Several researchers have oriented their research axes
to detect DoS/DDoS attacks using multiple methods
and techniques. In this section, we summarize some
of the recent works in the detection of DoS/DDoS
attacks using different ML/DL approaches.
The focus of (Virupakshar et al., 2020) is on
bandwidth and connection flooding types of DDoS
attacks. The Decision Tree (DT), K-Nearest
Neighbors (KNN), Naïve Bayes (NB), and Deep
Neural Network (DNN) algorithms were used for the
detection of DDoS attacks in the cloud environment.
The DNN model has been chosen as it has the highest
accuracy and precision values of about 96% using the
dynamically generated dataset from the OpenStack-
based private cloud platform. The main limitation of
this paper is that it validates the proposed approach
with an obsolete dataset namely KDDCUP99.
(Bhardwaj et al., 2020) propose a novel architecture
that combines a stacked sparse Autoencoder (AE) for
feature learning with a Deep Neural Network (DNN)
for the classification of network traffic into DDoS and
normal network traffic. A comparative analysis of the
proposed approach has been conducted with ten state-
of-the-art approaches and validated based on the
CICIDS2017 and the NSL-KDD standard datasets.
The proposed approach yields competitive results as
compared to other state-of-the-art methods giving an
accuracy of 98.43% over the NSL-KDD and 98.92%
using the CICIDS2017. However, certain limitations
in this work are evident and the most obvious one is
the lack of information regarding the detection time
of the proposed model.
(Wei et al., 2021) proposed a hybrid method
namely AE-MLP to separate the DDoS attacks from
the normal network traffic. The AE identifies the
most significant features automatically and the MLP
takes the selected features as input and classifies the
DDoS attacks based on the attack types. The
suggested technique was evaluated based on the
CICDDoS2019 dataset. According to the obtained
results, the precision, recall, and accuracy are
measured as 97.91%, 98.48%, and 98.34%,
respectively. One of the advantages of this work is its
ability to detect different types of attacks. However,
it requires high computational resources during the
training phase of the proposed model.
(Azizan et al., 2021) present an analysis of IDS
using three popular classification algorithms, which
are random forest (RF), decision jungle (DJ), and
support vector machine (SVM). The ML-based
NIDSs are implemented and tested using the CIC-
IDS2017. The obtained results show that the SVM
has the best overall results in detecting the DDoS
attacks with an average accuracy of 98.18%, a
precision of 98.74%, and an average recall of 95.63%
and thus can be used as an IDS. This paper limited the
classification process to only three ML algorithms
which may be extended to explore more classifier
The research proposed by (Kumar et al., 2022)
identifies modern DDoS attacks based on the light
gradient boosting method (LGBM) and the extreme
gradient boosting (XGBoost) using the openly
available dataset CICDDoS 2019. These two ML
methods have been selected because of their superior
prediction ability in high volumes of data in less
computation time. According to the experimental
results, the highest accuracy is obtained by the
XGBoost-based model with an average of 94.80% in
229 seconds. A limitation of this work is that all the
instances present in the dataset cannot be processed,
even with the use of high-end machines.
In this section, we first give the performance metrics
used to evaluate our model. Then, we examine the
details of the CICIDS2017 dataset used for
deployment and validation of our detection method,
along with the data pre-processing procedure. Finally,
we discuss the experimental results that we attained.
3.1 Performance Metrics
The ability of IDS to make the correct predictions
considers the measure of its effectiveness. Depending
on the comparisons between the results that are
predicted via IDS and the true nature of the event,
there are four prospect outputs that are illustrated in
Table 1 well known as the confusion matrix. These
four outcomes are:
True Positives (TP): The cases in which the
IDS predicted «Malicious» and the actual
output was also « Malicious ».
True Negatives (TN): The cases in which the
IDS predicted «Benign» and the actual output
was «Benign».
False Positives (FP): The cases in which the
IDS predicted «Malicious» and the actual
output was « Benign ».
False Negatives (FN): The cases in which the
IDS predicted «Benign» and the actual output
was « Malicious ».