where the learning took place after school with a
variety of activities and interesting traditional and
digital media to help the students joyfully learning the
English language.
3.4 Discussions
This study found that the implementation of the
English club could be considered successful to a
certain degree. This could be seen from the students’
perceptions regarding the English club where the
English club with its joyful teaching activities and
interesting traditional and digital media, and the
guidance from the tutors could help the students learn
English language mainly in the capacity of
vocabulary mastery and speaking skills. At the same
time, English club could also build the students’
motivation to help them learn the English language.
Motivation is important as motivation could be a
booster for the students to learn the English language
that could be beneficial for their life even after the
students completed their studies (Muslim, Hamied, &
Sukyadi, 2020; Rodríguez & Cobos, 2021). This
finding is in line with the previous studies that found
out that English club could build motivation and
proficiency of the students in the context of a senior
high school (Donal&Niati, 2018) and in the context
of higher education (Abdala, 2021; Eni
Suriyah&Mazulfah, 2022). The difference with the
previous studies is that this study investigated the
implementation of the English club with an
integration of interesting traditional and digital media
at a private Islamic school in Northern Pontianak,
Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia where
similar studies were still limited. Nevertheless, this
study also had a limitation where this study only
based its findings from participant observations and
interviews without having consideration from other
tools such as tests and questionnaires.
This study aimed to explore how the English club
with an integration of interesting traditional and
digital media was implemented at an Islamic private
senior high school in Pontianak, West Kalimantan,
Indonesia. The results of the data analysis reveal that
the English club with its three phases, interesting
traditional and digital media, and joyful teaching
activities could help build the students’ motivation to
learn the English language and capacity in vocabulary
mastery and speaking skills. The researchers
suggested that public and private senior high schools
should initiate an English club with an integration of
interesting traditional and digital media to help their
students learn the English language without being
afraid of making mistakes or having low grades. A
further study should add a proficiency test to provide
solid evidence to see the effectiveness of the
implementation of the English club regarding the
students’ English proficiency.
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