data available, since these models are accurate enough
to be used in practice.
Adding time features increased MAE for CNNs
and CNN LSTMs in most cases, as those algorithm
were perhaps less well-equipped to handle the time
features and did not seem to learn from the new
email features. In contrast, when time features were
added to the data for RNNs and BDLSTMs, the MAE
dropped, and was below that of the CNN and CNN
LSTMs on data without time features. This showed
adding time features can help deep learning achieve
lower MAEs on the donor journey.
We next added subject line features and new email
features to the data with time features and again com-
pared to data without any new features. The results
were similar as to when time features were added, al-
though CNN and CNN LSTM MAEs improved with
data containing these new features compared to their
MAEs when only having time features added. For
RNNs and BDLSTMs, there was not a significant
change from only adding time features, but the lowest
MAEs were achieved with data having all of time fea-
tures, subject line features, and other new email fea-
tures. This shows that the new features added in these
experiments help create more accurate deep learning
models for the donor journey.
When querying the most accurate model to se-
lect email parameters, the BDLSTM model suggested
short emails for both C1 and C5, but many more para-
graphs for C1, which is a wildlife charity. It also
chose fewer background colours for C5, a university
foundation and larger words for its subject lines com-
pared to C1. This may reflect the level of language
sophistication around university donors, since many
of them are alumni of the university foundation, and
thus have a post-secondary education.
In the future, we will add in constituent features to
(hopefully) further lower MAE and see if deep learn-
ing algorithms can benefit from having all of actions,
email features, constituent features, and all the fea-
tures we added in this paper. We will also combine
data across charities to see the effect, even though this
combination of data is not realistic for most charities.
We will continue to add new features to the data as
they become available and as we create them.
In addition to understanding which features matter
for machine learning the donor journey, understand-
ing why such features matter is a possible avenue of
research. For instance, background colours may have
different effects on constituents from different cul-
tures. We can also survey constituents to obtain di-
rect answers concerning which email features actually
made a different in their decision to donate or not, and
in their decision concerning how much to donate.
Also in the future, the type of email sent will be
a feature, which would be in the set of {acquisition,
solicitation, stewardship, cultivation}. Acquisition
emails seek donations from non-donors, while solic-
itation emails seek donations from previous donors.
Cultivation emails seek to increase a donor’s dona-
tion amount, while stewardship emails thank donors
for their donations and keep them informed on the
activities of the charity. While adding these features
may seem straightforward, many emails fit more than
one category. Charities always try to say thank you
even when asking for money, so these features will
likely need to be scaled in the [0,1] range and we will
experiment to see which system works best for incor-
porating this information into the data.
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Adding Time and Subject Line Features to the Donor Journey