolution 4.0 towards the industrial
revolution 5.0, which in its realization must support
skills in critical thinking and problem solving,
creative and innovative as well as skills in
communicating and collaborate for students. Creative
and innovative learning provides more opportunities
for students to solve problems, think critically about
phenomena that occur in the surrounding
environment, and respond well to problem-solving.
Rahmi, L., Pertiwi, M. and Zebua, A.
Content Analysis of Geography Teaching Materials for Class X Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar - Case Study: Theme 04, Human, Space, and Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0012198000003738
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Innovation in Education (ICoIE 4 2022) - Digital Era Education After the Pandemic, pages 162-168
ISBN: 978-989-758-669-9; ISSN: 2975-9676
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
The implementation of Kurikulum Merdeka
Belajar is based on the dimensions of Projek
Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P5). Based on the
Decree of the Head of Education Standards,
Curriculum and Assessment Agency Number
009/H/KR/2022 concerning Dimensions, Elements,
and Sub Elements of the Profil Pancasila in the
Kurikulum Merdeka, the Profil Pancasila serves as
the primary reference that directs educational
policies, including being a reference for educators in
building character and competence of students. The
Profil Pancasila contained in the Kurikulum Merdeka
Belajar is meant to be 1) faithful, devoted to God
Almighty and noble, 2) Global Kebhinekaan, 3)
independent, 4) cooperative, 5) critical reasoning, and
6) creative. Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila
(P5) is a design to answer questions about the output
of the success of the Indonesian education system.
"Indonesian students are lifelong learners who are
competent, have character, and behave following
Pancasila values".
The design of the Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar
teaching materials is adapted to the (P5), which has a
project-based learning concept (Project-Based
Learning). The teaching materials are adapted to e
Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila P5's
fundamental principles, namely 1) Holistic, 2)
Contextual, 3) Student-Centered, and 4) Explorative.
In this case, teaching materials contain essential
themes or issues such as climate change, anti-
radicalism, mental health, culture, entrepreneurship,
technology, and democratic life so that students can
understand and take real action in answering these
issues according to the stages of learning and their
needs. In addition, through teaching materials,
students can implement them by contributing to and
impacting the surrounding environment.
Teaching materials are all forms of learning
resources, both written and written, that assist
teachers or instructors in carrying out learning
activities that become materials for students to learn
to achieve predetermined competency standards.
Sungkono (in (Prabandari 2013: 2) mentions that
teaching materials have an essential role for teachers
and students because teaching materials can
streamline and streamline the learning process.
Adjustments in selecting teaching materials must
consider the Pancasila Dimension as the primary
basis for learning geography. These teaching
materials and providing knowledge also strengthen
students' character.
The method used in this research is the content
analysis method. Content analysis is an in-depth
study of the contents of written or printed information
in the mass media. Max Weber (in Eriyanto, 2013:
15) writes that content analysis is a research method
using a set of procedures to make valid inferences
from texts. Content analysis is a research method for
making replicable and valid inferences from data for
a context to provide knowledge, new insights,
representations of facts, and practical guidance for
action (Krippendorf, 1980).
The teaching material to be analyzed is the Social
Sciences Book Theme 04, Geography: Human Space
and the Environment, the latest student book
published in the Freedom to Learn Curriculum. This
study uses descriptive content analysis. Content
analysis, according to Moleong (2012: 220), is a
content study that utilizes a set of procedures to draw
valid conclusions from a book or document.
Table 1.1: Punctuation/Writing Errors.
Source: Results of Analysis of Teaching Materials Theme 04, Geography: Humans, Space and environment.
Page Paragraph Sentences Punctuation/Writing Marks Correct sentences or writing
218 6 5 For example, bringing a raincoat,
umbrella, and jacket is a good idea if
you plan to go outside.
For example, if you plan to go outside,
bring a raincoat, umbrella, and jacket.
220 10 4 It does not only focus on appearances
seen from the outside but also comes
to the question: Why do the things we
see form a unified pattern?
It not only focuses on the outward
appearance but also comes to the
question of why the objects we make
form a pattern of unity.
233 1 Part a. Location
t. Sentence 2
First First
Content Analysis of Geography Teaching Materials for Class X Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar - Case Study: Theme 04, Human, Space, and
Page Paragraph Sentences Punctuation/Writing Marks Correct sentences or writing
233 1 Part a. Location
Concept. Sentence 4
Second Second
234 1 Part b. Distance
concept. Sentence 2
First First
244 1 Activity Sheet 4.
Sentences 1 and 2
Goal no 14 SDGs: Conserve and
sustainably utilize sea, ocean, and
marine resources for sustainable
Read this article carefull
Goal no 14 SDGs:
Conserve and sustainably utilize sea,
ocean, and marine resources for
sustainable development.
Read this article carefull
255 1 Activity Sheet 6
Sentences 2
Please read carefully! Please read carefully!
255 1 Activity sheet 6.
Sentences 3
GSWIR (Green-Short
Wave Infrared)
GSWIR (Green-Short Wave Infrared)
255 1 Activity sheet 6.
Sentences 4
(U.S Geological Survey) (U.S Geological Survey)
256 1 Part c. Technology
Information System
Sentences 2
Diujicoba (Tested) Di uji coba (Tested)
266 6 Sentences 3 Antarunsur (Between elements) Antar unsur (Between Elements
292 5 - Marine Mega-Biodiversity Marine Mega-Biodiversity
296 - Activity sheet 13
Part 4
Presentasi PowerPoint (PPT) presentation PowerPoint (PPT)
306 - Evaluation Answer some of the questions below
as an evaluation to find out your
understanding of this passage.
Answer some of the questions below as
an evaluation to find out your
understanding of this passage.
306 - Evaluation Choose the correct answer to the
questions below!
Choose the correct answer to the
questions below!
Table 1.2: Examples of Vocabulary Errors.
Paragraph Sentences Incorrect Vocabulary Correct Vocabulary
The critical question,
Bagimana Bagaimana
Part B Sentences 2
Fred K. Scaefer, Fred K. Schaefer
Menjadi Obyek Menjadi objek
Yuks Yuk atau Ayo
Satelt Satelit
Ujicoba Uji coba
Sfera Lapisan Bumi
Sirrus Cirrus
Sirrostratus Cirrostratus
Sirrocumulus Cirrocumulus
11 Altokomulus Altocumulus
14 Stratokomulus Stratocumulus
17 Kumulus Cumulus
18 Kumulonimbus Cumulonimbus
3 4
Kualiats Kualitas
Source: Results of Analysis of Teaching Materials Theme 04, Geography: Humans, Space and Environment.
ICoIE 4 2022 - The Fourth International Conference on Innovation in Education
Table 1.3: Examples of Sentence Errors.
Page Paragraph Sentences Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences
Sentence 1 Coba amati baik-baik dua
gambar dibawah ini!
Coba amati kedua gambar
dibawah ini!
Sentences 5
gambaranatautulisanpermuka an
Bumi(Maryani, 2006)
...gambaran atau tulisan
umi (Maryani, 2006)
Misalnya daerah industry Menunjukka
Pemusatan dan pengelompokan
kawasan industri. Kawasan konservasi
yang menunjukkan adanya pemusatan
wilayah konservasi. Misalnya kawasan
konservasi tanah bakau
Misalnya daerah industri
menunjukkan adanya pemusatan dan
pengelompokan kawasan industri
dan kawasan konservasi yang
menunjukkan adanya pemusatan
wilayah konservasi Contoh:
kawasan konservasi tanaman bakau.
Source: Results of Analysis of Teaching Materials Theme 04, Geography: Humans, Space and Environment.
Table 1.4: Examples of Paragraph Errors.
Page Paragraph The false main idea The correct main idea
219 1 Therefore, human knowledge about the
natural environment in certain places,
including differences and similarities, can
e considere
hic knowled
Therefore, human knowledge about
nature and the environment is
geographical knowledge.
Source: Results of Analysis of Teaching Materials Theme 04, Geography: Humans, Space and Environment.
Table 1.5: Examples of Faulty Data and Facts.
Page Paragraph Sentences Data and Facts The correct data and facts
Indonesia's position, located
between three active plates in the
world, namely the Eurosia Plate,
the Pacific Plate, and the Indian-
Australian Plate, is known as the
ring of fire with many volcanoes.
Indonesia is located between three
active plates in the world, namely the
Eurasian, Indo- Australian and Pacific
plates. From this position, Indonesia is
referred to as the Ring of Fire (Ring of
Fire), where many volcanoes cause
seismic activity along this zone.
Source: Results of Analysis of Teaching Materials Theme 04, Geography: Humans, Space and Environment.
Table 1.6: Examples of Misconceptions.
Page Paragraph Sentences Incorrect Concept Correct Concept
283 4 2 Monsoons or wind monsoons
are winds that change direction
every half year
Monsoon winds or commonly referred to
as monsoon winds, are winds that blow
periodically (at least three months), and
between one period and another, the
pattern will be opposite and change
opposite direction every half year
Source: Results of Analysis of Teaching Materials Theme 04, Geography: Humans, Space and Environment.
Content Analysis of Geography Teaching Materials for Class X Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar - Case Study: Theme 04, Human, Space, and
Table 1.7: Example of Image Error.
Page Paragraph Image Incorrect Image Correct Image
219 4 Figure 4.5 Mutual help cleans
the river of garbage
I am not following the
contents of the book being
Figure 4.12 The absolute
distance from point X to Y is
2500 meters, while the relative
is 1 hour
It does not include image
sources like other images.
Altitude Zone
Here are no image captions
or image sources. Picture
captions should be in every
picture attached to a book or
teaching material.
Figure 4.15 Map of the
distribution of fauna i
Indonesia divided by the
Wallace and Weber Lines.
Does not include image
sources. The source of the
image should exist like any
other image in this
Figure 4.16
Greenhouse effect
and global warming
Does not include image
sources. The source of the
image should exist like any
other image in this
242 1 Figure 4.17 Ocean currents
around the
Does not include image
sources. The source of the
image should exist like an
other image in this
Source: Results of Analysis of Teaching Materials Theme 04, Geography: Humans, Space, and Environment.
Table 1.8: Examples of Generalization Errors.
Page Paragraph Sentences Incorrect Generalization Correct Generalization
Monsoons or wind monsoons are
winds change direction every half
Monsoon winds, commonly referre
to as monsoon winds, are winds that
low periodically (at least 3
months). Between one period an
another, the pattern will be
opposite and change opposite
direction every half year.
Geography learning is learning about spatial
relations. The object of study in geography is an
object that can be observed, measured, and described
using the scientific method. Geographical studies
include physical and social aspects that cannot be
separated from human life. Therefore, in developing
teaching materials, students can understand a
phenomenon and process on the earth's surface not
only seen from one phenomenon to another but linked
between phenomena and processes elsewhere, even in
ICoIE 4 2022 - The Fourth International Conference on Innovation in Education
previous times. (Rangkuty, 2020: 68).
The development of teaching materials for Class
X Social Sciences, Theme 04, Geography: Humans,
Space, and Environment, must pay attention to the
real conditions of teaching materials in a school. For
example, the learning procedures are used by paying
attention to the factual conditions of the availability
of books. The character and needs of students and the
relationship between learning materials and the
surrounding environment. The actualization of Profil
Pancasila as one of the elements that must be
considered can be seen from students' attitudes in
implementing the material being taught.
From the results of the analysis that has been
carried out based on the content review, there are
several advantages contained in this book, including:
1. Holistic. In designing Projek Penguatan Profil
Pelajar Pancasila, a holistic thinking
framework encourages students to examine all
themes and see the interrelationships of
various things to understand an issue in depth.
Geography teaching materials in Social
Sciences Books fulfill holistic requirements,
namely the existence of a connection between
the learning themes and the case studies
presented and containing more of the realities
of everyday life to make it easier for students
to study the teaching materials.
2. Contextual relates to efforts to base learning
activities on real experiences encountered in
everyday life. This teaching material fulfills
the contextual principle in which the
presentation of the material always begins
with a trigger question regarding the
relationship between the material and
everyday life related to the activities of
students in their environment.
3. Student-centered means encouraging learning
subjects to manage their learning process
independently and actively. In this case, it is
like assigning students in the form of activity
sheets or observing an image which requires
students to analyze the image.
4. Exploration is related to opening a wide space
for inquiry and self-development. Almost all
student activity sheets in this teaching material
are inquiry processes in groups and
individually. Students must actively link
geography teaching materials with student
phenomena by taking an inquiry approach. It
trains students to think critically based on a
problem or phenomenon around them.
While the weaknesses contained in Class X Social
Science Teaching Materials, Theme 04, Geography:
Humans, Space, and Environment are as follows:
Systematic writing in the use of punctuation.
It affects students' understanding of the
sentence or statement to be conveyed.
Using the wrong vocabulary will tend to cause
differences in meaning, so in compiling a
book, paying attention to the vocabulary to be
used is mandatory. The goal is to make it
easier for students to understand the material
contained in the book.
Misuse of sentences. For example, take a good
look at the two pictures below! The use of this
sentence is very ineffective. Therefore, the
improvement of the sentence is to try to
observe the two pictures below!
Errors in writing paragraphs. A good
paragraph must have links to other sentences
to reduce the tendency to express an idea.
Concepts and generalizations. One of the
mistakes in writing is when the writer does not
pay attention to the concepts and
generalizations of sentences. It will lead to
different meanings for students and the book's
Writing image captions. In this book, some of
the images have clear sources and
descriptions. However, some of the other
images are not captioned. Therefore, the
description and synchronization of images to
the material explained must be considered to
appropriately convey the delivery of material
through images.
Projek Penguatan Profil Pancasila (P5) based
Geography teaching materials is a learning approach
that helps educators be more flexible and contextual.
Profil Pelajar Pancasila aims to demonstrate character
and competence, which is expected to reinforce the
noble values of Pancasila in students. Geography is
the study of interrelationships between spaces and the
impact of these interrelationships. Knowledge of
geography is closely related to everyday life.
Therefore, the development of geography teaching
materials for the independent learning curriculum is a
modification of textbooks that suit the needs and
characteristics of students.
Students are lifelong students who are competent,
have character, and behave according to Pancasila
values” is the Profil Pelajar Pancasila which is the
main requirement in developing teaching materials.
Geography teaching materials are an essential
Content Analysis of Geography Teaching Materials for Class X Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar - Case Study: Theme 04, Human, Space, and
element in supporting the achievement of targets and
learning objectives that contain material related to
physical and social phenomena that are interrelated
in space. Developing independent learning geography
teaching materials is a step in developing learning
through projects to spur students to be creative and
Based on the discussion above, the development
of geography teaching materials for class X in the
Merdeka Learning Curriculum is adjusted to P5
(Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila). Teaching
materials that are flexible and contextual and follow
students' needs and characteristics. Presentation of
material is based on the realities of life and
experiences of students and has this impact on
students to contribute to the environment and have a
good impact in terms of a character on their
community environment. In addition to providing
knowledge, it also strengthens the noble values of
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ICoIE 4 2022 - The Fourth International Conference on Innovation in Education