A Bibliometric Analysis for Stakeholder Management Focused on
Energy and Sustainability
Saul Alfonso Esparza-Rodriguez
, Gabino Garcia Tapia
Anibal Enrique Toscano-Hernández
and Cesar Gustavo Iriarte Rivas
Business Programs Faculty, Arkansas State University, km 17.5 Estatal 100, Querétaro, Mexico
Facultad de Contaduría y Administración, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico
Universidad Del Sinú, Córdoba, Colombia
Business Programs Faculty, Arkansas State University, km 17.5 Estatal 100, Querétaro, Mexico
Keywords: Stakeholders, Management, Bibliometric Analysis, Social Sciences, Sustainability.
Abstract: The study of sustainability in scientific literature represents a subject of interest for many authors, institutions,
and countries, being considered as a complex subject given the multiple interactions among internal and
stakeholders. In that matter, this research presents a bibliometric analysis in relation to stakeholder
management focused on the subjects related to energy and sustainability to understand the state of the art in
the field using data from Scopus database of published papers including a period considering the years 1994
to 2021. Thus, the first stage presents an analysis of general productivity by year, country, source, author, and
affiliation, using descriptive measures related to the number of research units published, concentration indexes,
and descriptive comparisons at different levels. Then, the work includes the analysis of the most influential
articles in terms of citation levels for countries, affiliations, and authors, ending with a comparative analysis
that considers proportional data. As a matter of conclusion, the present research shows that the state of the art
in relation to stakeholder management focused on energy and sustainability is guided by subjects such as
sustainable development, decision making, environmental management, climate change, environmental
impact, economic and social effects.
Stakeholder management represents a multidimen-
sional process in any organization, since usually
involves stakeholders and decision makers,
considering a variety set of preferences and opinions
that form a complex process of decision making (Ren,
2020); is in that sense that such managerial approach
is relevant for the environment of the contemporary
organizations, facing challenges such as pandemics,
historic recession, armed conflict, and difficulties
related to energy and sustainability.
Following this idea, it is important to point out
that embodied energy has part of the sustainability
debate, including a focus on regulations on in-use
energy and carbon, the state of the legislation in the
matter, and even the assessment of appropriate
impacts on the public and industry stakeholders
(Hakansson, A., Höjer, M., Howlett, R. J., & Jain, L.
C., 2013).
Thus, the focus on stakeholder engagement for
this complex subject is based on promoting the
enrolment of actors such as policymakers, technocrats
and innovators, is considered a basis to explore
complex relationships of multiple actors in the energy
system, since to apply an integrative analysis in this
manner is necessary to use the theoretical framework
of Stakeholder Theory, contributing to the debate on
energy transitions and potential interest of relevant
interest groups (Nora, Alberton, & Ayala, 2021).
Given the intricacy of multiple interactions, that
could be in a simultaneous or successive fashion, the
Esparza-Rodriguez, S., Garcia Tapia, G., Toscano-Hernández, A. and Iriarte Rivas, C.
A Bibliometric Analysis for Stakeholder Management Focused on Energy and Sustainability.
DOI: 10.5220/0011613000003494
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB 2023), pages 51-58
ISBN: 978-989-758-646-0; ISSN: 2184-5891
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
major objective of stakeholder engagement and
involvement address the complexity, uncertainty,
multiplicity of values and perceptions on
sustainability issues such as energy transition, where
considering essential knowledge from all relevant
disciplines and actor groups related to the problem is
highly effective (Mielke, Vermaßen, Ellenbeck,
Milan, & Jaeger, 2016).
In order to address this theoretical need for
creating knowledge directed in the state of the art in
the field, the present research work presents a
bibliometric analysis considering a deductive and
multilayer analysis, guided by the following research
questions and independent variables.
1.1 Research Questions and
Independent Variables
The main contribution of our study is to fill the
knowledge gap relative to the research on extant
stakeholder management in general production,
research approaches, and influence structure by
identifying, synthesizing, and evaluating existing
literature to analyze the evolution of the research
field, considering the following general and specific
research questions.
What multilevel trends help to explain the state of
the art in relation to stakeholder management focused
on energy and sustainability?
In order to answer the general question, the
following specific research questions will be the main
guidelines of the study, including a multilevel trends
analysis in relation to general productivity, keywords
associated and influential authors and papers, as
How is the general productivity in stakeholder
management on energy and sustainability in terms of
countries, institutions, and journals since the first
mention of the concept in literature?
What are the most relevant keywords associates
with the stakeholder management on energy and
sustainability approach in the consulted literature
that represent the principal research approach in the
Who are the most influential authors and papers
in stakeholder management on energy and
In that sense, the study performs a comprehensive
bibliometric analysis in terms of the following
General Productivity: Including an analysis of
the growth of researching papers, concentration
indexes, and indicators related to the most productive
institutions, journals, and countries.
Research Approaches: Considering an analysis
of the approaches to the field by identifying the most
related topics present in the literature.
Influence Structure: Presenting an analysis of
the most influential papers in the subject and the
leading authors in terms of the number of citations
and average citation per year indexes.
Considering the research questions and the stated
variables, the research method will be done through a
bibliometric review study that leads to a
comprehensive view of the general productivity,
research approaches, and influence structure of the
research field related to stakeholder management on
energy and sustainability to provide a comprehensive
answer to the research questions that guides the
1.2 A Bibliometric Review to
Understand the Evolution of
Stakeholder Management on
Energy and Sustainability
Considering bibliometrics as a form of study of
quantitative nature that made the analysis of
published or bibliographic units possible, including
quantitative measures or analyses applied to
indicators such as number of volumes in a collection,
number of titles, numbers of articles published in a
given field over a certain length of time, numbers of
articles in journals, chapters in collected works
published by a given number of persons (Broadus,
1987), this represent an useful approach to understand
relevant trends and overall situation of quantitative
nature regarding scientific activity.
In that sense, measurement of scholarly impact is
considered one of the strongest currencies in the
Academy (traditionally been equated with number of
citations—be it for individuals, articles, departments,
universities, journals, or entire fields), given its
scholarly impact of multidimensional nature
construct on members of the academia (Aguinis,
Suárez-González, Lannelongue, & Joo, 2012) by
including a diversity of relevant measurements
including studies regarding most productive and
influential countries, leading journals in the field,
authors, affiliations (Merigó, Cancino, Coronado, &
Urbano, 2016); universities and research scholars
who have had the greatest impact on the field
(Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Podsakoff, & Bachrach,
2008); frequency of terms extracted from publication
titles (Pritchard, A., 1969); and even visualization
techniques using specialized software such as
VOSviewer and NVivo to perform complexity
reduction in large bodies of literature and theorizing
FEMIB 2023 - 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
graphically (Sinkovics, 2016); in the sense of
understanding stakeholder management on energy
and sustainability for the present work, the methods
used are including in the following section.
The analysis made in the present work will take into
consideration bibliometric indicators proposed by
Macan & Petrak (2014), that can be classified into
three categories: quantitative indicators, used to
measure the productivity of relevant researchers;
performance indicators, that measure the quality of
journals or researchers; and structural indicators,
useful to establish a link between publication, authors
and research fields.
Also, recommendations from Zupic and Čater
(2015) in terms of main bibliometric methods that
considers the use of citation data to to construct
measures of influence and similarity, and co-word
analysis to find connections among concepts that co-
occur in document titles, keywords and abstracts.
To achieve that, the process we applied follow a
procedure that explains how we collected the data, the
use of keywords, the type of documents considered,
the most important indicators and the specific
analysis for bibliometric review, ending with the
discussion regarding the findings and research
proposal for future interest.
Following the recommendations of the AMSTAR
protocol (Shea et al., 2007), as a measurement tool to
assess the methodological quality of systematic
reviews, for this research paper the data was collected
from Scopus database, which is a source-neutral
abstract and citation database, curated by independent
subject matter experts, with tools that generates
precise citation search results and automatically
updated researcher profiles, that includes more than
75 million records, with 68 million post-1970 records.
In the research questions we focused on
descriptive analysis to understand the development of
the research field of the stakeholder management
theory at country, institution and journal level from
the first mentions of those combines set of topics in
the literature, establishing an inclusion criterion
limited to “Articles” in the Final (or published)
stages, as the selected document type from all type of
sources, affiliation, sponsors, countries, and source
types, in English language; all other type of
documents such as Conference Papers, Book Chapter,
Books, Editorials, Conference papers and Letters
were excluded, since in recent years the research
paper represents the most used form of
communication of science and this was made in order
to ensure an objective and equivalent comparison
among study subjects.
In those terms, we present the most relevant and
influential articles regarding the subject between
1969 and 2021 using Scopus database, considering
23,841 document results including the keywords:
“Stakeholder”, “Management”, “Energy” and a
diversity of concepts related to sustainability; besides,
the selection was limited to “Social Sciences,
Business and Economic” as subject areas, using the
option “show all abstracts”, and a sorting option on:
“Cited by highest”; in that sense, there were no
conflict of interest that could affect the rigorous
method of selection for the analysis.
To understand how the production of papers have
increase in time as an introduction to the descriptive
statistical analysis, first we present the productivity
tendency since the first paper where the concept was
The results show the country of origin of the
leading research being mainly in eight countries
which accounts for the 50% of the total publications:
United States (13%), United Kingdom (10%), China
(6%), Germany (6%), Italy (4%), Netherlands (4%),
Spain (4%) and Australia (3%); the literature about
the significance of stakeholder management on
energy and sustainability subjects shows a positive
trend in the last year, with a clear positive tendency
in the number of documents published each year
considering the period between 1994 and 2021,
beginning with the works of Hirst (1994) focused on
conducting planning to assess demand and supply
resources to meet customer energy-service needs; and
Jelacic (1994), focused on method related to
geothermal wells; in comparison to the year 2021 that
covers a wide array of subjects, including papers that
mentions keywords related to subjects such as
sustainable development (59), climate change (36),
energy management (33), decision making (31),
waste management (13), alternative energy (23),
economic and social effects (22), water management
(19), energy efficiency (18), environmental
management (18), and investments (18), among
others. In what refers to total productivity of each
country, is possible to notice the relevance of the
United States in the overall productivity, being the
global leader in studies related to stakeholder
management focused in energy and sustainability, as
figure 1 shows.
A Bibliometric Analysis for Stakeholder Management Focused on Energy and Sustainability
Source: Own elaboration based in Scopus (2022).
Figure 1: Tendencies of productivity in the most productive
Figure 1 shows that all the countries have a
positive tendency, and that China is making an
important leap in the final trace of the period
considered, since in 2021 showed the largest
productivity considering the tier 3 countries on the
3.1 Concentration Index of
Productivity of Countries in
Stakeholder´S Management
To better understand the level of concentration of
productivity in terms of documents published at
country, institution and journal level, we used the Ck
concentration index, which is an index that presents a
sum of the shares in publication given a K largest
institution, journals or countries in this scientific
field, calculated as expressed in formula 1 (Valencia,
Formula 1: Ck concentration index
Source: Own elaboration based in Valencia (2020).
Where K represents the quantity of documents
published in a journal, country or institution related
to the scientific field. Using this index, is possible to
understand if there is any relevant concentration in
the production and citation in a specific subject in
terms of regions, institutions, and journals.
The way to interpret the index is as follows: Ck <
33% = low concentration; 34% < Ck < 67% =
moderate concentration; Ck > 68% = high
concentration. Now, a list of the most productive
countries using an analysis with concentration index
by the total productivity of each country.
Table 1: Most productive countries and Ck concentration
CK Country Documents %
United States 342 12.8%
United Kingdom 266 9.9%
China 166 6.2%
4 Germany 153 5.7%
Italy 115 4.3%
Netherlands 102 3.8%
Spain 95 3.5%
Australia 88 3.3%
Canada 87 3.2%
10 Sweden 67 2.5%
France 66 2.5%
Denmark 56 2.1%
Greece 49 1.8%
India 48 1.8%
Finland 46 1.7%
Austria 45 1.7%
Switzerland 45 1.7%
18 Portugal 44 1.6%
Rest of countries 802 29.9%
Source: Own elaboration using data from Scopus (2022).
As we can see in table 3, there is a moderate level
of concentration in the countries that have a
production of documents in the subject of stakeholder
management focused in energy and sustainability
subjects, mainly in ten countries: United States,
United Kingdom, China, Germany, Italy,
Netherlands, Spain, Australia, Canada, and Sweden.
3.2 Most Related Subject Areas and
Stakeholder management represents an approach to
organizational management used in a diverse
framework, where topics such as most common
subject area and specific keywords found in the
database of Scopus can provide a better view of the
studies that are made related to this specific topic.
First, when analyzing the distribution by subject
area, most articles written about the subjects relate to
Social Sciences and Business Management and
Accounting, leaving other subjects to a lesser
percentage of participation.
1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
FEMIB 2023 - 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
Source: Own elaboration using data from Scopus (2022).
Figure 2: Documents by subject areas.
As we can see in figure 2, the most present
representative areas are Environmental Science,
Energy and Engineering which represents the 54.07%
of the total publications; up to 2022, those are the
dominant fields of the stakeholder’s approach related
to energy and sustainability present in the research
works founded in the Scopus database.
Following the analysis, we proceed to use the
VOSviewer software to perform a graphic analysis of
the database, since this specialized software is useful
to construct networks of scientific publications,
journals, researchers, organizations, countries,
keywords, or terms (van Eck and Waltman, 2017);
figure 4 show the relationship of the publications in
terms of bibliometric by keywords, in terms of the
multiple relations found in keywords related to
stakeholder management, giving a better idea of how
researchers are using the topic to study and explain
related issues.
Source: Own elaboration using VOSviewer (2022).
Figure 3: Bibliometric network by keywords.
To better understand the data present in figure 3,
the software presents the main keywords related to
stakeholder´s management research, considering a
minimum number of 25 occurrences of each keyword
(a custom attribute that indicates the number of
documents in which a keyword occurs), in which 76
meet the threshold; also, we eliminate keywords
directly related to the meaning of the subject and
regions (such as the term stakeholders, stakeholder
management or names of countries, among others) to
avoid repetition of concepts.
A general overview of the most influential papers
considered in this research shows that the subjects can
be summarized in specific keywords, which are
represented in the next figure 5:
Source: Own elaboration using data from Scopus (2022).
Figure 4: network analysis of index keywords presents in
the most influential papers by citation.
As figure 4 shows, the index keywords that have
the highest number of occurrences are 13, presenting
a varying level of link strength with the rest of
keywords in the most influential papers by citations
that goes from 7 to 13, which include climate change,
competition, decision making, economic and social
effects, innovation, risk assessment, supply chain
management, sustainability, sustainable
development and United States.
3.3 Most Influential Authors
Next, for the analysis related to the most productive
and influential authors, the table 8 presents data in
terms of TP = Total Papers; TC = Total Cites, CPP =
citations per paper and H index for the authors
regarding the papers published related to
stakeholder´s management.
Table 2 shows that the most productive authors in
terms of cites are not necessarily the most influential,
as we can see with the relationship among citation
level and productivity: Holthus (0), Mbohwa (2.5),
Wright (0.25), Abram (4) and Bernnat (4).
In terms of the most cited papers in stakeholder´s
management on energy and sustainability, the
following table includes information related to the
respective papers in terms of journal (J), total
citations (TC), title, authors, year of publication and
the average citation per year (C/Y).
Social Sciences
Management and
and Biological
Earth and
Econometrics and
Decision Sciences
Other subjects
A Bibliometric Analysis for Stakeholder Management Focused on Energy and Sustainability
Table 2: Top 10 authors by average citations per paper
# Author
per paper)
1 Dale, V. 6 330 55
2 Junginger, M. 5 63 12.6
3 Kline, K. 5 300 60
4 Holthus, P. 4 0 0
5 Lombardi, P. 4 49 12.25
6 Mbohwa, C. 4 10 2.5
7 Wright, N. 4 1 0.25
8 Abram, T. 3 12 4
9 Bernnat, W. 3 12 4
10 Brouwer, F. 3 37 12.33
Source: Own elaboration using data from Scopus (2022).
This study presented a general overview of the most
productive sources in the subject of stakeholder´s
management on energy and sustainability, which
show a comprehensive view of the research field in
those subjects. The main advantage of this approach
is that it identifies the most productive and influential
authors, journals, institutions and countries are
presenting the major productivity in a focused
research field of study, so any person interested in the
subject can clearly identify where is the leading
research taking place since 1994 to 2021.
The productivity observed in the considered
period (between 1994 and 2021), shows a clear
positive slope in the number of publications each
year; also, the most present related subjects are
climate change, competition, decision making,
economic and social effects, innovation, risk
assessment, supply chain management, sustainability
and sustainable development, with a peak of
productivity in the year 2021.
Using the concentration indexes is possible to
understand if there is any relevant concentration in
the production and citation in a specific subject in
terms of regions, institutions, and journals; the results
show that there is an important concentration of
productivity mainly in eight countries: United States,
United Kingdom, China, Germany, Italy,
Netherlands, Spain and Australia, with a
predominance of United Kingdom and United States,
followed by a recent increase in the scientific
production of China. The global leading institutions
in the subject are Delft University of Technology and
Wageningen University & Research (Netherlands),
Imperial College London, The University of
Manchester and University of Leeds (United
Kingdom), Chinese Academy of Sciences and Hong
Kong Polytechnic University (China), and finally,
Rutgers University–New Brunswick (United States).
This work reveals the following insights, firstly,
in what it comes to the main keywords related to
stakeholder´s management on energy and
sustainability are: sustainable development, decision
making, environmental management, climate change,
environmental impact, economic and social effects,
energy efficiency, energy policy, waste management,
environmental protection, economics, alternative
energy, energy resource, energy management, life
cycle, energy utilization, investments, water
management, greenhouse gases, renewable energy
resources, water supply, risk assessment, energy
conservation, emission control, renewable resource,
energy planning, carbon dioxide, recycling, energy
use, environmental policy, commerce, resource
management, policy making, public policy,
renewable energies, optimization, carbon,
participatory approach, adaptive management,
governance approach, biomass, risk management,
project management; also, there is a strong presence
of keywords referring to United Stated and China.
This relation show that stakeholder´s management
on energy and sustainability are subjects close to
investment, utilization, waste management and risk
management and assessment. The most influential
authors are Dale, V.H. and Kline, K.L, who are the
authors with the highest level of citation in the
considered period of time; meanwhile, the authors of
the most influential papers are from countries such as
United States (3), China (2), United Kingdom (1),
Spain (1), Netherlands (1), Norway (1), United Arab
Emirates (1), Greece (1), Germany (1) and France (1);
it is also relevant to highlight that the most influential
work is related to climate change impacts and
adaptation in cities, being a systematic literature
review by Hunt & Watkiss, in 2011.
Given that Bibliometrics are useful tools for
document and justify the role of the research work in
terms of understanding the evolution of a given
scientific fields, the contributions of the present paper
FEMIB 2023 - 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
are substantial to better understand the behavior of
scientific activities in what comes to energy and
sustainability considering stakeholder management
as a basis.
With this information, the scientific community
can have a clear overview of the most significative
trends in relation to productivity (at country and
subject levels) and influence (at related subjects
expressed by keywords and authors level) in a
practical and useful manner; that is one of the reasons
that support the structure of the descriptive
argumentation included in this research.
As a group of researchers that are specialized in
the subject, the authors consider that the information
included is relevant to identify key aspects that shows
the main contributors in the field, useful to trace
relationships amongst indicators such as most
productive countries, subjects and even authors,
which can be used to show an actual trend in the study
of a subject, given space to discussion that can be
present in multidisciplinary studies; in a sense, this
information could be used to identify a given
predilection of a country in the subject that guides the
interest of such nation in developing goals towards
energy and sustainability taking into consideration
stakeholder management as the main managerial
practice to achieve those, considering that
bibliometric methods are frequently used in the field
of library and information science.
In the other hand, in what comes to the citation
analysis (based on constructing a citation graph in a
descriptive manner), this is useful for any research
fields to explore connections between keywords or
even authors, the impact of a particular paper, with
the possibility for the development of thesauri, and
evaluation of reader usage.
Given the findings, it is important to understand
the changes that recent events brought to the subject;
in that sense, in future research is necessary to
develop further analysis in terms of specialized
subjects related to a during and post war environment
in relation to the current conflict in Russia and
Ukraine; that could provide a major understanding of
the intellectual structure of stakeholder management
on energy and sustainability by applying methods
such as bibliographical coupling, co-citation, co-
author analysis, and possible correlations with
conflicts of geopolitics nature.
Thus, the main contribution of this paper is not
just descriptive for the results, but also a procedure to
obtain, process, analyze and show the overall
behavior of scientific productivity, influence and
trend of any given field, being these aspects as
relevant for the research community.
Also, it represents a practical way to use the
bibliometric information to understand where the
scientific activity is heading, what countries are more
interested in a particular topic, what kind of keywords
or specialized subjects are more relevant to the field
and who are the most influential actors, so any
researcher can have the possibility of using this
methodology to create their own analysis.
The authors want to thank to the Arkansas State
University, the National Autonomous University of
Mexico, and the University of Sinu for the support
received during the realization of this research.
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FEMIB 2023 - 5th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business