According to the research, teachers at SMP N 3
Sungai Pua were unfamiliar with the android
application-based mathematics learning medium that
used construct2. Construct2-based Android apps for
learning maths that have been approved by
professionals. Based on the results of the validation
of the android application-based mathematics
learning media using construct2 by 3 validators, a
total score of 78.52% met the valid criteria, especially
in aspects of learning, material, language, learning
evaluation, and usability was considered valid.
Practicality assessment can be seen from two sources,
namely practical response questionnaires by teachers
and practical response questionnaires by students.
The results of the teacher's response questionnaire
obtained an average score of 82. 32% met the
practical criteria. The results of the student response
questionnaire obtained an average of 85.4% fulfilling
very practical criteria, especially in learning interest,
ease of understanding, and presentation of material
and media presentation. Based on the total average
score, it was obtained that mathematics learning
media based on Android applications used
constructs2 with practical criteria, namely 83.86%.
While the assessment of effectiveness, seen from
student learning outcomes tests showed that 24
students achieved the minimum completeness criteria
(KKM = 70). Thus the percentage of student learning
completeness is 96%, so effectiveness is obtained
with very effective criteria. From student learning
outcomes it is known that there is an effect of learning
outcomes by using learning media based on Android
applications using construct2.
This can happen because learning using learning
media based on Android applications using
construct2 can motivate students to learn the material
provided quickly, and to be able to work together in
completing their assignments. This is in line with the
research results of Astuti& Bhakti (2018), learning
media is a new strategy for learning in the classroom
so that learning is meaningful, not boring, and non-
abstract. The use of mobile learning has been shown
to encourage student motivation and support in their
learning activities (Sulisworo et al, 2016). The
development of multimedia technology promises
great potential in changing the way students learn.
Multimedia also provides educational
opportunities for developing learning techniques
(Taufiq et al, 2017). The existence of learning media
made by the teacher can increase student learning
motivation and students are interested in the lessons
delivered by the teacher.
Likewise, according to Bhakti &Astuti (2018), the
skill level or psychomotor ability of students will
increase if the learning provided by the teacher is
changed (not monotonous) and uses interesting
learning media. Because it is packed with games and
allows students to learn at any time, anywhere, and
with any device, learning with learning media based
on Android applications using construct2 makes
students happier in learning. Students' high levels of
interest and motivation to learn considerably improve
the learning results they achieve. Construct2-based
learning applications for Android have several
benefits, one of which is that the design of the media
is appealing in terms of color, language, graphics, and
animation. The buttons on this medium can function
properly when used following the instructions,
making it simple to use and understand by pupils.
Students won't get tired of utilizing the material
because it follows the SK/KD and is complemented
by images and animations.
The findings of this study support the claims made
by Matsuo et al. (2012, pp. 34–49), Sakat et al. (2012,
p. 874), Anggraeni&Kustijono (2013, pp. 17–18),
and Jabbour (2014, pp. 1-3), according to which
technology-based learning media can improve
learning outcomes by boosting motivation for
learning, making it more interesting and fun, and
increasing learning interest.
They are created under students' levels of
thinking, learning media can enhance cognitive
learning results (Sudjana&Rivai, 2011, p. 3). The
stages of mental evolution, from concrete to abstract,
from simple to sophisticated, are reflected in the
degree of human thought. Because learning media
allow for the concretization of abstract information
and the simplification of complex information, they
are strongly tied to the phases of thinking For the
mutual benefit and protection of Authors and
Publishers, it is necessary that Authors provide
formal written Consent to Publish and Transfer of
Copyright before publication of the Book.
The signed Consent ensures that the publisher has
the Author’s authorization to publish the
Contribution. The copyright form is located on the
authors’ reserved area. The form should be completed
and signed by one author on behalf of all the other
The conclusions from this study include, the android
application-based mathematics learning media using
construct2 on number pattern material has been
successfully developed. The development process
uses Plomp's development model through 3 phases,