Table 1: Results of Performance Test of Agents. There are
10 tri al sets consisting of 1000 solvable boards each. The
mean success rate for these 10 sets is given as well as the
variance. The 95% confidence interval s are [599.7,610.2],
[612.0,622.4], and [612.0,628.8], respectively. [Note that
the Monte Carlo success rates are the result of 10 indepen-
dent trials on each board test set.]
Board Set Human NILS Monte Carlo
1 590 609 613.3
2 610 620 626.1
3 590 608 617.9
4 610 619 628.5
5 607 604 619.3
6 597 620 619.7
7 611 630 627.6
8 614 626 631.0
9 611 626 638.2
10 609 610 623.4
Mean 604.9 617.2 624.9
Var 81.9 79.5 44.8
of the two me thods do not overlap. With respect to
the Monte Carlo method, NILS averaged six fewer
successes per thousand, but outper formed it in two of
the trial sets. The confidence intervals of these two
methods do overlap.
The results support the claim that N ILS is better
than the human probability algorithm and compara-
ble to the Monte Carlo method. In examining spe cific
cases, it was determined that the success of NILS over
the human algorithm mainly related to the fact that the
encodin g of the Wumpus World rules into the knowl-
edge base provide d implicit influence on probabili-
ties (i.e., implicit conditional probabilities) which the
human failed to capture. The success of NILS over
Monte Carlo when it occurred was seen to be r e la te d
to the result of the selection of sample boards by the
Monte Carlo meth od. To control for this, Monte Carlo
performance is given in terms of statistical measure-
ments (mean and variance) over a set of ten indepen-
dent trials per board set test case. It may be possible
to improve Monte Carlo performance by increasing
the number of samples, but computational costs go up
rapidly since each sample board must fit the c urrent
sensed data constraints, and a larger set of random
boards must be examined to get the desired appropri-
ate sample set.
We have demonstrated the viability of the non linear
logic solver (NILS) system as the basis for probabilis-
tic log ic agents. Moreover, the method is superior to
hand coded probability functions for the same appli-
cation domain, and comparable to the Monte Carlo
agent which operates with more detailed information
about the game.
In fu ture work, we intend to investigate the appli-
cation of probabilistic decision making in ter ms of:
• deeper c ognitive representations fo r the agent us-
ing a Belief, Desire, Intention (BDI) architecture.
• larger problem doma ins with multiple age nts,
• kn owledge compilation for individual agents co-
operating in a team effort in order to provide them
with just the information they need, and
• application to large-scale unmanned aircraft sys-
tems traffic management (UTM).
This work was supported in part by National Science
Foundation award 2152454.
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