Development of Mathematics Learning Media Based on Android
Applications Using Construct2 on Number Pattern Materials
, Anesia Noviliza
and Ergusni
Mathematics Education, FKIP Muhammadiyah University, Pasir Kandang Street, Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Learning Media, Mathematics Learning, Android Applications, Construct.
Abstract: This research aims to produce mathematics learning media based on Android applications using constructs2.
The material chosen is 'Number Pattern' for Junior High School students at SMP Negeri 3 Sungai Pua. This
research and development (R&D) use the Plomp model which consists of a preliminary research phase, a
development or prototyping phase, and an assessment phase. The research subjects were students in class VIII
1, which consisted of 5 students, and class VIII 2, which consisted of 25 students. This study produced an
android application-based mathematics learning media using construct 2 on 'Number Pattern' that met the
following criteria: (1) valid with a final validity score of 78.52%, (2) practical with an average score of
83.86%, and (3) very effective with an average score of 90.4. The number of students who achieve minimum
grade standard is 24 students out of 25 with a 96% average completed score. Based on the results of the
development carried out, the final product is produced, namely, Mathematics learning media based on
Android applications using constructs2 on Number Pattern that is valid, practical, and very effective..
The fourth industrial revolution (or "4.0 revolution")
is the age of widespread use of cutting-edge
technologies, including fiber optics and integrated
network systems. Science and technology are
developing very rapidly, these developments have an
impact on the development of learning media.
Technology-based learning media can be run with the
help of a smartphone. A smartphone is a
communication device that has various functions.
Smartphones can display representations of study
books in a display that is more attractive, practical,
interactive, and not limited by time or place so that
students can use smartphones as learning media that
support learning activities (Huda in Putri Nandita
Apsari et al, 2018: 162).
One of the instructional tools used by instructors
to impart content and foster creativity is learning
media. The term "media" refers to all tangible things
that may be touched, observed, heard, read, or
discussed, as well as the tools that are used to do these
things. (Ruth Lautfer (in Talizaro Tafonao, 2018: 2).
Between teachers and students, learning media act as
a physical and non-physical intermediate to improve
the effectiveness and efficiency of learning. ((NEA
(in Salahuddin 2016: 11 4),(Musfiqon (2012:28),
Ruth Lautfer (in Talizaro Tafonao, 2018: 2)). Based
on the definition, then it can be concluded that media
is anything that can help students in the learning
process so that students can understand the messages
conveyed in learning.
Some research on the development of android-
based mathematics learning media has been carried
out by several researchers, one of which is research
on the development of learning media on three-
dimensional material for Senior High School
students. Researchers reported that the media
developed, the category was quite valid, learning
completeness reached 80% in the effective category,
and the results of the practicality of the media
obtained an average score of 54.485 in the practical
category (Dwiranata et al., (2019)). This is in line
with the results of Habibur Rohman's research (2019)
which states that students need a learning media that
can be used at home or in class, and of them is
Usmadi, U., Noviliza, A., Salmi, S. and Ergusni, E.
Development of Mathematics Learning Media Based on Android Applications Using Construct2 on Number Pattern Materials.
DOI: 10.5220/0012199400003738
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Innovation in Education (ICoIE 4 2022) - Digital Era Education After the Pandemic, pages 258-266
ISBN: 978-989-758-669-9; ISSN: 2975-9676
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
learning media based on android applications using
construct2. The goal is that students are helped and
motivated in learning mathematics. Likewise, Atik
Herawati (2018) states that discovery learning-based
learning media with constructs is appropriate to use
because these media can arouse student learning
Lessons can be created and crafted by using the
most recent technological advancements. Information
and technology-assisted learning materials (ICT) can
be utilized to make learning engaging and improve
academic achievement through improving academic
achievement in the form of learning outcomes and
motivation for learning. (Chuang, 2014, p. 1969). The
implementation of learning as required by PP No. 32
of 2013 article 19 paragraph (1), which states that
learning activities in educational units are held
interactively, inspiring, enjoyable, challenging, and
motivate students' interest, can also be facilitated by
the use of ICT-assisted learning media..
The use of learning media has a very important
role in improving the quality of learning so that it
becomes effective and efficient. Meanwhile,
according to Suryani and Agung (in Liza Ainul Mila,
2019: 12), stating the objectives of using learning
media are (1) increasing learning motivation, (2)
facilitating the presentation of learning materials, (3)
making it easier for teachers to make variations in
learning methods, (4) increasing student activity
during the mathematics learning process. One
application of 21st century learning styles is the usage
of Android-based learning resources.(Calimag et al.,
2014, p. 90). The utilization of this kind of
educational resources has the potential to enhance
students' academic performance in terms of cognitive
learning outcomes.(Chuang & Chen, 2007, p. 27;
Jabbour, 2014, p. 2) and student learning motivation
(Hess, 2014, p. 35; Calimag et al., 2014, p. 90).
Likewise Li et al. (2010, p.171) mentions the use
of smartphones and tablets for learning can benefit
the cognitive, metacognitive, emotional, and
sociocultural components. Smartphones and tablets
have the power to transform the learning experience.
Likewise, Rohman (2018: 112) states that Android-
based learning media is effective in improving
student mathematics learning outcomes. In other
words, Android or what is often called a smartphone
can display representations of learning books in a
more attractive, interactive, practical way and are not
limited in time and place for study. With engaging
applications, this form of learning medium enables
students to learn without restrictions on time or
location. (Squire, 2009, p.70; Meister, 2011, p. 28).
By 2018, there will be more than 100 million
active smartphone users in Indonesia, according to
digital marketing research firm Emarketer. This
indicates that, behind China, India, and America,
Indonesia will have the fourth-highest percentage of
active smartphone users globally. (Wahyudi, 2015).
Similarly, the use of smartphones based on the type
of work, namely 70.98% of users are students, while
based on education level 79.56% of smartphone users
are dominated by students (Kominfo, 2017).
The use of android media in the learning process
is one of the efforts to create more meaningful and
quality learning, can help students practice problem
solving skills, especially math problems, and can
concretize mathematical concepts that were initially
abstract to become concrete with the visualization of
mathematical concepts taught (Muhammad Takdir
(2018:2) Setiawati & Qohar (2020) Argarini &
Sulistyorini (2018).
Furthermore, based on the results of observations
made at a Junior High School namely, SMPN 3
Sungai Pua, it was found that students felt bored
learning if learning used media that was less
interesting, and the method used was the lecture
method. Based on these problems, the researcher
developed an Android application-based learning
media using construct2 because Android application-
based learning media using construct2 was needed, so
that effective, efficient and fun learning was achieved
for students. While the goal of this research and
development is to provide construct2-based
mathematics instructional media that is reliable,
usable, and efficient.
This study belongs to the category of development
research, or R&D. According to (Arliza R, Setiawan
I 2019), R&D research is a process or set of activities
used to create new products or enhance currently
established ones.
Figure 1: Plomp’s research and development phase.
Plomp's research and development design is
referred to throughout this research and development.
Development of Mathematics Learning Media Based on Android Applications Using Construct2 on Number Pattern Materials
The Plomp model is thought to be more adaptable
than the other versions and is therefore ideal for
creating this product. Plomp's model is divided into
three stages: the first stage is basic research; the
second stage is development or prototyping; and the
third stage is assessment. (Plomp and Nieven,
2013:30), as shown in the following figure 1.
The activity steps for each phase are as
follows. Initial investigation phase (preliminary
investigation). Planning work for the creation of
construct2-based Android applications for
mathematics learning media was done during the
early inquiry phase. In this phase, researchers gather
data or information in the field and, using analytical
questionnaires, discover data collection-related
In this phase, the researcher designed a product in
the form of an android application using construct2
according to the characteristics of the students. The
purpose of this phase is to prepare learning media
based on Android applications using constructs2 that
will be developed. At the prototyping stage, a
formative evaluation is implemented. Formative
evaluation is an analysis of a product's advantages
and disadvantages to determine its applicability and
After prototype 1 of the android application-based
learning media using construct2 which was
developed was declared valid and produced prototype
2, it then went through another trial to evaluate the
product. The media evaluation consisted of small
group evaluations. In this prototype, a small group
test was carried out. Small group tests were carried
out by asking 5 students to use learning media based
on Android applications using construct2. Then a
student practicality questionnaire was distributed to 5
students who took the test.
A limited trial (large group trial) was then
undertaken in one class after the small group
evaluation. At this point, the goal is to determine how
well the Android application-based mathematics
learning media usage construct2, which was
developed in the implementation of learning, works
practically and effectively.
The data from the trial results were then reviewed
and the learning materials were once again updated in
light of the findings of the one-class trial. It took
numerous trials and data modifications before usable
and efficient learning media prototypes could be
produced. Figure 2 below shows the study's actions in
Figure 2: Research and development scheme process.
Students are used to test the product trial phase,
which has been deemed valid by several validators.
The feasibility of deploying learning media based on
Android applications using construct2 will be
evaluated after the trial period. Product trials are
evaluating the viability of newly created learning
mathematics products. The trials' purpose is to
evaluate the viability of learning media built using
construct2 for Android applications.
Class VIII 2 Junior High School students from
SMPN 3 Sungai Pua, Agam District served as the
study's test subjects for the 2022–2023 academic
year. The experiment was carried out with class VIII
to evaluate the practicality and efficacy of Android
application-based learning media based on number
pattern content.
In carrying out research and development (R&D),
researchers used two types of data collected, namely
quantitative data and qualitative data.
data were obtained from validator assessment
questionnaire scores and student assessments. This
qualitative data was in the form of validator
suggestions for the product being developed and a
description of the product trial implementation.
The instrument is a device used to make
something easier to implement. The study's data
collection tools included validity questionnaires,
practicality questionnaires, and learning outcomes
tests in activities to evaluate the efficacy of learning
media based on Android applications using
ICoIE 4 2022 - The Fourth International Conference on Innovation in Education
construct2 on number patterns. The validation tests
were conducted by media experts and material
experts, and the practicality tests were conducted by
teachers and students.
The Purpose of this Construct2's Technical Study
of Data Regarding The Use of Learning Media Based
on Android Applications Is To Characterize All The
Validators' Opinions, Recommendations, And
Responses As They Were Gleaned from The
Description Column. an Open Assessment
Questionnaire Was Used to Gather Information
During the Trial Phase to Provide Feedback,
Suggestions, Comments, And Improvements. The
Outcomes of this Descriptive Study are Used To
Assess the Degree of Validity, Applicability, And
Efficacy of Products or Product Development
Outcomes. A Likert Scale With Five Levels of
Criteria Is Used To Collect Qualitative Data From
The Questionnaire, Which Is then Examined By
Computing the Percentage of the Average Item Score
for Each Response to Each Questionnaire Question.
3.1 Results
Development of learning media based on Android
applications using constructs on number pattern
material. The material chosen in this study is material
for the first semester of the 2022/2023 academic year.
The initial investigation phase was carried out to plan
development activities for Android application-based
learning media using construct2. During this phase,
the researcher collects data or information in the field
and distributes student needs analysis questionnaires
to students. It is obtained as follows.
recapitulation of the curriculum analysis for the
Number Pattern’ teaching materials is shown in Table
1 below
Table 1: Summary of curriculum analysis results.
No Basic competencies Indicator
3.1 Make
generalizations of
patterns on number
sequences and object
3.3.1 Determine the pattern
of object configuration rows.
3.3.2 Determining patterns
and syllables of number
3.3.2 Determine arithmetic
sequences and series
2. 4.1 Solving problems
related to patterns in
number sequences.
4.4.1 Solve problems
related to arithmetic
sequences and series.
Source: Middle school curriculum (K-13).
The recapitulation of the student needs
questionnaire analysis is presented in Table 2 below.
Table 2: Students need assessment recapitulation.
No. Statement Conclusion
What do you think
about math?
As many as 60.86% of
students said that learning
mathematics was very
interesting and fun.
What are the
reasons students
don't like math?
As many as 52.17% of
students said that they did not
like learning mathematics
because there were too many
Are mathematics
learning resources
rovided at school?
As many as 100% of students
said that the school had
provided resources.
What learning
resources are
provided in the
As many as 82.60% of
students said that the school
had provided learning media,
namely textbooks.
Have you ever
learned to use an
As many as 65.21% of
students said that they had
learned to use the Android
Do you agree to
learn to use the
As many as 78.26% of
students said that they agreed
if mathematics learning
media were made
Can you understand
how to solve math
problems in the
learning media?
As many as 65.21% of
students said that they could
understand how to solve math
problems in the learning
media. As many as 52.17% of
students showed curiosity in
Do the teaching
materials you use
contain values such
as: Honest; Creative;
Independent; Hard
work; Curiosit
As many as 52.17% of
students develop curiosity in
Can the teaching
materials that you
use increase your
motivation in
As many as 73.91% of students
said that they were motivated
in learning to use the Android
How is the use of
language in teaching
materials that you
often encounter?
As many as 65.21% of students
said that the language used in
previous teaching materials
was easy to understand.
What language is
suitable in learning
As much as 95.65% of students
agree that the language used in
simple language learning
Do you like learning
media based on
As many as 60.86% of students
like to learn using mathematics
learning media based on the
Android application
Development of Mathematics Learning Media Based on Android Applications Using Construct2 on Number Pattern Materials
No. Statement Conclusion
What color do you
like the most for
presenting Android
learning media?
As many as 34.78% of students
liked the media presented in
The phase of development or prototyping. Using
construct2 software, the researcher creates a product
at this stage that is tailored to the needs of the students
and takes the form of an Android application. Basic
competencies (KD), learning objectives, learning
resources, and sample questions are all included in
Android application-based mathematics learning
media. The activities in this phase are, Material
Assessment Based on the analysis stage, the material
used to develop learning media based on the Android
application is number pattern material for class VIII
Junior High School students. Opening aims to make
an Android application using construct2 software to
impress the user with the appearance of the main
menu. It also consists of the entrance to selection
menu, the basic competency menu, and learning
objectives with attractive color choices, and attractive
font types to motivate and generate enthusiasm for
students in learning. The opening page can be seen in
Figure 3.
Figure 3:The opening menu display.
The main display of the android application uses the
developed construct2 software, consisting of the basic
competency main menu, the learning objectives
menu, the instructions menu and the material menu in
the android application. The first menu is the KD
menu. In this section, if selected, it will display
learning competencies KD that applies in schools,
namely K13. The main menu display can be seen in
Figure 4.
Figure 4 shows the main menu on the android
application using this construct2 software, there is a
KD menu, learning objectives menu, instructions
menu and material menu in the android application
using the construct2 software.
Figure 4: Display of the Android application main menu
using construct2 software.
The first menu is the Basic Competency (KD)
menu. In this section, if selected, it will display the
KD The second menu is the hint menu. In this section,
if selected, it will load an Android application-based
media usage guide page. The third menu is the
material menu, this page contains material and
explanations of some solved problem. The
appearance of the material used in this android
application includes the presentation of material in a
systematic manner with an initial discussion, namely
the understanding of number patterns along with a
discussion of sample questions. Discussion of
questions that are packed as interesting as possible.
Before validating learning media based on
Android applications using construct2, the validity of
the research instrument was first carried out, then the
validation of the instrument was analyzed according
to what had been determined. Suggestions and
improvements from the validator and the results of
the Android Application validation are shown in
Figure 5 below:
Figure 5: The display before and after validator suggestions.
ICoIE 4 2022 - The Fourth International Conference on Innovation in Education
Based on the criteria for assessing the validity of
Android application-based learning media that had
been previously determined that the product met the
criteria 68 < V 84 with an average validation score
of 77.24 %, it means that the android application-
based learning media is feasible to use with a little
revision. The results of the final assessment of
learning media based on Android applications using
construct2 can be seen in Table 3 below:
Table 3: Final assessment result recapitulation.
No Validators Score %
Media Expert
1. 01 74,28 Valid
Material Expert
2. 01 72 Valid
3. 02 85,45 Very Valid
Average 77,24 Valid
Student Practicality Response Questionnaire
Results. The results of the student practicality
response questionnaire can be seen in Table 4 below.
Table 4: Student practicality response questionnaire results
o. Statement
A. Interest to learn
1. Attractive
cover design
110 125 88
2. Instructions for
using the
Application in
learning are
clear and easy to
113 125 88
3. Android
application can
help me in
100 125 80
4. Android
makes me bored
100 125 80
5. The existence of
pictures in the
media makes
me lazy to
106 125 84,5
6. Android
applications can
106 125 88,4
curiosity and can
increase my
motivation in
7. The existence of
pictures in the
media makes me
lazy to study *
105 125 84
8. Android
application can
help me in
125 125 92
9. Android
applications can
make learning
easier for me
125 125 88,8
B. Material
1. The presentation
of the material
contained in the
application is
easy for me to
105 125 84
2. The presentation
of sample
contained in the
application is
easy for me to
107 125 85,6
3. Presentation of
material using
media is more
109 125 87,2
4. I can use
Media well
113 125 90,4
C. Benefit
1. I can use the
Media for
102 125 81,6
. I can use
Media well
103 125 82,4
Based on the criteria for assessing the practicality
of learning media based on Android applications that
Development of Mathematics Learning Media Based on Android Applications Using Construct2 on Number Pattern Materials
have been determined, the final product meet very
practical criteria, namely 85 < P 100 with an
average score (85.4%). So it can be concluded that
mathematics learning media based on the Android
application is very practical in learning.
From the results of the teacher's practicality
response, it can be concluded that the presentation of
number pattern material on the Android Application-
based mathematics learning media using construct 2
is clear, the language and examples of questions
contained in the learning media are easy to
understand, the appearance of the Android
application is attractive, and can make learning easier.
So, it can be concluded that Android application-
based learning media is practical in terms of
utilization and usage. The results of the practical
response questionnaire from the teacher can be seen
in Table 5 below.
Table 5: Teacher practicality response questionnaire
No. Indicato
Scor (%) Description
1. The depth and breadth of
the material achieves the
learning objectives
80 Practical
2. Suitability with students'
cognitive development
80 Practical
3. Student curiosity arises
when learning to use the
Android application
100 Practical
4. Students are interested
and motivated in
learning to use the
Android Application
80 Practical
5. Media design with less
attractive material*
80 Practical
6. Appropriateness of the
right mathematical
ts to the material
80 Practical
7. uitability of the material
with KD
80 Practical
8. Order of presentation of
systematic material
80 Practical
9. There are no examples of
questions in learning
100 Practical
10. Availability of test
questions at the end of
80 Practical
11. The theme and color
combinations used are
80 Practical
12. The selection of images
on Android Application
media is interesting
80 Practical
13. The font used is very
clear to students
80 Practical
No. Indicato
Scor (%) Description
14. Ease of use of Android
Application media by
80 Practical
15. The navigation buttons
are attractive and can be
used smoothly (next,
back, home and sub
menu buttons
80 Practical
16. The language used is
easy for students to
understand and is in
accordance with (EYD)
80 Practical
17. The language used is not
in accordance with
80 Practical
82,35% Practical
To see the effectiveness of the android
application-based mathematics learning media using
construct2 on number pattern material, a test was
carried out on each student, to measure the level of
student understanding of the material that had been
learned and understood by using the media. The
learning outcomes test can be seen in Table 6 below.
Table 6: Students test result recapitulation.
No Information Total students com
1. Complete >70 24 96 %
2. No complete <70 1 4 %
The results of the assessment of the effectiveness
of the android application-based mathematics
learning media using construct2 on the number
pattern material meet the very effective criteria,
namely 80 <E 100 with an average percentage of
student learning completeness of 96% or the number
of students who completed as many as 24 students out
of 25 students who took the test.
3.2 Discussion
The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic has
motivated teachers to improve their skills in
designing technology-based learning. There are many
platforms available to support learning. Android
applications using construct2 are a platform that
provides creators to be creative in creating an
application easily without coding, including teachers.
Teachers can add material and quizzes in the form of
text, audio, and video, attach files, and can even be
integrated into websites and social media. Of course,
the features that have been made can help the learning
process, especially in number pattern material.
ICoIE 4 2022 - The Fourth International Conference on Innovation in Education
According to the research, teachers at SMP N 3
Sungai Pua were unfamiliar with the android
application-based mathematics learning medium that
used construct2. Construct2-based Android apps for
learning maths that have been approved by
professionals. Based on the results of the validation
of the android application-based mathematics
learning media using construct2 by 3 validators, a
total score of 78.52% met the valid criteria, especially
in aspects of learning, material, language, learning
evaluation, and usability was considered valid.
Practicality assessment can be seen from two sources,
namely practical response questionnaires by teachers
and practical response questionnaires by students.
The results of the teacher's response questionnaire
obtained an average score of 82. 32% met the
practical criteria. The results of the student response
questionnaire obtained an average of 85.4% fulfilling
very practical criteria, especially in learning interest,
ease of understanding, and presentation of material
and media presentation. Based on the total average
score, it was obtained that mathematics learning
media based on Android applications used
constructs2 with practical criteria, namely 83.86%.
While the assessment of effectiveness, seen from
student learning outcomes tests showed that 24
students achieved the minimum completeness criteria
(KKM = 70). Thus the percentage of student learning
completeness is 96%, so effectiveness is obtained
with very effective criteria. From student learning
outcomes it is known that there is an effect of learning
outcomes by using learning media based on Android
applications using construct2.
This can happen because learning using learning
media based on Android applications using
construct2 can motivate students to learn the material
provided quickly, and to be able to work together in
completing their assignments. This is in line with the
research results of Astuti& Bhakti (2018), learning
media is a new strategy for learning in the classroom
so that learning is meaningful, not boring, and non-
abstract. The use of mobile learning has been shown
to encourage student motivation and support in their
learning activities (Sulisworo et al, 2016). The
development of multimedia technology promises
great potential in changing the way students learn.
Multimedia also provides educational
opportunities for developing learning techniques
(Taufiq et al, 2017). The existence of learning media
made by the teacher can increase student learning
motivation and students are interested in the lessons
delivered by the teacher.
Likewise, according to Bhakti &Astuti (2018), the
skill level or psychomotor ability of students will
increase if the learning provided by the teacher is
changed (not monotonous) and uses interesting
learning media. Because it is packed with games and
allows students to learn at any time, anywhere, and
with any device, learning with learning media based
on Android applications using construct2 makes
students happier in learning. Students' high levels of
interest and motivation to learn considerably improve
the learning results they achieve. Construct2-based
learning applications for Android have several
benefits, one of which is that the design of the media
is appealing in terms of color, language, graphics, and
animation. The buttons on this medium can function
properly when used following the instructions,
making it simple to use and understand by pupils.
Students won't get tired of utilizing the material
because it follows the SK/KD and is complemented
by images and animations.
The findings of this study support the claims made
by Matsuo et al. (2012, pp. 34–49), Sakat et al. (2012,
p. 874), Anggraeni&Kustijono (2013, pp. 17–18),
and Jabbour (2014, pp. 1-3), according to which
technology-based learning media can improve
learning outcomes by boosting motivation for
learning, making it more interesting and fun, and
increasing learning interest.
They are created under students' levels of
thinking, learning media can enhance cognitive
learning results (Sudjana&Rivai, 2011, p. 3). The
stages of mental evolution, from concrete to abstract,
from simple to sophisticated, are reflected in the
degree of human thought. Because learning media
allow for the concretization of abstract information
and the simplification of complex information, they
are strongly tied to the phases of thinking For the
mutual benefit and protection of Authors and
Publishers, it is necessary that Authors provide
formal written Consent to Publish and Transfer of
Copyright before publication of the Book.
The signed Consent ensures that the publisher has
the Author’s authorization to publish the
Contribution. The copyright form is located on the
authors’ reserved area. The form should be completed
and signed by one author on behalf of all the other
The conclusions from this study include, the android
application-based mathematics learning media using
construct2 on number pattern material has been
successfully developed. The development process
uses Plomp's development model through 3 phases,
Development of Mathematics Learning Media Based on Android Applications Using Construct2 on Number Pattern Materials
namely: (1) the preliminary research phase, (2) the
development or prototyping phase, and the
assessment phase.
The results of evaluating the validity of the android
application-based mathematics learning media using
construct2 on number pattern material by the
validator met the valid criteria with an average score
obtained of 78.52%. So that the mathematics learning
media based on the android application uses
construct2 on number pattern material that is feasible
to use with a slight revision according to the
suggestions of the validator.
The results of the practicality assessment of the
android application-based mathematics learning
media using construct2 on number pattern material
meet practical criteria with an average teacher
response score of 82.32%, while student responses
with an average of 86.25% for class VIII 1, 85.4% for
class VIII 2.
The average score for practicality was 83.86%. So
the Android application-based mathematics learning
media uses construct -2 on number pattern material
that is feasible to use. The results of the effectiveness
of the Android application-based mathematics
learning media using construct2 on number pattern
material are very effective with an average score of
90.4. So that the average percentage of student
learning completeness is 96% or the number of
students who complete 24 students out of 25 students
who take the learning achievement test.
Based on the results of the development carried
out by going through the 3 phases above, the final
product is a valid, practical, and very effective
Android application-based math learning media.
Mathematical learning media products based on
Android applications using construct2 on number
pattern material are considered very effective for use
in learning, so it is recommended that educators and
students be able to use them as alternative media for
learning mathematics on number pattern material.
Similar media also need to be developed with other
learning materials to support the implementation of
learning in schools.
On this occasion, we would like to thank the Dekan
of FKIP, the Principal of SMPN 3 Sungai Pua, and
the teachers who have allowed us to be able to carry
out research at SMPN 3 Sungai Pua, as well as all
parties who have provided material and non-material
assistance. May it be a good deed by Allah Ta'alla.
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ICoIE 4 2022 - The Fourth International Conference on Innovation in Education