Smart Shopping Carts to Increase Healthier Food Purchase:
A Conjoint Experiment
Niklas Eriksson
1,2 a
, Asle Fagerstrøm
, Valdimar Sigurðsson
, Nils-Magne Larsen
and Vishnu Menon
Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Jan-Magnus Janssonin aukio 1, 00420 Helsinki, Finland
Kristiania University College, Prinsens gate 7-9, 0152 Oslo, Norway
Reykjavik University, Menntavegur 1, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland
The Arctic University of Norway, Havnegata 5, 9404 Harstad, Norway
Massey University, PO Box 756, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
Keywords: Healthy Food Purchase, Self-Service Technology, Grocery Retailing, Decision Support, Conjoint Experiment.
Abstract: Shopping carts, in general, should be suitable for carrying smart technology in the retail store environment.
Also, a smart shopping cart can present verbal motivating stimuli to increase healthier food purchases. A
conjoint experiment was used to test with a hypothetical purchasing task for young consumers (n=91) the
potential of motivating stimulus on smart shopping carts to influence healthier purchases when buying frozen
pizza. The results show a positive impact for all stimuli stemming from the smart shopping cart, three of
which were health-based. This shows that stimuli revealing dynamic and personalized data through smart
technology in a physical grocery retail setting have the potential to outperform traditional brand statements.
Our conjoint experiment increased young consumers’ likelihood of choosing a healthier frozen pizza. This
result demonstrates that verbal stimuli on smart shopping carts can function as motivating augmentals on
young adult consumers’ healthier food purchases and are in line with the market positioning and customer-
service focus of many retailers and brands today, emphasizing a social marketing standing.
Increased sedentary lifestyles and consumption of
unhealthy foods have caused an international
epidemic of potential health issues related to being
overweight or obese (Dobbs et al., 2014).
Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, sleep
apnea, and even some cancers are just a few of the
potential side effects of living an unhealthy life
(Wyatt et al., 2006). With the estimated annual cost
of overweight and obesity at two trillion USD, steps
must be taken to combat this downward spiral (Dobbs
et al., 2014). Recently, we have seen increased
prominence of studies promoting healthy foods,
particularly in the retail setting. For example, research
demonstrates that the majority of consumers’ food
purchases are unplanned and contingent upon stimuli
in the retail environment (Inman et al., 2009). The
physical retail environment is, therefore, an important
scene in which to study the effects of healthy food
promotion and how to influence healthier food
purchases most effectively. Retailers can and do play
a large part in influencing their customers’ purchasing
decisions (Larsen et al., 2017). Some of the main
factors that have been found to determine whether
healthy or unhealthy food is purchased include the
location of these foods within stores (Areni et al.,
1999; Sigurdsson & Engilbertsson, 2015), the
availability of healthy and unhealthy foods (Yeh et
al., 2008), access to accurate nutrition information
(Achabal et al., 1987; Dubbert et al., 1984), and price
(Sigurdsson et al., 2011; 2014).
Eriksson, N., Fagerstrøm, A., Sigurðsson, V., Larsen, N. and Menon, V.
Smart Shopping Carts to Increase Healthier Food Purchase: A Conjoint Experiment.
DOI: 10.5220/0011619100003476
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2023), pages 93-101
ISBN: 978-989-758-645-3; ISSN: 2184-4984
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Despite the prominent role of carrying equipment
in retail, such as a basket and carts, there is, to the best
of our knowledge, limited literature involving such
equipment in grocery retailing and its potential to
promote healthier food purchases (Larsen &
Sigurdsson, 2019). Currently, there is also
surprisingly limited knowledge of consumer behavior
connected to the relationship between self-service
digital assistants and consumer food purchases. New
technology available in grocery stores may provide
useful mechanisms for promoting healthier food
purchases based on consumer activity at the point of
purchase (Nikolova & Inman, 2015).
Self-service technologies combined with existing
in-store equipment such as smart shopping carts (carts
with digital screens connected to the Internet) are
emerging as prominent options to influence buying
behavior in general and also to promote healthier food
purchases. Shopping carts have several strengths as
an object for smart self-service technology. They tend
to be in close vicinity to the shopper throughout the
whole shopping trip and thus can increase the reach,
frequency, and relevance of real-time personal
consumer-oriented stimuli (Inman & Nikolova,
2017). While smartphones have several potentials,
phones still have a small screen and can be left in the
pocket or purse to a large extent. Screens mounted on
carts can be larger than smartphone screens and
should, therefore, be much more in front of the
shopper. Furthermore, smart shelves and digital
signage have a weakness in their static positioning
within the store. Since a cart’s primary function is to
help consumers carry products, it provides
opportunities to identify consumers’ interests
instantly. Despite that some of the first use of smart
shopping cart at the beginning of the 1990s was not
that successful (Inman & Nikolova, 2017), we see
that new technology has been developed, and todays,
smart shopping cart has been significantly improved
(e.g., Bello-Salau, et al., 2021; Shahroz, et al., 2020).
A few studies have investigated the relationship
between technology-based solutions and healthier
food purchases. Reitberger et al. (2014) concluded
that the combination of Internet-of-Things (IoT) and
mobile devices is a promising approach toward better
(i.e., healthier) consumer food purchases inside
stores. Many consumers lack service in stores, and
consequently, self-service technologies can
contribute to the shopping experience (Kallweit et al.,
2014). Also, younger adult consumers expect smart
technologies to enable them to make more informed
purchases (Priporas et al., 2017). However, Kallweit
et al. (2014; see also Fagerstrøm et al., 2020)
highlight that the technology itself only barely
mediates users’ intention to use self-service
technology in retail; rather, it is about what kind of
service quality, such as information quality, the
technology can provide to the user that matters. Self-
service technologies such as mobile devices, smart
shopping carts, and information kiosks can contribute
to smart retail settings by creating additional value for
customers and retailers. For example, connecting
sensors such as location-based beacon technology to
self-service devices enables retailers to interact
directly with customers as they enter the store and to
push content such as product information, price, and
nutrition stimuli in real-time.
Based on the above discussion, understanding
consumer interaction with smart self-service
technologies in the retail grocery situation, especially
regarding healthier purchases, would be of great
interest to researchers and practitioners. The goal of
this study is, therefore, to investigate the relative
impact of three motivating stimuli on a smart
shopping cart for healthier purchases in grocery retail:
(1) nutritional stimulus based on a health index, (2)
personalized health score based on products in the
shopping cart, and (3) product popularity based on
popular healthy purchases of the week.
Consumer behavior is, to a large extent, regulated by
verbal stimuli in the form of speaking, writing,
signing, and other forms of verbal behavior (Pierce &
Cheney, 2013), such as advice, promises, laws, and
instructions (Foxall, 2010). Rule-governed behavior
is, according to Pierce and Cheney (2013), a term that
is used when the behavior is regulated by the
contingencies that the rule describes. For example, if
a consumer’s purchase is regulated by advice about
buying and consuming more fatty fish because it is
good for the heart and blood vessels, the behavior is
The current study contributes to the literature on
rule-governed behavior by studying new stimuli
stemming from technology designed to have
motivating functions. The first is a verbal nutritional
stimulus stemming from a smart shopping cart where
we examine real-time stimuli stating a specific
product’s health ranking compared to other products
in the category. For example, a verbal stimulus on a
smart shopping cart screen can state that “A real-time
health comparison index identifies this product as one
of the most nutritious products related to calories and
salt.” A real-time health index stimulus ought to
increase consumers’ likelihood to purchase as it
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
increases the reinforcing value in line with functional
consequences (Hayes et al., 2001).
The second augmental is a verbal personalized
health score stimuli on a smart shopping cart. The
verbal health score stimulus gives the consumer an
indication of the total nutrition of the products
purchased by the consumer. For example, when a new
product is added to the smart shopping cart, an
indication can be given that “Based on products in
your shopping cart, this frozen pizza is indicated as a
healthy purchase!” In this case, smart technology can
increase the functional reinforcing value already
attached to the product. Therefore, the personalized
stimulus on the shopping cart screen can be
categorized as a motivating augmental (Hayes et al.,
2001), and thus, it ought to have a positive effect on
the consumer’s likelihood to purchase.
The third augmental is a verbal stimulus
informing the consumer about the most popular
healthy product this week based on real-time
customer purchases. Other consumers’ actions, such
as popularity cues, can signal product quality
(Cheung et al., 2014) and can similarly be used to
signal healthier purchases. Research has found
popularity to make the customer more likely to buy
the product (Castro et al., 2013) and to increase
consumers’ willingness to pay more for the product
(Carare, 2012). For example, a verbal stimulus on a
smart shopping cart screen can state: “Real-time
product popularity: Based on real-time customer
purchase, this is the most popular healthy product this
week.” As for the previous two verbal stimuli, this
can increase the functional reinforcing value already
attached to the product. Therefore, a real-time product
popularity score stimulus on the shopping cart screen
can be categorized as a motivating augmental, and it
most probably has a positive effect on the consumer’s
likelihood to purchase.
A survey based conjoint experiment was chosen for
the purpose of this study. Conjoint analysis is a hybrid
type of multivariate technique to understand
consumer preferences toward products and services,
and it is considered a realistic method to portray
consumer decisions (Hair et al., 2010).
3.1 Participants
A university student population was chosen as young
adults are interesting subjects to explore. They can be
reasonably considered heavy users of new technology
and market movers, paving the way for new types of
behaviors in retail. Also, overweight and obesity are
growing most rapidly in young adults (Katzmarzyk et
al., 2019), and they consume, to a great extent, ready
meals such as frozen pizza. A student sample was also
chosen due to limited resources to otherwise obtain a
fair number of participants. Students are less
demanding to recruit than external participants,
especially in an experimental setting taking place
physically at a university campus (as the present
study did). By conducting the study in a controlled
physical environment at the campus, we sought to
instead decrease possible disturbing effects of the
experimental setting. Further, students are quite
homogenous in Norway in regard to demographics
(age, socio-economic status etc.), which also ought to
reduce disturbing background effects.
The sample comprised 91 (34 men and 57
women) Norwegian undergraduate students from
Kristiania University College (Oslo) and the
University of Oslo. The sample is slightly skewed
toward females, and it profiles a relatively young
adult consumer group. The participants’ ages were
measured in three categories (18–22, 23-–30, and 31–
45), of which 56 were from the 18–22 category and
32 from the 23–30 category. Out of the 89
participants who answered the question about their
previous use of smart carts, only eight had used smart
carts previously. Participants’ limited use of smart
shopping carts was expected as these technologies are
still scant.
3.2 Design
The target product for the study was frozen pizza. The
food industry sees the health trend and focuses more
on healthier nutrition, such as fewer calories, less salt,
and more natural ingredients, when developing new
frozen pizzas. It is also reasonable to assume that a
frozen pizza is perceived as unhealthy or ‘junk food’
(Combet et al., 2014), and thus, the effect of healthier
options on the likelihood to purchase ought to be
high. This makes it an interesting product to study.
A conjoint experiment where all participants
received the same hypothetical shopping task and the
same varied intervention stimuli to evaluate on a
questionnaire was set up for the purpose of this study.
Data were collected in two separate physical sessions,
but the procedure was the same for all participants.
This type of conjoint experiment with a within-
subjects design and a survey helps to determine how
participants evaluate different predetermined
attributes related to the research object. Here, the
attributes were hypothetical verbal stimuli on a
Smart Shopping Carts to Increase Healthier Food Purchase: A Conjoint Experiment
simulated smart self-service shopping cart, and the
participants were asked to evaluate how likely they
were to purchase the frozen pizza presented to them.
Each attribute is specified by levels, representing
realistic features of each attribute.
Six attributes of verbal stimuli (of which three
were health-based) and their corresponding levels
were identified for the study (see Table 1).
“Nutritional stimulus,” “Healthy choice—shopping
cart,” “Healthy choice—popularity,” “Price levels,”
and “Taste” were operationalized at three levels.
“Price types” was operationalized at four levels. The
different levels of attributes are assumed to have a
varying impact on purchase behavior. The attributes
“Price types” and “Taste” were also pictured to
represent technology-based stimuli, where “Price
types” represented dynamic pricing, and “Taste”
represented statements on product taste, including
customer reviews of frozen pizza.
The “Nutritional stimulus” was pictured with a
real-time product health comparison index of calories
and salt as one level, a brand nutrition statement as a
second level, and no information regarding nutrition
as a third level. “Healthy choice—shopping cart” was
pictured with a personalized health score based on
products in the shopping cart as one level, a brand
statement of healthy choice as a second level, and no
information on healthy choice as a third level.
“Healthy choice—popularity” was pictured with real-
time popularity score as one level, a store statement
regarding product popularity as a second level, and no
information on popularity as a third level. The “Price
levels” were based on price searches from a
Norwegian online grocery retailer (www.kolonial.
no). The average price for frozen pizza was NOK
56.50, with the highest at NOK 83.80 and the lowest
at NOK 37.50. The fourPrice types” with dynamic
pricing levels and the three levels of “Taste” were
based on studies conducted by Haws and Bearden
(2006) and Mudambi and Schuff (2010), respectively,
but adapted to fit the research context.
We used IBM SPSS™ for the design and analysis
of the study. Six attributes and their corresponding
levels would total 972 smart cart frozen pizza
configurations (3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 4 x 3) based on the full
factorial design. Using the fractional factorial design
in SPSS, the number of configurations (i.e., cards)
was reduced to 29 (including four holdout cards). The
four holdout cards are used to validate the data and
expose possible errors in the model. A main-effects
model was chosen to design the study as it measures
the direct impact of each attribute. The main-effects
model assumes that the participant gets a total value
of the combination of stimuli by adding up the value
of each stimulus (Hair et al., 2010). Under this
method, the participants evaluated a set of
experimentally varied stimuli, the 29 configurations
(referred to here as stimulus cards). A full-profile
method was chosen to collect the data, where each
stimulus card was presented separately to the
participants. While analyzing the data, a discrete
measurement was used for all six stimuli.
Holbrook and Moore (1981) suggest using visual
stimulus cards to present the stimulus. The visual
stimulus cards were administered in a classroom
using a Microsoft PowerPoint™ presentation and a
pen-and-paper questionnaire for the participants. An
illustration of stimulus cards and questions is
presented in the Appendix.
3.3 Procedure
When the participants had voluntarily accepted to
participate in the study, they were presented with a
hypothetical shopping task. In the task, they were to
assume that they were going to purchase a frozen
pizza in the grocery store:
Assume that you are going to buy some groceries
for dinner, and you are now standing in the store. The
retail store you are regularly visiting has
implemented smart carts, as you can see in the
picture. The smart cart holds the shopping list that
you made and uploaded last night. The smart cart
also makes it possible to see the products you have
already picked in your shopping cart. You are now in
the selection process of frozen pizza, and the smart
cart screen gives you product information. Based on
previous experience, you know that the average price
of frozen pizza is about NOK 56.50. You will now be
presented 29 shopping situations. Evaluate the 29
shopping situations in relation to using the smart cart
when purchasing the frozen pizza.
Before the data collection started, an example
stimulus card was presented to the participants to
familiarize them with the procedure. Once all 29
stimulus cards were evaluated, the participants were
asked to provide some background information.
Based on the analysis, we evaluated the goodness-of-
fit of the conjoint model. We found that the
correlations between the actual and estimated
preferences are significant (Pearson’s R = 0.982, p <
0.001 and Kendall's tau = 0.873, p < 0.001). The
Kendall’s tau for the holdout cards is fair (0.667) but
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
not significant (p = 0.087). Based on this, we can say
that the conjoint model has acceptable accuracy.
The results are presented in Table 1. The constant
is 5.087, and the impact estimate values of the levels
vary both negatively and positively with this value.
The importance values show notably that the stimuli
“Price levels” is evaluated as the most important
predictor of purchase for the frozen pizza.
“Nutritional stimulus” is evaluated second,
“Customer reviews taste” third, followed closely by
“Price types,” “Healthy choice—shopping cart,” and
“Healthy choice—popularity.” When taking a closer
look at the primary stimuli under investigation here,
“Nutritional stimulus,” “Healthy choice—shopping
cart,” and “Healthy choice—popularity,” we can see
that the impact estimates for Real-time nutrition
stimulus, Personalized health score, and Real-time
product popularity are positive and notably higher
than the alternative levels for each stimulus. Hence,
this type of stimulus increases the likelihood to
purchase. The No information level scores relatively
high negative impact estimates for all three stimuli. In
other words, providing no information regarding
“Nutritional stimulus,” “Healthy choice—shopping
cart,” and “Healthy choice—popularity” decreases
the likelihood to purchase. It is also worth noting that
“Price types” regarding fixed and dynamic pricing is
not clear-cut, as the impact estimates do not show a
clear positive or negative pattern. Then again,
customer reviews regarding taste score a relatively
high positive impact estimate; likewise, a below-
average market price positively impacts purchasing
In further analysis, we conducted a simulation of
three scenarios regarding the “Nutritional stimulus,”
“Healthy choice—shopping cart,” and “Healthy
choice—popularity.” See Table 2. A conjoint
simulation strives to understand how the participants
would choose between different scenarios, including
a specific set of stimuli (Hair et al., 2010). Here we
wanted to better understand technology-based stimuli
in comparison to only traditional brand or store-based
stimuli and no information regarding healthy
purchases. Hence, in the first scenario (A), we set all
three health stimuli to simulate technology-related
stimuli; in the second scenario (B), we set all three
stimuli to simulate traditional brand or store
statements regarding the healthy purchase, and
finally, in the third scenario (C), we set all three
variables to simulate no information regarding
healthy purchase. We set “Price levels,” “Price
types”, and “Taste” to simulate a typical shopping
situation in which the price is fixed at an average
market level, and the brand provides a statement
regarding product taste. By conducting this
simulation, we gain insights into the predicted
preference proportions of the three scenarios. The
outcomes for each scenario case are shown according
to preference scores along with a preference
probability score, Logit (0-100%). Logit is an optimal
measurement for repetitive purchase situations (Hair
et al., 2010), which is typical for grocery shopping.
The outcome results for scenario A, 56.3% (Logit),
show that a very large proportion of the respondents
would base their purchase on real-time or
personalized health scores if they were provided with
such stimuli on a smart device like a smart shopping
cart. The Logit score drops to 25.6% for scenario B
and 18.1% for scenario C. In practice this means that
scenario A is clearly more preferred than scenario B
and C, while scenario B is slightly more preferred
than scenario C.
The conjoint analysis shows that, relative to the other
stimuli except for a below-average price, the three
technology-based health dimensions are important
stimuli when purchasing a frozen pizza; they notably
increase the likelihood of buying the product. No
information stimulus scored strong negative results,
indicating that leaving out healthy purchase stimuli
decreases the likelihood of buying. However, this is
not surprising, given that the product under
investigation is frozen pizza. As discussed, it is
reasonable to assume that a frozen pizza is likely to
be perceived as unhealthy, and thus motivating
stimuli indicating it is a healthy purchase have a
positive impact on the likelihood of buying.
Nevertheless, the simulation scores from the conjoint
analysis indicate a high preference for the three
technology-based health dimensions relative to
conventional brand statements and no healthy
purchase stimuli. This result is interesting as it
indicates that smart technology-based motivating
stimuli have the possibility to outperform
conventional brand or store statements regarding
healthier food purchases.
Overall, price level scored the highest
importance, showing that price is an important
attribute to increasing healthier food purchases. This
result is in line with previous findings (Sigurdsson et
al., 2011; 2014). However, it is reasonable to assume
that the participants in this study are quite price-
sensitive in general, as we studied undergraduate
students. Nutritional stimulus scored the second-
importance after price level, which also
Smart Shopping Carts to Increase Healthier Food Purchase: A Conjoint Experiment
Table 1: Conjoint utilities and importance values.
Attributes Levels
1. Real-time nutrition: A real-time health comparison index identifies
this product as one of the most nutritious frozen pizzas related to
calories and salt—Find out more.
2. Brand statement: Fewer calories and less salt!
3. No health information
1. Personalized health score: Based on the nutrition content of the
products in your shopping cart, this frozen pizza is indicated as a
healthy choice—Find out more.
2. Brand statement: This is a healthier choice!
3. No health information
1. Real-time product popularity: Based on real-time customer choice,
this is the most popular healthy product this week—Find out more.
2. Store statement: The store states that this is a popular healthy
product! —Find out more
3. No health information
1. Below-average market price: Price NOK 37.50
2. Average market price: Price NOK 56.50
3. Above-avera
e market
rice: Price NOK 83.80
1. Fixed price: Price NOK xx
2. Dynamic price: Price NOK xx,
based on a national index updated
every month
3. Dynamic price: Price NOK xx,
based on a national index updated
every week
4. Dynamic price: Price NOK xx,
based on a national index updated
every hour EUR 100 per night
1. Customer review: Customer reviews on taste: 4.9 out of 5 stars
2. Brand statement: Supreme taste!
3. No information
5.087 0.090
Price was indicated b
rice levels in the con
Table 2: Scenario simulation.
Stimuli and levels Outcomes
Scenarios Cases
shopping cart
A Average Fixed
Real-time Personalized Real-time 6.156 56.3
B Average Fixed
4.972 25.6
No health
C Average Fixed
Blank –
no info
Blank – no
Blank – no
4.324 18.1
a. 84 out of 88 sub
ects are used in the Lo
it method because these sub
ects have all non-ne
ative scores.
indicates that this type of health stimulus is perceived
as important. Accurate nutrition information has been
found to affect healthier food purchases positively
(Combet et al., 2014).
Grocery retailers are important shapers of stimuli
that influence consumers purchasing behavior
(Martinez et al., 2018). Based on the results from this
study, retailers ought to be able to impact healthier
food purchases positively by providing young adult
customers with self-service technological solutions
that include technology-based health motivating
stimuli like those used in this study. These types of
digital solutions may particularly benefit retailers and
brands who want to stand out as responsible actors in
healthy purchases. Policymakers and initiators of
healthy food consumption should notice these results
ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
as well. For example, subsidizing or providing
incentives to retailers regarding technological
solutions for healthier food purchases may push or
provide retailers with the capabilities to innovate and
adopt new digital solutions. Even small interventions
regarding consumer behavior could add up to
significant long-term health effects in society
(Wansink, 2016). Nevertheless, it should be noted
that the price level was the main influencer on the
likelihood to purchase; thus, retailers and brands need
also to consider price reductions if they want to
increase the purchase of healthier foods, at least
among younger and price-sensitive customers.
Self-service technological solutions such as a
smart shopping cart can be a vehicle for promoting
healthier food instead of being used to increase
buying behavior in general or worse, to promote
unhealthy options. Furthermore, Larsen et al. (2020)
have shown that most consumers go into a grocery
store today without a shopping cart, especially young
consumers often buying unhealthy food such as pizza.
Digital solutions can be one of the retailer’s solutions
to this problem by making the shopping cart more
attractive (see Arbore et al., 2014), especially for the
young consumer segment. Larsen et al. (2020) show
that younger consumers are underrepresented among
those using the traditional “non-technology”
shopping cart. Carts with attractive digital solutions
might help retailers increase the share of younger
consumers using a cart, which may increase store
experiences as well as store sales. Therefore, there is
a need for further research on how technology
solutions, for example, personal health advice, can
increase the likelihood of using a cart in grocery
5.1 Limitations and Further Research
There are some limitations related to data collection
and interpreting the results in this study. Firstly, the
study’s reliance on a somewhat narrow undergraduate
student sample may influence the impact of verbal
health and price stimuli on purchases. Further studies
could, therefore, replicate this study with a wider
sample profile. A second limitation might be the order
effect, as the order of stimuli was presented
sequentially (Chrazan, 1994). Therefore, stimulus
cards could be randomized in similar future studies.
Finally, the studied hypothetical task was designed
for frozen pizza and six pre-defined stimuli variables.
The experimental design, in conjoint, calls for
execution assumptions and delimitations made by the
researcher (Hair et al., 2010). Hence, future studies
could be conducted in an in-store setting with a real
smart cart solution and use other types of products
and additional or different types of stimuli relevant in
a grocery shopping situation. Conjoint analysis
should be viewed as primarily explorative, although
it is regarded as a realistic way to capture consumers’
preferences (Hair et al., 2010).
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ICT4AWE 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Stimulus card 8.
Based on the information from the smart cart, how
likely is it that you would purchase the frozen pizza?
Not at all likely Certainly likely
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Smart Shopping Carts to Increase Healthier Food Purchase: A Conjoint Experiment