Welcoming the Emancipated Curriculum: Has the Teachers Been
Technology Literate?
Reri Seprina Anggraini
, Rian Rafiska
, Eline Yanty Putri Nasution
Anggi Desviana Siregar
and Rini Syevyilni Wisda
Jurusan Tadris Matematika, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kerinci,
Kapten Muradi Street Sumur Gedang Pesisir Bukit, Sungai Penuh, Indonesia
Jurusan Perbankan Syariah, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kerinci,
Kapten Muradi Street Sumur Gedang Pesisir Bukit, Sungai Penuh, Indonesia
Jurusan Tadris Kimia, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kerinci,
Kapten Muradi Street Sumur Gedang Pesisir Bukit, Sungai Penuh, Indonesia
Jurusan Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kerinci,
Kapten Muradi Street Sumur Gedang Pesisir Bukit, Sungai Penuh, Indonesia
Keywords: Emancipated Curriculum, Technology, Mathematics.
Abstract: One of the numerous changes that have taken place in education since the COVID-19 pandemic is the
alteration of the curriculum, namely The 2013 Curriculum, the Curriculum in Special Circumstances, and the
Emancipated Curriculum. Teachers must innovate in the classroom when using the Emancipated Curriculum.
Information technology is a crucial instrument for innovation in learning. Teachers must be able to produce
content using materials for independent learning. The Emancipated Curriculum requires teachers to be more
technologically literate. Especially in the regarded as challenging and abstract field of mathematics. The goal
of this study was to evaluate teachers' abilities to facilitate mathematics instruction using technology when
implementing the Emancipated Curriculum. A descriptive qualitative research methodology is employed.
Through interviews and giving questionnaires to math teachers, data was gathered. The Miles approach is
used in data analysis, which involves gathering data, verifying it, and generating conclusions. The findings
indicate that: 1) geogebra is one of the applications that the mathematics teacher has used to teach; 2) not all
teachers are literate at utilizing technology to aid students' study of maths; 3) there are not enough resources
and infrastructure in place to support the use of technology in math learning.
The learning curriculum underwent several
adjustments during the COVID-19 period to improve
student proficiency in academic subjects. A
curriculum is a collection of subjects and educational
programs offered by a school that includes lesson
plans to be taught to pupils throughout the course of
one level of education. The 2013 Curriculum and the
Curriculum in Special Conditions are the curricula
used (Kemendikbud, 2022).
It needs to be modified because the 2013
Curriculum and the Curriculum in Special Conditions
have failed to stop learning loss. During the COVID-
19 pandemic, learning shifted from being offline to
being online (DeCoito & Estaiteyeh, 2022). As a
result, the Minister of Education, Culture, Research,
and Technology developed a curriculum in the
framework of learning recovery based on the
diversification principle in line with the
circumstances of the educational unit, regional
potential, and pupils. The in question curriculum is
the Emancipated Curriculum, which makes use of the
Seprina Anggraini, R., Rafiska, R., Nasution, E., Siregar, A. and Wisda, R.
Welcoming the Emancipated Curriculum: Has the Teachers Been Technology Literate?.
DOI: 10.5220/0012198800003738
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Innovation in Education (ICoIE 4 2022) - Digital Era Education After the Pandemic, pages 218-223
ISBN: 978-989-758-669-9; ISSN: 2975-9676
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
National Education Standards and helps students
create Pancasila student profiles to achieve the
country's educational objectives.
Not all schools are currently mandated to use the
Emancipated Curriculum. This is adjusted for
educational units recognized as implementing the
Emancipated Curriculum, known as the Driving
School for public schools and the Center for
Vocational High Schools of Excellence for vocational
schools, as well as for the readiness of schools to
carry out its implementation (Kemendikbud, 2022).
Independence in the Emancipated Curriculum's
implementation is both independent and reflective.
The Emancipated Curriculum's learning approach
aims to realize students' holistic and contextual
learning. For kids to learn more meaningfully and
practically than only by memorization. The revised
curricula mandated that teachers change their
teaching methods from being teacher-centered to
becoming more student-centered. It is advised that
teachers transition from their position as the primary
source of learning to that of facilitators and observers
(Rahimi & Alavi, 2017).
The transformation of the educational system and
the promotion of national competitiveness is a
difficult, protracted task that calls for a
comprehensive, multifaceted strategy (Price, 2015).
Because the challenges we confront in our world are
so complicated, it takes the fusion of many different
disciplines, ideas, and abilities to address them
(Roehrig et al., 2021). Mathematics is one of the
disciplines covered in school. Given that mathematics
contains many parts that are relevant to other topics,
including chemistry, physics, and economics,
education providers should regularly examine
mathematics curriculum development initiatives
(Wilkins, 2015).
The background of the challenging and
monotonous mathematics course in school is
frequently mentioned. This motivates educators to
experiment so that instruction can be enjoyable and
well-received by students (Arnold & Sangrà, 2018).
Given that their classmates are more adept at the
material than they are, the difficulties encountered
frequently stem from the failure to apply the principle
of continuity in the subject matter contained in
mathematics. This results in students losing interest
in learning, developing psychological disorders, and
developing cognitive disorders (Karakolidis et al.,
2021; Yeh et al., 2019). Due to the multiplicity of
impacting factors, the subject matter needs to be
It is possible to innovate in math education by
using technology-based learning resources to make
lessons more meaningful. The study and ethical use
of employing appropriate technological processes
and resources to promote learning and improve
performance are known as educational technology.
The use of technology can encourage resolving these
issues in line with the government's objective of
creating the Emancipated Curriculum to prevent
learning loss after the pandemic is not too
widespread. The advancement of information and
communication technologies can be used as teaching
resources to facilitate learning (Tyler-Wood et al.,
2018). A seamless learning process can be supported
by communication technology in the form of print
and electronic media, including television, numerous
Android applications, and laptops (Anggraini et al.,
The pandemic era is a phase of transition from the
Industrial Revolution 4.0 to the Society 5.0 era
(Tempelaar et al., 2012). Era Society 5.0 combines
humans and technology. Humans are technology's
primary focus, and vice versa. It was introduced in
Japan at the start of 2019 in the Society 5.0 period,
which is based on technological advancement.
Because of this, the field of education in Indonesia
has been significantly impacted by technological
advancements in the era of Society 5.0. The
effectiveness of the nation's human resources—
specifically, the calibre of its teachers or educators—
determines how well it will be able to meet the
demands of Society 5.0.
Teachers must possess a variety of abilities and be
able to adjust to emerging technologies and global
concerns, particularly as information and
communication technologies advance. Teachers can
use a variety of technological teaching tools,
including podcasts (non-streaming audio broadcast),
infographics, PowerPoint, motion graphics, Google
Forms, Quiz, and others. With the aid of a variety of
educational resources, including text, images, audio,
video, simulations, etc., this technology enables
students to get lessons from the comfort of their
homes (learn anywhere and anytime) (Useche et al.,
2022) Therefore, instructors must implement the use
of teaching material technology in the Emancipated
The shift from the industrial revolution era 4.0 to
the establishment of the Society 5.0 era after the
pandemic period aims to make it simpler for pupils to
acquire and comprehend the offered information, so
that students themselves might benefit from it when
coping with technological advancements.
Additionally, the topic of using this technology—
specifically, digital technologies in education—was
also covered at the G20 forum. This suggests that one
Welcoming the Emancipated Curriculum: Has the Teachers Been Technology Literate?
of the most crucial things to do is to use technology
in education.
Everyone had to learn to adapt to these rapid
changes in life's many spheres, including schooling,
which included using digital technological tools.
During the pandemic, there has been an incredible
acceleration in the employment of digital
technologies in the field of education. Technology
was brought up as a top issue at the 2022 G20 on
Education and Culture meeting for this reason. The
foundation of this research is based on information
that is currently in circulation, both with regard to the
replacement of Emancipated Curriculum and the use
of technology in education. Teachers are undoubtedly
involved in the use of technology, both as users and
as creators of technology-based learning materials.
The goal of this study was to evaluate teachers'
abilities to facilitate mathematics instruction using
technology when implementing the Emancipated
The research method used is descriptive qualitative
research. The subjects of this study were mathematics
teachers at SMA Negeri 2 Kerinci which is a
Mobilizing School and has implemented the
Emancipated Curriculum in grades X and XI. The
sampling technique used was purposive sampling, in
which researchers deliberately chose individuals to be
research informants. The sample used in this study
amounted to 6 people. Data collection was carried out
through interviews and questionnaires. The
questionnaire is given via google form. The data
collection carried out aims to determine the teacher's
ability to create and use technology as a learning
medium. Data analysis uses the Miles method,
namely data collection, verification, and concluding.
Based on the results of interviews and questionnaires
that were distributed to math teachers at SMA Negeri
2 Kerinci, the following results were obtained:
Figure 1: Use of Technology-Based Learning Media.
Figure 2: Types of Technology Ever Used.
Based on Figure 1 it is known that there are still
17% of teachers who have never used technology-
based learning media in learning mathematics.
Mathematics teachers who have used technology-
based learning media have a percentage of 50%.
Next, the question arises what types of learning media
have been used by mathematics teachers in learning?
The results of the questionnaire in Figure 2 show that
the most technology-based learning media used by
mathematics teachers is PowerPoint.
Figure 3 and Figure 4 illustrate that most
mathematics teachers admit that they have
participated in training on the use of technology-
based learning media several times, but of the 83% of
teachers who have attended training, not all of them
apply the results of the training in mathematics
learning activities. Only 50% or half of the number of
mathematics teachers apply the results of the training.
Have you ever taught using technology-
based learning media in teaching?
Technology used
If you have ever used technology-based
learning media in teaching, what kind of
technology did you use?
ICoIE 4 2022 - The Fourth International Conference on Innovation in Education
Figure 3: Participate in Training Activities on the Use of
Technology-Based Learning Media.
Figure 4: Applying Training Results in Learning
Figure 5: Making Learning Media.
Figure 5 demonstrates that half of the teachers who
were observed and interviewed said they used other
people's media instead of creating their own. This
indicates that, despite their best efforts, teachers do
not investigate their capacity to develop
technologically based learning medium to overcome
the challenges and abstraction of mathematical
content in learning. Teachers have tried to use
technology- based learning media in learning
mathematics even though the media used Most
teachers do not create their own content from learning
media independently but instead use templates that
have been made by others. This is supported by
Figure 6 which shows that teachers are still not fully
able to use technology-based learning media in
learning. In addition, the inadequate facilities and
infrastructure in schools also make it difficult for
teachers to be able to apply technology-based
learning media to the fullest in mathematics learning.
Figure 6: Barriers to Using Technology-Based Learning
The Emancipated Curriculum has differences
from the 2013 Curriculum and the Curriculum in
Special Circumstances. This can be seen from the
basic framework of the formulation of the curriculum.
If the 2013 Curriculum and the Curriculum in Special
Circumstances have a main foundational design that
is the goal of the National Education System and
National Education Standards, then in the
Emancipated Curriculum the main basic design
besides the goals of the National Education System
and National Education Standards also aims to
develop a profile of Pancasila students in students
(Fatmiyati, 2022).
Have you attended training or similar
activities on the use of technology-
based learning media?
Several times
If you have attended the training, have
you applied the results in the
mathematics learning process?
Yes, according
to class
If you use learning media in teaching
mathematics, do you make the media
No (using what
someone else
has created)
make their own
What are the obstacles experienced in
using learning media?
Learning media available in schools are not
Teachers are not fully able to use learning
media in teaching
Prefer teaching using conventional methods
Welcoming the Emancipated Curriculum: Has the Teachers Been Technology Literate?
The results of the interviews conducted explained
that teachers who have taught for decades (more than
20 years) are still not used to using technology-based
learning media, because this is still new and requires
carefulness to learn how to use it. The implementation
of learning in the implementation of the Emancipated
Curriculum is in the form of differentiated learning
(Nurcahyono & Putra, 2022). He admitted that he had
participated in training activities to create
technology-based learning media that could support
the explanation of the material being taught.
However, because the training activities are carried
out only once, so if after the training is finished, the
teacher encounters obstacles when applying the
knowledge gained, it is the reason he does not use the
learning media and chooses to teach as usual. This is
in line with previous research that one of the ways for
the successful use of technology is to carry out
teacher training (Tyler-Wood et al., 2018).
Another acknowledgment came from math
teachers with a lower teaching period of 5-10 years.
They say that the use of technology-based learning
media is very effective and efficient in learning,
because this is still a new thing and has not been used
to learning, so students feel more interested and
curious about the procedures for using these learning
media. It's just that their lack of knowledge about
various technology-based learning media is the cause
of the type of learning media used is still minimal.
The use of PowerPoint in learning is still in the
form of briefly presenting material in the form of
slides. The math teacher should also be able to insert
questions in the form of multiple-choice questions by
directly determining the answer choices for these
questions. So that when students are allowed to
answer, the results of the assessment will appear.
Whether the student's answer is correct or not. If it is
correct, the student gets a score of 100. However, if it
is not correct, the math teacher will direct students to
a summary of the material that can help students
answer the question. The idea of making technology-
based learning media, especially in learning
mathematics is widely shared by several content
creators on various search engines platforms such as
Google and YouTube. However, of course, this is not
100% necessarily causing teachers to be able to make
technology-based learning media self-taught, so
assistance is needed by experts who better understand
ways of making and using technology-based learning
media themselves.
Especially for making technology-based learning
media, not only talking about the teacher's ability to
use the media but also talking about the facilities and
infrastructure owned by the school. More than 50%
of mathematics teachers stated that school facilities
and infrastructure for tools related to the procurement
of technology-based learning media in schools were
still inadequate. This means that there is a balance
between the teacher's knowledge of how to use and
create technology-based learning media and the
existence of adequate facilities and infrastructure.
When asked questions about the readiness of
teachers to apply the Emancipated Curriculum, the
answers obtained indicated that all mathematics
teachers felt ready to implement them. This might be
considered by the government in order to maximize
this readiness by balancing the skills of teachers and
facilities and infrastructure in using technology-based
learning media in schools.
Based on the research that has been done, the
conclusions are obtained:
1. GeoGebra is one of the applications that
mathematics teacher has used to teach;
2. not all teachers are literate in utilizing technology
to aid students' study of maths;
3. there are not enough resources and infrastructure
in place to support the use of technology in math
Thank you to the Department of Tadris Mathematics
and SMA Negeri 2 Kerinci for providing the
opportunity and time for us to carry out this research.
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Welcoming the Emancipated Curriculum: Has the Teachers Been Technology Literate?