proposed it as the basis of the state. And since then
Pancasila has become the official philosophy of the
Indonesian state. Pancasila is the philosophy of the
Indonesian state which was officially ratified by PPKI
on August 18, 1945 and was also contained in the 4th
paragraph of the 1945 Constitution which is
contained in the 4 main ideas of Pancasila, namely
Belief in One Almighty God, just and civilized
Humanity, Indonesian unity, and a strong democracy,
led by wisdom in deliberations/representation, as well
as by realizing one social justice for all Indonesian
people. These Pancasila values are used as principles
and guidelines that underlie all aspects of national and
state life, including providing a foundation in the
aspect of education.
Pancasila as the philosophical foundation of
education in Indonesia, is emphasized in Article 2 of
Law no. 2 of 1989 which stipulates that national
education is organized based on Pancasila and the
1945 Constitution. In line with this, MPKR RI Decree
No. 11/MPR/1978 concerning P4 stipulates that
Pancasila is the soul of all Indonesian people, the
personality of the Indonesian nation, the outlook on
life of the Indonesian nation and the foundation of the
Indonesian State. In line with that, Law No. 12 of
2012 Article 1 Concerning Higher Education explains
that education is a conscious and planned effort to
create an atmosphere learning and the learning
process so that students actively develop their
potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-
control, personality, intelligence, morals noble
character, as well as the skills needed by himself, the
community, the nation and the state.
Based on the law above, it means that the
implementation of education in Indonesia must be
conducted based on Pancasila and the 1945
Constitution, because Pancasila is the way of life for
the Indonesian nation, therefore the learning process
held in education in Indonesia has the aim of
developing the potential and character of student,
Pancasila values give influence and style to the
educational process that is held, besides that
Pancasila values will also reflect how education
should be internalized and implemented.
Based on the description above, several problems
will be studied in this paper, namely how to
implement the Pancasila philosophy in education in
The method used in compiling this article is literature
study, literature study is studying various sources,
ranging from books, articles, various references
related to the philosophy of Pancasilaism in education
in Indonesia and its implementation in education, the
same research study was also conducted so that the
author gets valid and accurate conclusions.
2.1 The Basic Concept of Pancasila
2.1.1 Definition of Philosophy
The word philosophy is etymologically derived from
the Greek language, namely philosophies which
comes from the verb philosophies which means to
love wisdom, philosophy also comes from the verb
philen which means to love, or the word philia which
means love and the word sopia which means wisdom,
from this word the term philosophy was born from
English, namely philosophy which means love of
wisdom (Asmoro, Ahmadi, 2010).
Meanwhile, when viewed from the terminology or
meaning contained in philosophy, it has different
meanings, in accordance with the philosophers who
put it forward. Just as Plato argued that philosophy is
knowledge that tries to reach knowledge of truth,
meanwhile Aristotle said that philosophy is a science
consisting of truth which includes the sciences of
metaphysics, logic, rhetoric, economics, politics, and
aesthetics, while Al-Farabi, an Arab philosopher,
explained that philosophy is a science related to the
nature of how the real world is advanced (Surajiyo,
Based on the terms put forward by the
philosophers above, it can be concluded that
philosophy is a knowledge that discusses everything
thoroughly and deeply using reason and thought to its
essence, philosophy discusses the nature of
phenomena that occur, and when viewed from the
philosophical concept of in relation to the scope of the
language, it can be said that philosophy covers many
subjects, such as humans, nature, knowledge, and
Philosophy can be grouped into two, namely:
First, philosophy as a product or result of a thinking
process, philosophy as a thinking process includes: 1.
Knowledge, concepts, thoughts of philosophers in the
past, often known as schools of thought or
philosophical systems, 2. Philosophy as a problem
faced by society as a result of philosophizing
activities. This has the meaning that humans are in
search of a truth that originates from problems that
are rooted in the human mind, which is an activity or
a process of deep thinking. Second, philosophy is a
process, this means that philosophy is a philosophical