We empirically compared our new verifier, the
original parsing-based verifier and the state-of-the-art
planning-based verifier. The results have shown that
the improved verifier on grounded domains outper-
forms the original parsing-based approach on all four
tested groups. It also outperforms the planning-based
approach on invalid, but it is worse on valid domains.
The experiments showed us where we could fur-
ther improve the parsing-based approach. We now
have two possible areas for future work. First, a pos-
sible check for whether grounding could be benefi-
cial before running it. This would allow us to marry
the benefits of lifted and grounded domains. Second,
the use of heuristics to first create tasks that look the
most promising instead of creating them in a manner
similar to breadth-first search. This could allow us to
avoid creating a significant number of tasks.
Research is supported by TAILOR, a project funded
by EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation pro-
gramme under GA No 952215. S. Ondr
a is (par-
tially) supported by SVV project number 260 575 and
by the Charles University project GA UK number
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