system calls generated by the execution of malicious
Every day we store a lot of sensitive and private infor-
mation on our mobile devices. This is the reason why
the interest of attackers with regard to our smartphone
and tables is day-by-day increasing, with the develop-
ment of more and more aggressive malicious payload
devoted to exfiltrate our sensitive data. From these
considerations, a method aimed to detect mobile mal-
ware is proposed in this paper. We focus on the most
widespread mobile platform i.e., Android, by design-
ing a method aimed to perform a dynamic analysis
by extracting the system call trace of an application
under analysis.
We exploit a CNN designed by authors to analyse
images directly obtained from the system call trace to
discern malicious applications from legitimate ones
by obtaining an accuracy equal to 0.781. Moreover,
we resort to the Grad-CAM to highlight into the im-
age representing the application system call trace the
areas symptomatic of a certain prediction, thus pro-
viding explainability behind the model prediction.
As future work, we plan to consider more al-
gorithms to provide explainability for instance, the
Grad-CAM++ (Chattopadhay et al., 2018) and the
Score-CAM (Wang et al., 2020), to compare visual
explanations. Also other deep learning models will be
considered, for instance, the VGG19 and the ResNet
ones with the aim to increase malware detection ac-
curacy. Moreover, considering that the proposed
method is platform-independent, we will also con-
sider a dataset of PC ransomware and legitimate ap-
plications .
This work has been partially supported by EU DUCA,
EU CyberSecPro, and EU E-CORRIDOR projects
and PNRR SERICS SPOKE1 DISE, RdS 2022-2024
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ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy