capacity of the CS may cause an increase in the cache
miss rate, which increases the amount of traffic. The
cache capacity represents the effectiveness when em-
ploying time-dependent access control. This prompts
us to carefully select T
because it depends on the
depth of the binary tree and the number of keys used
for encryption, although it provides more fine-grained
access control.
In this paper, we add a time-dependent access control
protocol to the Cache-22 system and provide experi-
mental results. Due to the proposed time-dependent
access control, the number of duplicated contents is
higher than that in the original Cache-22 system. That
is, the proposed protocol is not only effective for con-
trolling access rights, but it also affects the relation-
ship between the cache capacity and network traffic.
The prototype implementation of the origi-
nal Cache-22 system considered multiple CSs and
employed the color-based cooperative cache sys-
tem (Nakajima et al., 2017), which associates servers
and caches through a color tag. In the Cache-22 sys-
tem with time-dependent access control, a key associ-
ated with a higher node (i.e., a node closer to the root)
is assigned to more users than a key associated with
a lower node (i.e., a node closer to a leaf). That is,
it should be effective to introduce multiple CSs that
store ciphertexts encrypted by keys associated with a
higher node. Confirming the effectiveness of intro-
ducing multiple CSs is left for future work.
This work was partially supported by JSPS KAK-
ENHI Grant Number JP21K11897.
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