A New Approach to Probabilistic Knowledge-Based Decision Making
Thomas C. Henderson
, Tessa Nishida
Amelia C. Lessen
, Nicola Wernecke
, Kutay Eken
and David Sacharny
School of Computing, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A.
Blyncsy Inc, Salt Lake City, UT, U.S.A.
Probabilistic Logic Decision Making.
Autonomous agents interact with the world by processing percepts and taking acti ons in order t o achieve a
goal. We consider agents w hich account for uncertainty when evaluating the state of the world, determine a
high level goal based on this analysis, and then select an appropriate plan to achieve that goal. Such knowledge-
based agents must take into account facts which are always true (e.g., laws of nature or rules) and facts which
have some amount of uncertainty. This leads to probabilistic logic agents which maintain a knowledge base of
facts each with an associated probability. We have previously described NILS, a nonlinear systems approach
to solving atom probabilities, and compare it here to a hand-coded probability algorithm and a Monte Carlo
method based on sampling possible worlds. We provide experimental data comparing the performance of
these approaches in terms of successful outcomes in playing Wumpus World. The major contribution is the
demonstration that the NILS method performs better than the human coded algorithm and is comparable to the
Monte C arlo method. This advances the stat e-of-the-art in that NILS has been shown to have super-quadratic
convergence rates.
Knowledge-based agents gene rally exhibit b rittle be-
havior when propo sitions can only b e true or false.
For example, Casado et al. (Casado et al., 2011) have
used a knowledge-based approach to handle event
recogn ition in multi-agent systems withou t consider-
ation of uncerta inty. More nuanced and informed de-
cision making is possible when the uncertainty of a
proposition can be characterized and included in the
evaluation of the current state in order to select an ac-
tion. Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2006) extend Hin-
drik’s logic programming language for Belief, De-
sire, Intention (BDI) agents (Hindriks et al., 1997)
by incorporating an interval-based uncertainty r e p-
resentation for th e language. They define a prob-
abilistic conjunction strategy to update the intervals
based on the probabilities of random variables which
satisfies the axioms of probability theory. However,
to capture all necessary relations between the atoms
requires an exponential number of constraints (i.e.,
= 2
, where n is the number of logical
atoms). Dix et al. (J. Dix and Subrahmanian, 2000)
provide two broad classes of semantics for probabilis-
tic a gents. The drawback is that their analysis only
applies to negation free progr a ms, thus limiting their
usefulness he re. As another example, consider Milch
and Koller (Milch and Kller, 2000) whose probabilis-
tic epistemic logic (PEL) provide s a formal semantics
for probabilistic beliefs. However, PEL is based on
Bayesian networks which require the definition of the
full joint probability distribution. Other appro aches to
probabilistic logic have been proposed. Pearl (Pearl,
1988) developed Bayesian networks which struc ture
the full joint probability distribution as c onditiona l re-
lations b etween the logical variables. Reiter (Reiter,
2001) extended the situation calculus of McCarthy
to include probabilities, and Domingo s and Lowd
(Domingos and Lowd, 2 009) applied Markov Logic
Networks to relational problems in a rtificial intelli-
gence. All these methods have high computation a l
complexity (e.g., the expression of a Bayesian net-
work re quires representin g the 2
complete conjunc-
tions in th e network’s conditional tables, and MLN
inference is #P-complete). Moreover, none of these
methods exploit the probabilistic logical fr amewo rk
as advocated here wherein the agent’s decision mak-
ing processes are based on a novel probabilistic an aly-
sis of the world in terms of it laws (rules) and sensory
Henderson, T., Nishida, T., Lessen, A., Wernecke, N., Eken, K. and Sacharny, D.
A New Approach to Probabilistic Knowledge-Based Decision Making.
DOI: 10.5220/0011606700003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 34-39
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
The approach proposed here (called NILS: N on-
linear Logic Solver) solves the probabilistic sentence
satisfiability problem (see (Henderson et al., 2020) for
details). This allows the estimation of the atom proba-
bilities based on all a priori knowledge as well as th at
acquired from sensors during th e execution of a task.
The method is described in detail below as well as the
results of its application to the Wumpus Wo rld pro b-
lem (for more on Wumpus Wor ld, see (Russell and
Norvig, 2009; Yob, 1975)).
1.1 Probabilistic Logic
The agents considered here use a probabilistic logic
representation of knowledge (Nilsson, 1986). The
agent’s knowledge base is a set of propositions (or
beliefs) expressed in conjunctive normal form (CNF);
. . . C
. . . L
i, j
or ¬a
where a
is a logical atom. In a ddition, a probability,
, is associated with each cla use (C
). T he ag e nt uses
the k nowledge by selecting a goal (i.e., a belief which
is to be made true) based on the current assessment of
the situation. This involves assigning prob abilities to
the beliefs, and then m a king a ration a l decision based
on these be lief probabilities (e.g., to avoid danger or
to achieve a reward).
In ord er to r eason using probabilities it is neces-
sary f or the probabilities to be deter mined in a valid
framework; for th is we must solve the probabilistic
satisfiability problem (Geo rgakopoulos et al., 1988)
which is NP-hard. Probabilistic satisfiability mea ns
that there is a functio n, π : [0, 1], where is
the set of complete conjunc tions over n variables such
π(ω) [0, 1], ω
π(ω) = 1
) =
where the complete conjunctions are the set of all
truth value a ssignments over n variables, and ω |= C
means that the truth assignment ω makes C
true. The
probabilistic satisfiability problem is to determine if
there is an appropriate function π.
We have provided an analysis of this problem and
give n the NILS method for its (approximate) solution
(Henderson et al., 2020). This involves converting
each clause to a nonlinear equa tion relating the prob-
ability of the clause to the pro babilities of the atoms
in the clause; a solution is then found for the atom
probabilities which best satisfies the definition of the
function π. The method finds the best (local) func-
tion and not necessarily an exact solution by using a
nonlinear solver. NILS works as follows:
Convert each CNF cla use, C
, with probability p
to an e quation using the general addition rule of
probability: Pr(A B) = Pr(A) + Pr(B) P r(A
Solve the system; note that this can be nonlinear if
the variables are independent, or linear over new
variables if not independent.
independent: Pr(A B) = Pr(A) + Pr(B) =
Pr(A)Pr(B ), which lea ds to: p
= x
+ x
not independent: Pr(A B) = Pr(A) +Pr(B)
Pr(A B), wh ic h lea ds to p
= x
+ x
For a simple example, consider the CNF sentence
S given by:
= a
) = 0.7]
= ¬a
) = 0.7]
A solution for this is:
π(0, 0) = 0.2
π(0, 1) = 0.1
π(1, 0) = 0.3
π(1, 1) = 0.4
Note that Pr(a
) = Pr(1, 0) + Pr(1, 1) = 0.3 +
0.4 = 0.7, and Pr(¬a
) = Pr(0, 0) + Pr (0, 1) +
Pr(1, 1) = 0.2 + 0.1 + 0.4 = 0.7. Nilsson (Nilsson,
1986) shows that the solution for π is not uniqu e , and
that the Pr(a
) [0.4, 0.7] for the PSAT solutions.
Solving as a nonlinear system:
0.7 = Pr(a
0.7 = Pr(¬a
) = Prob(¬a
= (1 P r(a
)) + Pr(a
) (1 Pr(a
= 0.3 + Pr(a
) 0.3P r(
So, Pr(a
) = 0.571. Note that logical variables are as-
sumed independent; th at is, Pr(A B) = Pr(A)Pr(B).
We have also described a method for the case when
they are not independe nt (see (Henderson et al.,
A New Approach to Probabilistic Knowledge-Based Decision Making
1.2 Test Domain: Wumpus World
Wumpus world is given in the AI text of Russell and
Norvig (Russell and Norvig, 2009); however, Wum-
pus World was originally developed by G. Yob ( Yob,
1975). It is a game defined on a 4x4 board (see Fig-
ure 1). The cells a re defined by their (x, y) centers
Figure 1: Wumpus World Layout (Russell and Norvig,
with the origin in the lower left, the x-axis is horizon-
tal and the y-axis is vertica l. The agent starts in cell
(1, 1) and tries to find the go ld (in this instance lo-
cated in c ell (2, 3)) while avoidin g pits (cells (3, 1),
(3, 3) and (4, 4)) and the Wumpus (cell (1, 3)). The
agent has the following percepts:
Breeze: indica te s there is a p it in a neighboring
Stench: indicates there is a Wumpus in a neigh-
boring cell
Glitter: indicates gold in the curr ent cell
Bump: indicates run ning into a wall (after a For-
ward command and staying in start cell)
Scream: indicates arrow (shot by agent) killed
There are six actions available to the agent:
Forward: move forward o ne cell (agent has a di-
Rotate Right: rotate direction 90 degrees to the
Rotate Left: rotate direction 90 degrees to the left
Grab: grab gold (if in current cell)
Shoot arrow: shoot arrow in directio n facing (only
one arrow)
Climb: climb out of cave (only app lies in cell
(1, 1))
There are a number of rules in the game; for example:
Cells neighbo rin g a pit have a breeze
Cells neighbo rin g the Wumpus have a stench
There is one and only one Wumpus
There is gold in one and only one cell
If the agent moves into a c ell with a pit or Wum-
pus, the agent dies.
Pits occur in each cell (except (1, 1)) with a fixed
probability; here we use 0.2.
Given the rules of Wumpu s, it is ne cessary to for-
mulate them as a CNF sentence. As a starting point,
the set of atoms is defined as follows; for each cell
(x, y):
Bxy indicates a breeze in (x, y)
Gxy indicates gold in (x, y)
Pxy indicates a pit in (x, y)
Sxy indicates a stench in (x, y)
W xy indicates the Wumpus in (x, y).
Since there is only one Wumpus, there ar e rules stat-
ing that if th e Wumpus is in a g iven cell, then it is
not in any other; e .g., W 23 ¬W 22; since implica-
tion is not a logical operator in CNF, this is written
as ¬W 23 ¬W 22. Since the Wumpus must be some-
where, there’s a rule:
W 21 W 31 . . . W 44
Note that the Wumpus is not allowed in cell (1, 1).
Also, there are rules expressing that there may not be
a pit and Wumpus in the same cell. The number of
atoms is then 80 (i.e., 5*16), a nd the rules give rise
to 4 02 clauses in the CNF KB. Note that the state of
neighboring cells (e.g., pit o r no pit) req uires proba-
bilistic reasoning since mutiple models can satisfy the
To show the power of the NILS method, consider
estimating the a priori atom probabilities given just
the r ules of the game. T hese probabilities can be es-
timated using Monte Carlo by sampling a large num-
ber of boards and findin g the likelihood of each atom.
Similarly, NILS can provide an estimate. Figure 2
shows the two sets of probabilities, and it can be seen
that NILS provides a very good estimate; moreover,
the importan t issue is that safer cells be distinguished
from less safe ones, and even with the differences in
exact values, the order re la tions of the pr obabilities
are preserved.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: The A Priori Atom Probabilties found by Monte
Carlo sampling and the NILS method.
Performance in Wumpus world is measured by a
point system wherein:
Take an action: costs -1 (except shoot the arrow
which costs -10)
Die: costs -1000
escape with gold: reward of 1000
The higher the score the better the performance. A
score greater than zero is deemed a success.
1.3 Problem Statement and
Experimental Methodology
The hypothesis is that it is possible to develop au-
tonomous agents that:
represent knowledge o f the world as logical
propositions, b oth universal laws and temporal
variables (fluents),
assign probabilities to those propositions,
use a consistent for mal framework to make infer-
ences which allow informed rational actions to be
taken, an d
achieve a strong level of performance.
Cognitive-level knowledge forms the core of the
knowledge base, and goals are formulated as beliefs
to be made true. The agent’s task is to organize the
goals in a reasonable manner and select a pprop riate
plans which when executed will make the goal belief
In order to restrict the study to compare only the
way in which probabilities are produced, a common
agent algorithm was d eveloped; its logic is sh own in
Figure 3. This allows alternative methods to be used
to provide the atom probabilities used by the agent
in its decision making process. That is, difference in
behavior is only possible due to differences in atom
probabilities. Note that th e most imp ortant probabili-
ties concern whether a Wump us or pit are present in a
Figure 3: The Agent Behavior Algorithm.
Three mechanisms for atom probability are con-
sidered: (1) a human hand-coded method based on
an understanding of th e game, (2) a Monte Carlo
method which samples a set of boards which sat-
isfy the known conditions and computes probabili-
ties based on those boards, and (3) the NI LS method.
The Mo nte Carlo method serves as an a pprox ima-
tion to the grou nd truth (and would produce the ex-
act probabilities if the samples inc luded all satisfying
boards; since there 1,105,920 possible board s to filter
at each move, this option is not exploited). Theref ore,
the comparison allows determinatio n of how well the
NILS method performs compa red to a human-based
method as well as with re spect to the best possible
Ten sets of 1000 random solvable boards were pro-
duced; that is, for each board there exists a path from
the start cell to the gold with no pit. The agent over-
all strategy is to move to the closest cell with low-
est probability of danger; the agent then goes there
either dies, finds the gold and escapes, or continues
searching. The number of successful games is used
as the m easure of success. Table 1 gives the number
of boards solved for each probability method for each
of the ten sets of 1000 boar ds.
2.1 Discussion
The question posed here is whether probabilities pro-
duced by NILS lead to a higher rate of success com-
pared to the human defined probability algorithm, and
also to determine how well NILS performs comp a red
to the Monte Carlo approximation. As can be seen
in Table 1, NILS averaged about twelve more suc-
cesses p e r 1000 boards as the human algorithm, and
was only outperformed (by three successes) in on e o f
the test sets. Moreover, the 95% confid ence intervals
A New Approach to Probabilistic Knowledge-Based Decision Making
Table 1: Results of Performance Test of Agents. There are
10 tri al sets consisting of 1000 solvable boards each. The
mean success rate for these 10 sets is given as well as the
variance. The 95% confidence interval s are [599.7,610.2],
[612.0,622.4], and [612.0,628.8], respectively. [Note that
the Monte Carlo success rates are the result of 10 indepen-
dent trials on each board test set.]
Board Set Human NILS Monte Carlo
1 590 609 613.3
2 610 620 626.1
3 590 608 617.9
4 610 619 628.5
5 607 604 619.3
6 597 620 619.7
7 611 630 627.6
8 614 626 631.0
9 611 626 638.2
10 609 610 623.4
Mean 604.9 617.2 624.9
Var 81.9 79.5 44.8
of the two me thods do not overlap. With respect to
the Monte Carlo method, NILS averaged six fewer
successes per thousand, but outper formed it in two of
the trial sets. The confidence intervals of these two
methods do overlap.
The results support the claim that N ILS is better
than the human probability algorithm and compara-
ble to the Monte Carlo method. In examining spe cific
cases, it was determined that the success of NILS over
the human algorithm mainly related to the fact that the
encodin g of the Wumpus World rules into the knowl-
edge base provide d implicit influence on probabili-
ties (i.e., implicit conditional probabilities) which the
human failed to capture. The success of NILS over
Monte Carlo when it occurred was seen to be r e la te d
to the result of the selection of sample boards by the
Monte Carlo meth od. To control for this, Monte Carlo
performance is given in terms of statistical measure-
ments (mean and variance) over a set of ten indepen-
dent trials per board set test case. It may be possible
to improve Monte Carlo performance by increasing
the number of samples, but computational costs go up
rapidly since each sample board must fit the c urrent
sensed data constraints, and a larger set of random
boards must be examined to get the desired appropri-
ate sample set.
We have demonstrated the viability of the non linear
logic solver (NILS) system as the basis for probabilis-
tic log ic agents. Moreover, the method is superior to
hand coded probability functions for the same appli-
cation domain, and comparable to the Monte Carlo
agent which operates with more detailed information
about the game.
In fu ture work, we intend to investigate the appli-
cation of probabilistic decision making in ter ms of:
deeper c ognitive representations fo r the agent us-
ing a Belief, Desire, Intention (BDI) architecture.
larger problem doma ins with multiple age nts,
kn owledge compilation for individual agents co-
operating in a team effort in order to provide them
with just the information they need, and
application to large-scale unmanned aircraft sys-
tems traffic management (UTM).
This work was supported in part by National Science
Foundation award 2152454.
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A New Approach to Probabilistic Knowledge-Based Decision Making