title of the learning at the junior high school level are
not too many namely religion, Pancasila, Indonesian
literature, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies,
Physical education sports and health, Informatics, Art
and English. In independent curriculum,
intracurricular learning is arranged in operational
curriculum of the education unit. The operational
curriculum of education unit in the independent
curriculum has similarity with the previous existing
curriculum which is the level of the curriculum from
education units that was issued and used in 2006 for
the operating curriculum of education unit in
independent curriculum developed by
operationalizing the vision, the mission of education
unit and the local culture context. On the education
unit level curriculum that existed in 2006, the
teaching tools were developed by each teacher in
accordance with the education unit
characteristics(Ansyar, 2015). Now the independent
curriculum is also designed by each teacher in
accordance with the talents and interests of each
student in strengthening the profile of Pancasila
students(Sayyidi, 2020).
The second component in the independent
curriculum structure is the strengthening project of
the profile of Pancasila students, it is a particular
activity designated specifically for strengthening the
effort to achieve the profile in learning Pancasila that
the results finally later will refers to the competence
standard of the graduates. In the independent
curriculum there is local content that become the
typical characteristic of the curriculum where the
education unit can add the local content set by the
local government in accordance with the local
characteristics. The education unit can add the
additional content in accordance with the
characteristics of the education unit history flexible
through three choices; first, the education unit can
integrate to the subject. For example, in learning
mathematics, we integrate the local content with the
local cultures for example with traditional house,
local craft named songket or Minangkabau carvings
that is known with mathematics term that refers to
ethno math. These conduct the integration to the
theme of strengthening project for the Pancasila
profile as an example for the program like
"Baliak ka Surau". The third, the education unit can
develop subject which stands alone, for example in
Bukittinggi there is Minangkabau natural culture
learning that becomes the school subject.
In the independent curriculum, we know with
term learning achievements. Learning achievements
is a target that must be filled by the students when
learning intracurricular subject. Learning
achievement is learning competence that must be
achieved by the student at every phase started from
foundation on Early Childhood Education for basic
and intermediate education. The learning
achievements arranged for every learning. This thing
refers to decision of Minister of Indonesia number
56/M/2022 concerning the curriculum application
guidelines in order to recovery learning. The
government only set the final goals and the phase time
whereas the education unit have discretion to
determine the strategies and methods or plot for
reaching it in order to determine the required
appropriate strategy.
There are 5 components of the learning
achievements; the first is the subject rational, the
second is the goals of lesson, and the third is the
subject characteristics, the fourth is the subject
achievements in every phase overall, and the fifth is
the achievement of every phase according to the
Education unit operational Curriculum developed
to show suitability with the characteristics and the
needs of the students in the local and education unit.
In the development and the management of operating
curriculum, The Education Unit includes whole
stakeholders’ interest that consist of students,
committee school and community. Principle
development operations curriculum in the Education
Unit with at least the first 5 points must be centered
to participating in education that is learning the must
Fulfill diversity potency needs development and
stages study as well as interest participant educate.
The profile of Pancasila students always becomes
referred to each step in drafting operational school
curriculum. Both must be contextual which means
that it shows peculiarity and characteristics unit of the
social context and work and industrial environment
that shows characteristics from study participants in
the area. Third principle is developing curriculum to
load essential information or the main thing that is
needed and used for Education unit. Language must
be used straightforward to concise acknowledgement.
which leads us to the fourth principle that develop
independent curriculum that is accountable and mean
that it could be held accountable by data-based and
actual occurrence. While the fifth involves various
stakeholders’ interests.
3.2 Implementation of Independent
Curriculum Through Teacher
Teaching Modules in Learning
Teaching tools are various materials used by
educators or inner teacher effort reach profile
Pancasila students and achievements learning.
Teaching modules include book text lessons, teaching
modules, reinforcement projects profile Pancasila