their potential such as planning interesting, fun, and
meaningful learning (Setiawan et al., 2022).
The curriculum is the life of education. Education
in Indonesia always experiences curriculum changes
from time to time. Changes in the curriculum
certainly cannot be avoided and passed but must
always be lived and adapted to the needs and
principles (Sadewa, 2022). The national education
system is required to make renewal in a planned,
directed continually, and continuous manner so that it
can guarantee equitable education, improved quality
as well as the relevance and efficiency of education
management to prepare students to face challenges
according to the demands of life changes both local,
national, to global (Faiz and Kurniawaty, 2022).
In Indonesia, one of the educational development
processes is curriculum development (Bisri, 2020;
Safaruddin, 2020). The curriculum in Indonesia has
been developed since independence, and changes
occur from time to time. The curriculum is the life of
the course of education (Huda, 2017). Through the
curriculum, it is expected that education success will
be created. Changes in the curriculum cannot be
avoided due to the lack of proper education in
Indonesia and the influence of sociocultural systems,
politics, economics, and science and technology
(Pahlawan et al., 2022). To achieve success in
education, in addition to a good curriculum, all
components in education must be bound to each other
(Abi Hamid et al., 2020; Safaruddin, 2020)
In 2021 the government, through the Ministry of
Education and Culture, the government launched the
prototype curriculum, which was further enhanced in
2022 and became the Merdeka curriculum. In its
journey, the implementation of the Merdeka
Curriculum (IKM) was carried out in stages, not
simultaneously and not massively. The government
provides opportunities for schools to conduct IKM
learning independently. IKM Mandiri is made in
three categories: Mandiri Learning, Change, and
Mandiri Sharing.
One of the schools that uses the Merdeka Learning
curriculum is SMK Negeri 6 Padang, also a Sekolah
Pusat Keunggulan. According to the results of
interviews with deputy school principals in the field
of curriculum and several learning committee
teachers at SMKN 6 Padang, "In Merdeka
curriculum, there is a term called KOSP (Education
Unit Operational Curriculum) which is the basis of
learning at school, teaching modules and student
profile project Pancasila."
In the Merdeka Learning Curriculum, learning
strives to lead to the formation of the Pancasila
Student Profile following its vision and mission,
which emphasizes the formation of Pancasila
students. Based on the Minister of Education and
Culture Regulation No. 22 of 2020 concerning the
Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Education and
Culture of 2020-2024, Pancasila Students are the
embodiment of Indonesian students as a lifelong
student who has global competence and behaves
Pancasila values, with six main characteristics:
Believers, fear God and have a noble character, global
diversity, work together, independent, critical
reasoning, and creative.
Before using the Merdeka Learning Curriculum,
SMK Negeri 6 Padang had implemented character
education for its students. For example, by inviting
students always to maintain the cleanliness of the
school, not damage plants, and discipline in time.
Education developers use Pancasila Student Profiles
as the leading destination (Kemendikbud Ristek,
2021B). According to the Deputy Principal of the
Curriculum Section of SMKN 6 Padang, there are still
several obstacles to applying to Kurikulum Merdeka
in this school.
The demand for independent learning certainly
has various obstacles. One of the factors that causes
this to happen is educational technology. Educational
technology is a scientific field that aims to facilitate
the learning process by using various learning
resources included in the appropriate technology to
form an efficient and practical education. This is
illustrated in the definition of educational technology
according to AECT 2004, which contains that
learning technology is research and ethical practice in
facilitating learning and can improve performance
based on appropriate technological resources.
(Setiawan and Fauzan, 2022). Educational
technology is intended to make learning more
effective, efficient, numerous, comprehensive, faster,
and meaningful for the lives of those who learn
(Setiawan and Fauzan, 2022). Thus, technological
advances are expected to allow teachers to apply
various technologies in education.
Based on the background of the problem
above, which is the topic of discussion in this
study, the writer feels the need to analyze the
development of the Kurikulum Merdeka in Facing
the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 SMKN 6 Padang.
This research is a qualitative approach to descriptive
research. Data collection techniques used are in-depth
interviews, observation, and documentation. Data
analysis is done through data reduction, presentation,