In this paper, we revisit the MLE estimate of the
local intrinsic dimensionality which has been used in
previous works on adversarial detection. An analysis
of the extracted LID features and their theoretical
properties allows us to redefine an LID-based feature
using unfolded local growth rate estimates that are
significantly more discriminative than the aggregated
LID measure.
Limitations. While our method allows to achieve al-
most perfect to perfect results in the considered test
scenario and for the given datasets, we do not claim
to have solved the actual problem. We use the evalu-
ation setting as proposed in previous works (e.g.(Ma
et al., 2018)) where each attack method is evaluated
separately and with constant attack parameters. For a
deployment in real-world scenarios, the robustness of
a detector under potential disguise mechanisms needs
to be verified. An extended study on the transfer-
ability of our method from one attack to the other
can be found in the supplementary material. It shows
first promising resulting in this respect but also leaves
room for further improvement.
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