lems, damaged monitoring equipment, patient intol-
erance/agitation); loss of data due to error in patient
coding; poor quality of data recording.
In this section, we will first introduce experiments
from a technical and computational point of view, and
finally, we will present the system’s web interface.
Our experimental work has covered a broad spec-
trum of patient features (age, stroke type, and gender)
to validate the accuracy of the recommendation sys-
tem. However, due to space limits, we will present
cases of study aggregating by age ranges of 10 years,
combining with the two-stroke subtypes, ischaemic
and hemorrhagic. Another combination would be the
patient’s gender. Still, to keep the table size down, we
have decided to aggregate by mean, as there are no
relevant variations between genders.
All the experiments were run using the same ge-
netic model parameters and the same set of death risk
prediction models for every case. The initial popula-
tion is 20 individuals, the individual mutation proba-
bility is 20%, and the gene mutation probability, eval-
uated for each gene compounding the individual, is
10%. The cross probability between two individuals
is 50% using the one-point cross method, which is se-
lected randomly between the existing possible cross-
points. Finally, the genetic model is executed with
a maximum of 20 generations, defined after several
tests as sufficient to reach a stable solution. There is
elitism where the three best individuals are preserved
between generations.
Table 4 shows aggregated results from our exper-
iments for each age range and stroke sub-type (hem-
orrhagic and ischaemic). As it may be seen, the op-
timal solution found by the algorithm (i.e., the best
individual found) presents no exitus (death) risk like-
lihood in almost every case, according to the models
used in the genetic algorithm. As age rises, the ge-
netic algorithm takes more generations to find opti-
mal solutions, which seems reasonable as the exitus
risk grows proportionally with age. Therefore solu-
tions are harder to be found if they exist. The results
also show that the stroke sub-type is a relevant feature
of the study case, as exitus risk is higher in hemor-
rhagic cases than ischaemic, making it harder for the
algorithm to find optimal solutions. Typically, the op-
timal solution is found within the first five generations
when the patient is younger than 70 years or suffers
an ischaemic stroke.
In terms of computation, as individuals are not
compounded of a significant number of genes, the
population size is relatively reduced (20 individu-
als). Usually, optimal solutions are found within
the first five generations. Simulations are computed
fast enough to provide results in a short-term period
that offers the recommendation system near real-time
characteristics. As stated before, the solutions found
by the genetic algorithm are, at last, the recommenda-
tions provided to clinicians.
A web interface displays the formerly presented
results. The interface must provide information about
the patient’s current status, clinical recommendations
to improve such status, and a mechanism to send feed-
back about the recommendations. Figure 3 depicts the
all-patients dashboard where previous requirements
are satisfied. First, the static feature insertion process
required for every patient on admission may be spot-
ted in (1), stating ”Insert patient information”. Re-
garding the patient risk information, in (2) and (3),
the real-time exitus likelihood and the historical accu-
mulated exitus likelihood of the patient are displayed,
respectively. The main goal of showing the histori-
cal risk is to provide a statistical marker that can be
used to compare with the current risk and evaluate
the evolution of the patient. Next, to see the recom-
mendations generated for a patient by the system, the
clinician should click on (4). A drop-down appears
depicting a table where the last observation (5) and
recommendations (6) are displayed. Aiming to reduce
the number of recommendations, we decided to limit
it to 3 unique recommendations at maximum. When
the clinician considers the recommendation suitable
for medical criteria, the clinician must click on (7),
changing the icon’s color as shown in (8). Finally, if
the patient has been monitored for less time than the
predefined temporal window or the input monitoring
data are incomplete, the system shows a message in
the interface stating, ”Wait a few more seconds for
This study has demonstrated that our recommenda-
tion system can diagnose death risk probability in
real-time for hospitalized patients and provide recom-
mendations in near real-time, which may be of as-
sistance to clinicians. Using genetic algorithms, we
have developed a model that can find suitable solu-
tions for each patient within a short period of time.
The system’s recommendations may help clinicians
decrease the outcomes of the stroke in ICUs or stroke
care units, and, in some cases, those recommenda-
tions may help save the patient’s life. In terms of ar-
chitecture design, this system is quite flexible as its
core is based on a bundled machine learning model,
which may be changed by a different model built
of almost any other underlying technology such as,
BIOINFORMATICS 2023 - 14th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms