sound basis (Karthikeyan, et al., 2022). As a
consequence, response measures may be devised
earlier and more goal-driven, causing milder social,
economic, and cultural impacts as compared to the
current practice. For monitoring SARS-CoV-2
variants, influent samples are collected from
wastewater treatment plants and analyzed in
laboratories using reverse transcription quantitative
real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) and/or genomic
sequencing. To devise response measures as precisely
as possible, results achieved by SARS-CoV-2
monitoring must be correlated with data sets (e.g.
COVID-19 metrics) stemming from other data
To efficiently and accurately correlate the results
achieved by SARS-CoV-2 monitoring with data from
other sources, software systems need to be
implemented that are capable of (i) interlinking
COVID-19-related data from third parties, (ii)
providing user interfaces with remote access, (iii)
implementing software design concepts that are well-
established, and (iv) deploying on-demand data
analysis. Hence, a software architecture must be
defined, on which SARS-CoV-2 monitoring systems
may be built. Therefore, this paper systematically
reviews software architectures of SARS-CoV-2
monitoring systems, and of monitoring systems in
general, considering peer-reviewed journals, book
series, and conference proceedings.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows. First, the research methodology of the review
is described. Second, the results of the systematic
review are presented, and requirements of SARS-
CoV-2 monitoring systems are identified. Third,
based on a discussion of the results, a software
architecture for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring systems is
proposed. Finally, conclusions are drawn, and a brief
outlook on future research is presented.
To ensure high quality of the literature screened in the
systematic review, journals, book series and confer-
ence proceedings indexed in the Scopus database are
used (Elsevier, 2022). The review includes literature
published between 2019 to 2022 because the first
COVID-19 case was registered in December 2019.
The research methodology follows three main steps,
(i) data collection, (ii) data organization, and (iii) data
analysis. In the first step, data collection, two search
strings are used, and the first search string is (“soft-
ware architecture” and (“monitoring” or “surveil-
lance”)). Owing to the novelty of SARS-CoV-2 mon-
itoring, SARS-CoV-2-related terms are omitted in the
first search string, i.e. the systematic review starts
with software architectures for monitoring and sur-
veillance applications in general, which results in an
initial search result of 1964 papers. The second search
string is (“software architecture” and (“SARS-CoV-
2” or “covid*” or “corona”)), covering literature on
software architectures for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring,
including monitoring efforts based on wastewater, as
well as literature reporting on software architectures
for SARS-CoV-2 platforms without monitoring fea-
tures, leading to 39 search results.
In the second step of the research methodology,
data organization, the results are subject to inclusion
and exclusion criteria, to ensure high quality of the
search results. It should be noted that, in general,
research papers that consider software architectures
of monitoring systems as well as literature reviews
that summarize software architectures for monitoring
systems are included. Additionally, papers written in
different languages are included. The primary
exclusion criterion is related to the question whether
the software architecture has been described in a way
that allows a clear identification for the systematic
In the third step of the research methodology, data
analysis, the following research question is to be
answered: “What types of software architectures have
been implemented for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring
systems?” When answering the research question,
identified literature is analyzed, starting from a
broader analysis of monitoring system architectures
in general, ending up in architectures of systems
specifically designed for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring.
The research methodology is visualized in Figure 1.
Regarding the first search string, i.e. monitoring sys-
tem architectures in general, from 1964 papers ini-
tially found, 100 papers are relevant to the review.
Regarding the second search string, i.e. monitoring
system architectures related to SARS-CoV-2 moni-
toring, from 39 papers initially found, 3 papers are
relevant to the review. The software architectures of
the monitoring systems presented in the papers found
from the first search string are categorized in Figure
2 and described in the following subsection, followed
by a description of the software architectures pro-
posed for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring systems.