Table 6: Collective results of the models.
Model Accuracy (test) Comments
Random Forest 47 % max depth =15
K-Nearest Neighbours 47 % K = 3
K-Nearest Neighbours 46 % K = 1
Decision Tree 40 % max depth =15
CNN (2 Conv) Weighted 52 % Batch Size = 8, Learning Rate 0.0007, Epochs 10
CNN (2 Conv) Weighted 54 % Batch Size = 8, Learning Rate 0.001, Epochs 6
CNN (2 Conv) 50% Batch Size = 4, Learning Rate 0.001, Epochs 10
CNN (2 Conv) 54 % Batch Size = 4, Learning Rate 0.001, Epochs 7
CNN (3 Conv) 57 % Batch Size = 8, Learning Rate 0.0004, Epochs 7
The nature and quantity of the data set’s images
precluded further investigation and more detailed re-
sults. Despite the fact that we have demonstrated that
Neural Network models can indeed identify hidden
patterns with some decent accuracy.
Our solution and proposed labels can be set to be
a way for classifying Raven IQ matrices in a more au-
tomated way. This suggests that models such as Gen-
erative Adversarial Neural Networks (GANs) may be
able to generate new and distinct IQ tests and patterns,
based on such patterns.
The lack of labeled data set with more examples
and pictures is a drawback since it did not allow us
to make our models more efficient. There is also the
limitation that similar data sets may have different
kinds of images or tests format, something that may
be solved by using feature extraction techniques.
Future research will include larger and more ex-
tensive data collection, more detailed labels, and more
complex Neural Network models for classifying IQ
tests and patterns. Finally, using Generative Adver-
sarial Neural Networks, we will be able to test the
hypothesis of developing new IQ tests using cutting-
edge models.
We would like to thank Kejsi Rrasa for their help, and
support and for reviewing this paper before submit-
ting it.
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