to out-perform the recent state-of-the- art tracker OC-
SORT by a small margin. The most balanced metric
HOTA, which gives ap propriate weight to both sub-
tasks: finding the individuals and consistently identi-
fying th em, still shows ro om for impr ovement under
challengin g conditions. The other metrics give evi-
dence, in which sub-task the contribution of the UBT
idea lies. The number of ide ntity switches is much
lower. This is indicating, that the correct and c onsis-
tent identification of tracked individuals benefits fr om
the re-connection to the closest inactive track, that is
introdu ces in the UBT in this work. Further research
should address the case when more than one indi-
vidual is gone from view. The reidentification cou ld
take into account past trajectories and appearances of
missing tracks to connect them once they reappear.
In the MOT sub-task of f ollowing and re-identifying
individuals in videos, that fulfill the requirement of
a known maximum number of individuals, U BT is a
good choice.
Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
(DFG, German Research Foundation) under Ger-
many’s E xcellence Strategy – EXC 2002/1 “Science
of I ntelligence” – project number 390523135.
We thank Clara Bekemeier and Sophia Meier for
manual data annotatio n and Benjamin Lan g for build-
ing the transparent cage lid.
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