oneself. Intrapersonal intelligence is intelligence in
understanding and understanding yourself.
According to Gardner in Suparno (2013), children
who have Intrapersonal Intelligence will stand out in
the following abilities:
1. Can concentrate well
2. Surprise and expression of different feelings
3. Deep self-knowledge
4. Self-balance
5. Awareness of spiritual reality
6. Reflective, likes to work alone.
From the results of observations made by researchers,
intrapersonal intelligence in Nurul Hidayah
Bukittinggi Kindergarten children where children
have not been able to express simple or confident
opinions and defuse rules. Children cannot complete
their work, cannot express activities such as telling
about themselves, can see facial expressions when
doing activities he likes, and can express their
feelings. Teachers are less able to motivate children
by using exciting methods. For children to be
interested in learning, teacher learning uses creative,
innovative and varied methods for children, because
creativity in choosing methods is very important in
learning, so children want to play an active role
directly and not passively. Based on the description
above, the observer stated that this phenomenon
needs to be minimized by giving flying butterfly
songs to improve children's intrapersonal abilities.
The flying butterfly song is a song with the theme of
flying butterflies. Song (singing) is a work of art
related to sound art and language art, as a work of
sound art that involves the melody and vocal color of
the singer.
Music is used as a learning medium. Of course, it
must be able to make the learning atmosphere fun and
not dull. In this case, music is related to numbers. The
use of music for children will undoubtedly have a
positive impact on their learning process. It is because
music is a way to stimulate the mind so that children
can receive the material well. In addition, music
stimulates the mind, improves concentration and
memory improves cognitive, physiological, and
emotional intelligence. Music will also affect
children's feelings, influencing the teaching and
learning process. So the goal to be achieved in this
study is to develop intrapersonal abilities using music
media in group B kindergarten children.
This research was conducted using a quantitative
approach. Which method used in this study is a quasi-
experimental design (pseudo-experiment). The use of
quasi-experimental design methods was carried out to
achieve the research objectives, i.e., increase the
ability to know numbers in Kindergarten Group B
children. The quasi-experimental design used in this
study was a non-equivalent pretest-posttest control
group design (Sugiyono, 2011). A description of the
flow of implementing the guidance program using
music media can be seen in the picture as follows.
Table 1: Design research.
Information :
01: initial test (before being given treatment) on
the experimental group and control group
02: final test (after being given treatment) on the
experimental group and control group
X1: giving treatment using music media
X2: conventional treatment / without treatment
The results of research done on the control group,
after being given a pretest and then the control group
did conventional learning six times meeting and given
a posttest, can be seen from the results below. Based
on the t-test results, the results obtained were t =
12.038 with a level significance of 0.000. It shows
that there is a significant difference between the
experimental group and the control group.
Related to this research, researchers have
conducted observations and interviews that focused
on aspects of the development of intrapersonal
intelligence in children, namely, aspects of
independence, discipline, self-confidence,
responsibility, expressing activities, and being able to
improve themselves. Based on the results of the data
obtained from observations and interviews in group B
of Nurul Hidayah Kindergarten with 15 children. It
was found that there were eight children whose
intrapersonal intelligence development was at an
excellent level of developmental achievement (BSB)
and five children with an expected development level
of achievement (BSH). Moreover, the remaining two
children with the level of achievement began to