paved roads. There are two main contributions. First,
we have combined seven public driving and robotics
datasets, which together contain a large variety of
road types, and trained a HRNet-W48 network on this
data to achieve robust road segmentation. Second,
we have developed a path-finding algorithm and im-
proved its robustness to incorrect road segmentation
in several ways, allowing for automated control of a
vehicle-mounted PTZ camera, which can handle road
crossings and forks.
Our experimental results have shown that individ-
ual driving datasets contain insufficient variety to al-
low training of a robust road segmentation system
for all road types. Combining seven different pub-
lic datasets and adding just a small number of semi-
automatically labeled images greatly improves the
performance to the point that all roads in the test
dataset can be accurately segmented. Although this
paper is primarily concerned with camera control, the
robust road segmentation for a broad class of roads
can also be of interest for work in autonomous driv-
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any type of road is feasible, but will still require com-
parable extensive datasets that autonomous driving re-
search has generated for urban environments over the
past few years. Until then, combining many existing
datasets is a good alternative for generalization.
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