Enhancing Time Series Classification with Self-Supervised Learning
Ali Ismail-Fawaz, Maxime Devanne, Jonathan Weber and Germain Forestier
IRIMAS, Universit
e Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse, France
Self Supervised, Time Series Classification, Semi Supervised, Triplet Loss.
Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) is a range of Machine Learning techniques having the objective to reduce
the amount of labeled data required to train a model. In Deep Learning models, SSL is often implemented
using specific loss functions relying on pretext tasks leveraging from unlabelled data. In this paper, we explore
SSL for the specific task of Time Series Classification (TSC). In the last few years, dozens of Deep Learning
architectures were proposed for TSC. However, they almost exclusively rely on the traditional training step
involving only labeled data in sufficient numbers. In order to study the potential of SSL for TSC, we propose
the TRIplet Loss In TimE (TRILITE) which relies on an existing triplet loss mechanism and which does not
require labeled data. We explore two use cases. In the first one, we evaluate the interest of TRILITE to boost a
supervised classifier when very few labeled data are available. In the second one, we study the use of TRILITE
in the context of semi-supervised learning, when both labeled and unlabeled data are available. Experiments
performed on 85 datasets from the UCR archive reveal interesting results on some datasets in both use cases.
Time Series Classification (TSC) has been a challeng-
ing problem addressed by many researchers. While
some approaches used basic Machine Learning tech-
niques, more recently, the usage of Deep Learn-
ing models has been addressed for classification (Is-
mail Fawaz et al., 2019; Ismail Fawaz et al., 2020),
clustering (Lafabregue et al., 2022; Anowar et al.,
2022), averaging (Terefe et al., 2020), adversarial at-
tacks (Pialla et al., 2022b), etc. This is particularly
due to the availability of more data, especially after
the release of the UCR archive (Dau et al., 2019). The
problem at hand is to find a function that maps each
sample in the dataset to it’s corresponding label.
Trying to learn a one-to-one mapping from sam-
ples to labels can be sometimes challenging. This is
due to the lack of labeled samples a dataset includes.
Some approaches use data augmentation, (Fawaz
et al., 2018; Pialla et al., 2022a; Kavran et al., 2022)
To overcome this problem, Self-Supervised Learning
(SSL) offers a way to learn a discriminant latent space
without learning to map each sample into a label,
which is an advantage over supervised learning.
SSL is used in two main ways, either using con-
trastive loss or triplet loss. On one hand, the con-
trastive loss aims to learn how to embed a sample
and its augmented view to the same point in the latent
space. For example, it has been used on image classi-
fication (Chen et al., 2020; Grill et al., 2020) and hu-
man action recognition (Lin et al., 2020). The triplet
loss on the other hand aims to learn how to embed a
sample and its augmented representation (called pos-
itive representation) to the same point while learning
how to differ those last two from a representation of
another sample (called negative representation). The
triplet loss was introduced in (Schroff et al., 2015) for
face recognition and used for knowledge distillation
in (Liang et al., 2021; Oki et al., 2020). The dif-
ference between the two losses is the strictness. The
contrastive loss is less strict on choosing what repre-
sentations should not be close to the original, on con-
trary to the triplet loss. In other words, the contrastive
loss does not consider a negative representation, only
positive ones.
Inspired by all those applications, we are inter-
ested in adapting the SSL into the time series do-
main using the triplet loss (Schroff et al., 2015) with
our own augmentation method adapted to time se-
ries. Although in imaging we have access to large
archives such as Imagenet (Deng et al., 2009), it is
not the same in the time series domain. In addi-
tion, the problem of annotating time series datasets
is more frequent than in imaging. For instance, in
imaging, for the majority of datasets, one can use
crowd-sourcing to annotate the data samples. This
Ismail-Fawaz, A., Devanne, M., Weber, J. and Forestier, G.
Enhancing Time Series Classification with Self-Supervised Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0011611300003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 40-47
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
approach is not that easily suitable in the time se-
ries domain, given that most of the times, it would
be difficult to differentiate between time series sam-
ples and annotate them. As a result, for time series,
usually one should refer to an expert for the annota-
tion part. To the best of our knowledge, most of the
methods that have been developed for SSL on time se-
ries evaluate their model considering fully unlabeled
data, which is usually not the case in real-world sce-
narios. In most of these work, SSL is first applied
on the data and then a 1-Nearest Neighbor (1-NN)
strategy is employed on the output representations for
the classification task. However, in real-world sce-
narios, due to the difficulty to annotate time series,
we usually are in one of these two cases: (1) only
a small annotated dataset is available or (2) a larger
dataset may be available but only a small part of it is
annotated. In both of these cases, supervised learn-
ing usually overfits quickly because the few amount
of annotated samples makes the dataset hard to learn
from. To overcome this limitation, SSL is one possi-
ble solution by learning representations of time series
without the labels information. The question that re-
mains is how to evaluate the self-supervised model?,
i.e, how can we know if the model learns meaningful
representation of input time series? In this paper we
propose a new SSL approach, TRIplet Loss In TimE
(TRILITE) and evaluate it for theses two cases. First,
we consider the case of having small annotated time
series datasets (Use case 1), which we tackle using
a self-supervised approach in combination of super-
vised learning, by concatenating the output represen-
tations in order to learn more features. This can be
considered as a booster for supervised models if the
SSL features are learned in a good way. Second, we
consider the case of having lager time series datasets
but still with few labeled samples (Use case 2), which
we tackle using a semi-supervised approach leverag-
ing unlabeled samples. This is to prove that SSL can
also take into account unlabeled data in order to learn
a more discriminant latent space and produce better
representations for the labeled samples.
The main contributions of this papers are:
a new method of time series augmentation
adapted to the context of SSL.
a new SSL approach based on the triplet loss in-
troduced by (Schroff et al., 2015). Usually other
methods use the contrasitve loss and we want to
assess the triplet loss’s contribution in SSL for
a new way of evaluating self-supervised model
which to the best of our knowledge was not em-
ployed before. Here we showed that with the
help of self-supervised combined with supervised
learning we can achieve better performance than
supervised learning alone on some datasets.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in
section 2 we introduce some related work on SSL
for time series, in section 3 we explain in details our
method, in section 4 we evaluate our self-supervised
model on the UCR archive (Dau et al., 2019) and we
finish with a conclusion in section 5.
2.1 Self-Supervised Learning
SSL for time series was addressed in two main ways,
using contrastive learning and triplet loss. It was first
addressed for univariate time series in (Franceschi
et al., 2019). The authors used a triplet loss to make
the model learn how to differentiate between the la-
tent representations of an anchor time series, a posi-
tive representation of it and several negative represen-
tations. The authors used an unsupervised way to gen-
erate their triplets motivated by the problem of vari-
able length time series. While their anchor time series
is a sub-sequence of a chosen sample, the positive rep-
resentation is defined as a sub-sequence of the anchor
and the negative representation as a sub-sequence of
a randomly selected sample. The advantage of their
approach is the insensitivity to variable length time
series. Its disadvantage is that it does not perturb the
positive representations, hence it facilitates the learn-
ing task. This is due to the resemblance between the
reference time series and its positive representation.
On the other hand, in (Wickstrøm et al., 2022),
the authors addressed the mixing up proposal between
two time series. They used a contrastive learning ap-
proach to predict the amount of mixing up from two
different time series in order to learn representations
in the latent space.
For each pair of input time series randomly sampled,
they create a third sample mixed up from it. This
method overcomes the lack of perturbation added to
the time series in (Franceschi et al., 2019) but to the
best of our knowledge was never tested using a triplet
Originally, in (Schroff et al., 2015), the authors
introduced the SSL world with the triplet loss which
was motivated from the Siamese network. The au-
thors applied it for face detection using positive and
negative examples of the reference image. This in-
duces into the network not only features of the ref-
erence image but also similarities and dissimilarities
with other images. This was motivated by the lack of
available samples.
Enhancing Time Series Classification with Self-Supervised Learning
Differently, the authors of (Yang et al., 2022) pro-
posed an adaptation of SimCLR (Chen et al., 2020)
but with taking into consideration the temporal depen-
dencies between data points in time series.
In addition, some authors contribute in SSL for
Multivariate Time Series (MTS), like in (Chen et al.,
2022) where the authors constructed a channel-aware
self-supervised model using a transformer encoder for
MTS. Taking into consideration both channel-wise
and time-wise features by training two encoders, one
to find the similarity using the contrastive loss and the
other to predict the next trend. Another contribution
was made in SSL for MTS in (Mohsenvand et al.,
2020) where the authors introduced SeqCLR which
was an adaptation of SimCLR (Chen et al., 2020).
The authors worked on SSL for electroencephalogram
classification where they faced two problems. The
first was the lack of data and the second was what
the type of data augmentation they should use for the
contrastive learning.
Distinctively, some work addressed the dimen-
sionality reduction problem like in (Garg, 2021). The
authors used an autoencoder where their encoder and
decoder were adapted from a LeNet (LeCun et al.,
1998) trained on both the reconstruction loss at the
output of the decoder and the triplet loss (Schroff
et al., 2015) using the triplets generated in the bot-
tleneck layer.
Moreover, the authors in (Eldele et al., 2021) sug-
gested a method based on temporal and contextual
contrastive learning using transformers. First they
suggested using two different augmentations for the
same input time series and feed them to a Siamese
network with a FCN encoder. This was followed by
a transformer to learn cross-view prediction task of
time steps while maximizing similarities between two
predictions from different views. This was to help
with the forecasting part of the model but at the same
time apply contrastive learning on the two predicted
In addition, a review (Lafabregue et al., 2022) on
deep representation learning for time series cluster-
ing sets the benchmark of clustering techniques on
the UCR archive (Dau et al., 2019). The authors var-
ied between which architecture to use, which clus-
tering loss and pretext loss to use. One of the pre-
text loss in this review was the triplet loss proposed
in (Franceschi et al., 2019). The clustering loss is ap-
plied on the latent representations.
2.2 Deep Learning Methods for Time
Series Classification
Deep learning for TSC has been a very targeted do-
main in the past few years. In (Ismail Fawaz et al.,
2019), a comparison was made between different
architectures starting from Multi Layer Perceptron
(MLP) to end up with ResNet (Wang et al., 2017).
It was shown in (Ismail Fawaz et al., 2019) how the
use of convolution networks like Fully Convolutional
Network (FCN) (Wang et al., 2017) and residual con-
nections (ResNet) (He et al., 2016) are significantly
better than other approaches. Some work (Mercier
et al., 2022) also analyse the explanation of con-
volution classifiers for time series. More recently,
the InceptionTime (Ismail Fawaz et al., 2020) model
showed a significant difference in performance by
concatenating the output of many convolution lay-
ers with different characteristics instead of tuning on
one convolution layer. This creates several receptive
fields for the model to learn from. In addition, knowl-
edge distillation techniques (Hinton et al., 2015) have
been adapted for Time Series Classification (Ay et al.,
2022) where the authors transfer the knowledge from
a FCN to a smaller convolution neural network.
In our case, we are interested in evaluating the
contribution of the triplet loss in the case of TSC.
Hence we chose a simple FCN architecture as a back-
bone of our TRILITE model detailed in the next sec-
3.1 Definitions
Before describing the model, we define some impor-
tant terms used in the rest of the paper.
Time Series. A time series is a sequential data rep-
resentation of an event changing over time in an
equally separated manner. We define a univariate time
series as X = [x
, x
, ..., x
], L being the number of
time steps of this time series. A batch X = {X}
set of N time series of length L.
Representations. An anchor time series is referred
to as re f , a positive representation of the anchor as
pos and a negative representation of the anchor as neg.
Metrics. A distance between 2 representations
d(., .) is referred to the Euclidean distance between
2 vectors.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Triplet Loss
Figure 1: Overview of our TRILITE model.
3.2 Model
Our proposed TRILITE model is composed of three
encoders with weights shared between them. It cor-
responds to one encoder fed by the triplets generated
as it can be seen in Figure 1. In our case, the encoder
architecture is the FCN from (Wang et al., 2017) and
implemented in (Ismail Fawaz et al., 2019). However,
we remove the classification layer as we are consider-
ing a self-supervised case. Each triplet’s sample re f ,
pos and neg are passed through the model to obtain
the latent representation re f
, pos
and neg
. These
latent representations are of size 128.
3.3 Triplet Loss
Inspired by (Schroff et al., 2015) where triplet loss
was used for face recognition, we propose to use a
similar loss for the case of time series. The triplet
loss for a given triplet is defined as:
Loss = max(0, α +d(re f
, pos
)d(re f
, neg
)). (1)
The goal of this loss is to increase the distance be-
tween the re f
and neg
but to decrease the distance
between re f
and pos
. In order to relax this mini-
mization problem, an α hyperparameter is added to
control the margin between these two distances. As a
result we can identify 3 types of triplets as shown in
Figure 2:
Easy Triplet: The Loss = 0 because
d(re f
, pos
) + α < d(re f
, neg
Hard Triplet: The neg
is closer to the re f
, d(re f
, neg
) < d(re f
, pos
Semi-Hard Triplet: The case is good
d(re f
, pos
) < d(re f
, neg
) but we got a
positive loss
We note that if α = 0, only two triplets can be de-
fined, the easy triplets and the hard triplets. Using
only easy triplets would overfit the model and using
only the hard triplets would underfit the model. This
motivates the use of the hyperparameter α to create
margin α
semi-hard negatives
easy negatives
hard negatives
Figure 2: Schema of the relaxed spaced controlled by the
margin α.
the in-between space of semi-hard triplets. In addi-
tion, in 1, the max operation in the loss aims to trans-
form the problem into a convex one.
3.4 Triplet Generation
In order to generate triplets i.e.pos and neg generated
from re f , two main approaches have been proposed.
In (Wickstrøm et al., 2022) a mixing up strategy is
employed. In (Franceschi et al., 2019) a masking ap-
proach is used. In this work, our triplet generation ap-
proach consists of combining both methods into one,
as detailed in Algorithm 1. First, a pos is created us-
ing a weighted sum of three time series, the re f in-
cluded. For the neg, the same process is applied ex-
cept that the re f is not included in the weighted sum.
We limit the number of mixed up samples to three to
ensure that each sample can contribute in a significant
manner. This generation process is summarized in the
following equations:
pos = w re f +
1 w
) (2)
neg = w
re f +
1 w
) (3)
In 2 and 3, ts
and ts
are randomly selected time
series different from the re f . Moreover the contribu-
tion weight w is randomly selected between 0.6 and
1.0. This ensures the pos has more contribution com-
ing from the re f than ts
and ts
Second, a mask is generated with a random length
and applied on the pos and the neg. We employed the
masking strategy to simplify the training procedure
by learning parts of the representations instead of the
whole representations.
Third, the unmasked parts of the time series is re-
placed by a random Gaussian noise. A visualization
of the pos sample generation can be seen in Figure 3.
We note that during training, the triplet generation
is done in an online way at each epoch in order to
make the model generalize better.
Enhancing Time Series Classification with Self-Supervised Learning
Algorithm 1: Triplet Generation.
1: Input: data
2: shuffle(data)
3: N data.shape[0] Number of samples in data
4: l data.shape[1] Length of input samples
5: w random(0.6,1) The amount of mixing up
6: for i : 0 N do
7: re f [i] data[i]
8: ts
random sample(data)
9: ts
random sample(data)
10: pos[i] w.re f [i] + (
12: ts
random sample(data)
13: ts
random sample(data)
14: ts
random sample(data)
15: neg[i] = w.ts
+ (
17: pos[i], neg[i] Mask(pos[i], neg[i])
18: end for
19: pos Znormalize(pos)
20: neg Znormalize(neg)
21: return re f , pos, neg
Algorithm 2: Mask.
1: Input: x, y
2: Output: x, y
3: l len(x)
4: start random randint(0, l 1)
5: stop random randint(start +
, start +
6: x[0 : start] noise
7: x[stop + 1 :] noise
8: y[0 : start noise
9: y[stop + 1 :] noise
10: return x,y
In this section we evaluate the proposed model con-
sidering the two use cases identified in Section 1.
4.1 Datasets and Implementation
We based all of our experiments on the UCR
archive (Dau et al., 2019) which is the largest open
source archive for TSC. We used the 2015 version
of the UCR archive made of 85 univariate time se-
ries. We z-normalized the datasets before applying
our TRILITE model. All of the results are averaged
on five runs. We used the Adam optimizer with an
initial learning rate of 10
. For the choice of the
hyperparameter α, we tried to tune it on the set of
values {10
, 10
, 10
, 10
, 10
, 10
}. We ob-
served, by visualizing the latent representations, that
when we change the value of α the model changes
the scale of the representations. By this change of
scale, the type of the triplet (as explained in Sec-
tion 2) would not change. After this observations
we fixed the value of α to 10
tuned on a sub-
set of the UCR archive. We trained the model for
1000 epochs with a batch size of 32. For the evalu-
ation on the test set, we used the last model. We did
the experiments on a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
with 8GB of memory. The code is publicly available
4.2 Use Case 1: Small Annotated Time
Series Datasets
To address this first case where a small annotated time
series dataset is available, we compared the TRILITE
model, followed by a fully connected layer with soft-
max activation (denoted as TRILITE 1-LP), with the
single FCN. The Win-Tie-Loss visualization is re-
ported in Figure 4. We can observe that not sur-
prisingly, the supervised model outperforms the self-
supervised one. However, for some datasets we can
see that self-supervised features allow to improve the
classification accuracy (blue points). This motivated
us to evaluate the contribution of self-supervised fea-
tures in a supervised problem. In order to do that we
simply concatenate the latent representations of the
self-supervised TRILITE model (of size 128) and the
latent representations of the supervised FCN model
(of size 128) for the train and test sets. Then, these
concatenated features are fed to a classifier, a one
fully connected layer with a softmax activation. We
compare this approach, denoted as TRILITE+FCN,
with the single FCN and the single TRILITE mod-
els. For each model we compute the classification
accuracy and rank them accordingly on each dataset.
Ranking results are reported in Table 1 and visual-
ized in the Critical Difference Diagram in Figure 6.
These results show that the TRILITE+FCN approach
occurs at the first rank position more often than the
single FCN model. This is emphasized in the Win-
Tie-Loss comparison in Figure 5. We can see that the
TRILITE+FCN approach is never worse than the sin-
gle FCN in a significant manner. This is due to the
fact that supervised features can not get perturbed by
the SSL features. In the worst case scenario, the linear
classifier can learn to reject the SSL features in case
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
mixed information
pos masked
Figure 3: A pos (in orange) is built from three time series including the re f (in blue). The resulting time series is close to
the re f except some areas as highlighted in the red circle. A mask is then applied on the mixed up pos to generate the final
sample (in green), where the unmasked parts are replaced by a Gaussian noise.
Table 1: Ranking each method on the 85 UCR archive
Method Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3
TRILITE 1-LP 8 4 73
FCN 37 37 11
0 20 40 60 80 100
Loss 73
Win 12
Tie 0
FCN is
better here
is better here
Figure 4: TRILITE with 1-LP VS supervised FCN.
they were perturbing the classification. In addition, on
average, the difference in accuracy is 3.73 + 9.94
when TRILITE+FCN wins. Conversely, the differ-
ence in accuracy is only 0.64 + 0.7 when the single
FCN wins. This shows that SSL produces features
different than the ones produced by supervised learn-
ing. As a result, the concatenation of both features
allows to improve the classification performance.
This suggests that the self-supervised model is
able to discriminate between classes even if it was not
it’s main objective during training. To emphasize this,
we employed T-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Em-
bedding (TSNE) (Van der Maaten and Hinton, 2008)
to visualize a two-dimensional space representing the
raw data and the self-supervised features (Figure 7)
for the SyntheticControl dataset of the UCR archive.
0 20 40 60 80 100
Loss 38
Win 39
Tie 8
is better here
FCN is
better here
Figure 5: Concatenation with 1-LP VS supervised FCN.
Figure 6: Average rank mean of the three methods on 84
datasets of the UCR archive.
In the later figure, we can clearly identify distinct and
compact clusters representing the classes.
4.3 Use Case 2: Partially Annotated
Time Series Datasets
In this second case where, we consider a semi-
supervised scenario where only a part of the data is
labeled. We aim to evaluate how SSL can overcome
this lack of labels. To do that we follow these differ-
ent steps supposing that only 30% of the training set
is labeled:
1. Self-supervised training. We obtain self-
supervised latent representations by training our
Enhancing Time Series Classification with Self-Supervised Learning
Figure 7: TSNE representation on the SyntheticControl
dataset on raw samples and TRILITE latent representation.
0 20 40 60 80 100
Experiment 1
Experiment 2
Experiment 1 VS Experiment 2
Loss 29
Win 56
Tie 0
Experiment 1
is better here
Experiment 2
is better here
Figure 8: Comparison of experiment 1 (1a) and experiment
2 (1b). In experiment 1, the TRILITE model is trained only
on the labeled subset (30% of the data). On the contrary, in
experiment 2, the TRILITE model is trained on the whole
train set. The evaluation is done on the whole test set.
TRILITR model:
(a) experiment 1: only on the labeled subset.
(b) experiment 2: on the whole training set.
2. Supervised learning. We feed the latent represen-
tations of the labeled set (either 1a or 1b) to a
Ridge classifier (Peng and Cheng, 2020).
3. Evaluation. The trained classifier is evaluated on
the test set.
To not be dependent on a single labeled subset, these
steps are repeated over 25 runs and the average ac-
curacy is computed. For each run, the same labeled
subset is used for both experiments The Win-Tie-Loss
comparison between experiments 1 and 2 is shown in
Figure 8.
We can see that experiment 2 obtains more wins
than experiment 1. In addition, on average, the differ-
ence in accuracy when experiment 2 wins is 2.12 +
2.13. On the contrary when experiment 1 wins, the
difference in accuracy is on average of 1.17 + 1.21.
This shows that SSL can learn a more meaningful la-
tent representation when taking into consideration the
labeled and unlabeled subsets.
The difficulty to annotate time series data often results
in a lack of labeled data, and thus complicates the
training of supervised TSC models. In this paper, we
proposed a Self-Supervised approach for TSC in or-
der to address this problem. In particular, trough two
use cases, we evaluated how Self-Supervised Learn-
ing can be employed in combination with supervised
learning to enhance TSC performances. First, we
consider the case of small annotated datasets. We
showed that with the help of self-supervision, the per-
formance of supervised learning can be improved in
some cases. Second, in a case partially annotated
datasets, we showed that Self-Supervised Learning
can also be a complement to learning supervised mod-
els only on labeled data. Hence, these experimental
results demonstrated that our SSL approach allows
to capture meaningful features that are complemen-
tary to features captured in supervised models. The
main problem we faced is how to evaluate the self-
supervised models, which architecture to use, which
data augmentation to apply and which loss to mini-
mize. Furthermore, we aim to study the impact of
each hyperparameter on the problem at hand when us-
ing Self-Supervised Learning.
This work was supported by the ANR DELEGATION
project (grant ANR-21-CE23-0014) of the French
Agence Nationale de la Recherche. The authors
would like to acknowledge the High Performance
Computing Center of the University of Strasbourg
for supporting this work by providing scientific sup-
port and access to computing resources. Part of the
computing resources were funded by the Equipex
Equip@Meso project (Programme Investissements
d’Avenir) and the CPER Alsacalcul/Big Data. The
authors would also like to thank the creators and
providers of the UCR Archive.
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Enhancing Time Series Classification with Self-Supervised Learning