In this work, we proposed a domain generalization
method applicable to any semantic segmentation net-
work using monocular depth estimation, in particu-
lar reducing non-detected segments. We inferred a
depth heatmap via a modified segmentation network
that predicts foreground-background masks in paral-
lel to a semantic segmentation network. Aggregat-
ing both predictions in an uncertainty-aware manner
with a focus on important classes, false negative seg-
ments were successfully reduced. Our experiments
suggest that also in a single-sensor setup, the informa-
tion about spatial structure from pre-trained monocu-
lar depth estimators can be utilized well to improve
the robustness of off-the-shelf segmentation networks
under domain shift in various settings.
We thank M. K. Neugebauer for support in data han-
dling and programming. This work is supported by
the Ministry of Culture and Science of the German
state of North Rhine-Westphalia as part of the KI-
Starter research funding program.
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