single aspects like ECB usage on Android point into
the right direction. Our detailed analysis in finding
causes of the ECB usage on Android brought us to the
conclusion that this flaw is mostly introduced through
the usage of third party libraries during app develop-
ment. The app developers themselves are mostly not
directly responsible for misconfigured cryptography.
The trend shows that on custom code insecure cryp-
tographic modes have been removed more often than
they were newly introduced, which is a positive de-
As future work, we see two actions to further im-
prove the situation. As a short term action, we’ll try to
reach out to developers of widely used libraries with
flaws to update their libraries. But this does not tackle
the problem on the long term. Developers currently
have little means to get insights to the security and pri-
vacy aspects of their used third party libraries. Third
party library sites like mavencentral.com only show
CVEs for direct vulnerabilities but not lighter secu-
rity or privacy issues. We aim to deliver such data
for common libraries and provide such information to
developers. App stores and development IDEs could
process such information and highlight flaws to de-
velopers during app development. We believe that
with such tight integration most flaws can easily be
This research work was supported by the National
Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity ATHENE
and the Hessian Ministry of the Interior and Sports.
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