In 2022, the DoD requested almost $112.6B on
training (Office of Under Secretary of Defense,
2021). A comprehensive understanding of trainee
knowledge acquisition and skill application will both
improve educational assessment techniques and
increase cost-effectiveness of medical team training
practices by enabling trainers to focus on areas where
trainees require the most improvement.
This material is based upon work supported by the
DHA SBIR Program/U.S. Army Medical Research
and Development Command (USAMRDC)
/Congressionally Directed Medical Research
Programs (CDMRP) under Contract No. W81XWH-
20-C-0058. Any opinions, findings and conclusions
or recommendations expressed in this material are
those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the U.S. Army Medical Research and
Development Command (USAMRDC) or the U.S.
Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity
Disclaimer: In the conduct of research where
humans are participants, investigators adhered to the
policies regarding the protection of human
participants as prescribed by Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) Title 45, Volume 1, Part 46; Title
32, Chapter 1, Part 219; and Title 21, Chapter 1, Part
50 (Protection of Human Participants).
The research described herein was in part based
on data collected under U.S. Army Research Institute
for the Behavioral and Social Sciences contract
(W911NF-19-C-0072), “Assessing Situation
Awareness in Complex Operations” (Point of
Contact: Dr. Cary Stothart). The views expressed in
this presentation are those of the authors and do not
reflect the official policy or position of the U.S. Army
Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social
Sciences, Department of the Army, Department of
Defense, or the U.S. Government.
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