XR4DRAMA Knowledge Graph: A Knowledge Graph
for Media Planning
Alexandros Vassiliades
, Spyridon Symeonidis
, Sotiris Diplaris
, Georgios Tzanetis,
Stefanos Vrochidis
and Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Information Technologies Institute, Center for Research and Technology Hellas, Thessaloniki, Greece
Knowledge Graph, Media Planning, Points of Interest, POI Management Mechanism.
In the previous two decades, knowledge graphs have evolved, inspiring developers to build even more context-
related Knowledge Graphs. Because of this development, artificial intelligence applications can now access
open domain-specific information in a format that is both semantically rich and machine comprehensible. In
this paper, we introduce the XR4DRAMA Knowledge Graph, which can serve as a representation of media
planning information. The XR4DRAMA knowledge graph can specifically represent data about the following:
(a) Observations and Events (for example, data information from photos and text messages); (b) Spatial and
Temporal data, such as coordinates or labels of locations and timestamps; and (c) Tasks and Plans for media
planning. In addition, we provide a mechanism that allows Points of Interest to be created or updated based
on videos, photos, and text messages sent by users. For improved media coverage of a remote location, Points
of Interest serve as markers to journalists.
The next step toward making Knowledge Graphs
(KGs) the primary knowledge representation format
for the Web, looks to be the development of context
related KGs, i.e., KGs that can only be used in partic-
ular environments (Berners-Lee et al., 2001). In this
work, we focus on representing information for me-
dia planning, more specifically information about: (a)
Observations and Events (for example, information
from photos, and information from text messages);
(b) Spatial and Temporal data, such as coordinates or
labels of locations and timestamps; and (c) Tasks and
Plans for media planning. Information representation
in Linked Open Data format aids in the data’s reuse
and linkage with other KGs (Ehrlinger and W
2016; Villazon-Terrazas et al., 2021). When covering
a recording of a documentary in a remote location,
unknown to the media production team, a journalist
should have access to geospatial data that gives de-
tails on the location they will be visiting. This infor-
mation will enable him or her to accurately and cost-
effectively setup the production. For this reason, we
offer a tool that allows users to add or update Points-
of-Interest (POIs)
. We use the term POI manage-
ment mechanism to refer to the process for creating
and updating POIs, throughout the paper. A POI, ac-
cording to the official definition, is a particular place
or location point on a map that a user would find use-
ful or interesting. In our situation, POIs also com-
prise geospatial data that includes details from user-
provided videos, photos, and text messages on the
condition of a location. As a result, POIs contain data
that can assist journalists in actual situations involv-
ing media preparation.
The XR4DRAMA KG was created, to serve as
the knowledge representation for the XR4DRAMA
. Through the use of many technologies,
including eXtended Reality (XR), XR4DRAMA is
committed to enhancing situation awareness. Media
planning is one of the XR4DRAMA project’s primary
use cases. In short, XR4DRAMA project stands in
three key-points: (a) Facilitating the gathering of all
necessary (digital) information for a particular, dif-
https : / / xr4drama.eu / 2022 / 07 / 07 / xr4drama - pois -
Vassiliades, A., Symeonidis, S., Diplaris, S., Tzanetis, G., Vrochidis, S. and Kompatsiaris, I.
XR4DRAMA Knowledge Graph: A Knowledge Graph for Media Planning.
DOI: 10.5220/0011621600003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 124-131
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ficult or even dangerous situation that a media team
faces, (b) Utilizing extended reality technologies to
simulate an environment ”as if on site” in order to ac-
curately predict an event or incidence, and (c) Estab-
lishing a shared understanding of an environment and
giving users of the project’s platform (first responders
in the field/control room, citizens, and journalists) the
option to update representations of locations as events
change, allowing them to comprehend and re-evaluate
the effects of particular actions/decisions. As a result,
the XR4DRAMA KG may incorporate the findings
of several advanced analysis components that process
multimodal data and depict the structures they pro-
duce (in this project, for the media use case, we in-
tegrate visual and textual analysis messages). Addi-
tionally, the XR4DRAMA KG provides a innovative
method through its POI management mechanism that
may generate or update POIs, which contain essential
geospatial data that can make it easier for journalists
to cover the production recordings.
As part of their day-to-day business journalists
and other media houses produce news coverage in
various locations. Despite thorough research and
preparations, remote production planning very often
runs into challenges and difficulties. Many depend
on the characteristics of the individual location and
the situation on the ground. These challenges can be
circumstantial and organisational - like accessibility,
noise, the presence of people, the lack of infrastruc-
ture (from electricity supply to parking space), the
wrong choice of equipment or other filming restric-
tions. Hence, it is crucial for journalists and media
houses to access information about the state of a loca-
tion, such as the accessibility of the location, among
others, in order to plan their media coverage.
The challenge is to combine all of this informa-
tion into a coherent image to give everyone a precise
picture of the location and the situation on the ground
in order to prepare themselves for a smooth and safe
production. The XR4DRAMA KG is capable of fill-
ing the aforementioned gap in distribution of crucial
knowledge to journalists, in order for them to be able
to plan more efficiently the news coverage.
Our contribution in this paper, is on the one hand
the XR4DRAMA KG, which can represent multi-
modal measures and let journalists report the impor-
tant elements in a location as effectively as possible.
Next, the development of the POI management mech-
anism for the XR4DRAMA KG, which can be use-
ful in real-life occasions by creating and maintaining
POIs that will further facilitate journalists’ work by
informing them of the location’s current condition.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2, contains the related work. The XR4DRAMA
KG, the POI management mechanism that creates or
updates POIs, and the data upon which we built the
KG are all presented in Section 3. The POI mech-
anism system and the evaluation of the KG are both
found in section 4. Lastly, we conclude our paper with
Section 5.
In this section we present other KGs that are found in
the area of KGs for media planning, fake news detec-
tion, media planning through disasters, and other KGs
which are related with media, media houses and news
in general.
The area of KGs for media planning is not very
rich, as only a handful of studies can be classified in
this area. For instance, the studies of Opdahl et al.
(Opdahl et al., 2016) and Berven et al. (Berven et al.,
2018) are two similar studies which present mecha-
nisms for media planning. The basic concept for both
these studies is that they offer a news extraction mech-
anism which based on the semantics of a KG, will
extract related posts from social web sites, and other
well-known media houses, about an event. This syn-
ergy of news extraction, and subsequently represen-
tation of knowledge about an event, is set to help a
journalists to see what parts of the event have been
covered, and what are the restrictions for accessing
a location to cover the event. The difference with
the XR4DRAMA KG lies mostly in the POI manage-
ment mechanism, as we offer the most crucial infor-
mation about an event in a POI, and therefore make it
more easily digestible for the journalists, while (Op-
dahl et al., 2016) and (Berven et al., 2018) return in-
formation in the form of text which can be more time
consuming for an individual to process.
The area of media planning in disasters based on
KGs is also not so rich, as to the best of our knowl-
edge, only a few studies exist in this area. KG in me-
dia are mostly used for fake news detection (Pan et al.,
2018) and building event-centric news (Rospocher
et al., 2016; Tang et al., 2019). Some exceptions
are (Wang and Hou, 2018) and (Ni et al., 2019). In
the former, the authors propose a method to construct
a KG for disaster news based on an address tree.
Address Trees, are tree structures which analyze an
address having as root the broader region. For ex-
ample, home address town district town, is a
small address tree. In the latter, the authors present
a data driven model which generates storylines from
huge amount of web information and proposes a KG-
based disaster storyline generating framework. For
the work of (Wang and Hou, 2018), comparing to
XR4DRAMA Knowledge Graph: A Knowledge Graph for Media Planning
XR4DRAMA KG there is not a mechanism for creat-
ing POIs, and the indication for the location is given
in string descriptions which can be obscure in some
cases, while XR4DRAMA KG represents locations
with coordinates. For (Tang et al., 2019), the issue
of noise in the data inserted in the KG is addressed,
an issue which is not part of the XR4DRAMA KG
(see subsection 4.1).
The following studies (Rospocher et al., 2016;
Tang et al., 2019), present methods and tools to auto-
matically build KGs from news articles. As news arti-
cles describe changes in the world through the events
they report, an approach is presented to create event-
centric KGs using state-of-the-art natural language
processing and semantic web techniques. Such event-
centric KGs capture long-term developments and his-
tories on hundreds of thousands of entities and are
complementary to the static encyclopedic information
in traditional knowledge graphs. Even though these
two studies might not solve exactly the same problem
with XR4DRAMA KG, the crucial information can
be accessed through sophisticated SPARQL queries,
which might not be user-friendly even with an UI. On
the other hand, XR4DRAMA through its POI man-
agement mechanism serves the crucial information
about an event, with a POI, which is more easily un-
derstandable by an individual.
One can have a more detailed view at KGs for me-
dia by reading the survey (Opdahl et al., 2022).
The project’s platform’s back-end includes the
XR4DRAMA KG. Because of this, a detailed inves-
tigation of the multimodal mapping mechanism that
accepts messages from the visual and textual analy-
sis components and transmits their content into the
XR4DRAMA KG will be skipped. But one can find
a blueprint of these messages here
. Moreover, the
source code of the multimodal mapping mechanism
can be found here
. The idea behind the pipeline
is to map the data into the KG after the multimodal
mapping mechanism has received the message from a
component. The POI management mechanism of the
XR4DRAMA KG will then construct a new POI or
update an existing one based on the information in the
message and the information from the KG, when the
https : / / xr4drama.eu / wp - content / uploads / 2021 /
12 / d3.5 xr4drama semanticrepresentationfusiondss
20211201 v1.2.pdf
message is received from the textual or visual analysis
component. In the second case, the premise is that a
generated POI’s status has changed, for instance, the
area has become crowded, necessitating an update of
the POI’s metadata. The pipeline is depicted in Fig-
ure 1, where each circled number denotes a different
step’s sequence.
Figure 1: Pipeline of the XR4DRAMA KG.
3.1 Nature of Data
The use of a semantic KG was necessary to meet
the project’s needs due to the system’s multimodal-
ity, diversity, and need for homogeneity and fusion.
There is an underlying data storage facility for this
purpose, thus the XR4DRAMA KG is not in charge
of archiving and storing raw data files. Instead, the
XR4DRAMA KG stores raw data metadata, analysis
findings, and other material with semantic value that
might be mapped and combined with other candidates
to construct the knowledge base.
The main types of information that needed to be
recorded in the XR4DRAMA KG were: general data
about virtual reality experiments, visual analysis re-
sults from images and videos, and textual analysis re-
sults derived from online retrieved content.
The visual analysis component is off-the-shelf
tool, which is result of some of our previous work
(Batziou et al., 2023). In more detail, the visual anal-
ysis is a computer vision mechanism that can identify
objects in an image or video, and also classify the im-
age into a specific category which is called verge of
the image. The Verge classifier was used to assign the
photos (or video frames) to one or more classes de-
pending on context (Andreadis et al., 2020), while the
model conducting semantic segmentation (Qiu et al.,
2021) on images was trained to extract semantic la-
bels and percentages per pixel on images.
Since it was decided not to deep copy structures
from a SOLR instance
, which do not serve any re-
quirements, only a small number of the generated as-
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
sets were chosen to be included in the XR4DRAMA
KG. These assets include the text itself, the sentences
that make up the text, and the named entity relation-
ships that may be found there.
3.2 A Knowledge Graph for Media
In this subsection, we give a high-level overview of
the KG schema’s structure (i.e., the XR4DRAMA on-
tology) and the guiding principles of each class. You
can find the KG and the programs created to pop-
ulate it here
. A high-level overview of the main
XR4DRAMA ontology classes is shown in Figure 2.
InformationOfInterest: The fundamental enti-
ties of interest to aid in decision-making.
Location: The location of an event is represented
by this class. It may be displayed with the loca-
tion’s name or with its coordinates (e.g., Vicenza).
Metadata: All the supplementary data that is pro-
vided with the analysis results, and can be used
in the decision-making process is referred to as
MultimediaObject: Indicates the type of the
transmission that is used to transfer information,
it can be either Audio, Textual, or Video.
Observation: This class, which is utilized by
each individual component, describes the method
of assessing the date.
Result: This class, represents information about
the outcome of an observation.
Procedure: This class, represents information
about the procedures that should be taken dur-
ing an observation (i.e., tasks that should be per-
Project: Each observation is described in this
class, along with some relevant data.
RiskReport: This class describes the total out-
come of all risk levels derived from various com-
ponents. We added this class as some locations
can be risky to access due to various reasons, even
in a media planning scenario.
User: Users are journalists, and each journalist is
given a unique ID.
We also analyze the purpose of the various object
type properties, i.e., properties that connect instances
from one class with instances from another class.
hasMultimedia: This property identifies if the
observation was provided via a textual, video, or
image post.
hasResult: This property shows how the event in
the observation turned out.
usedProcedure: This property identifies the
method used to extract the information from the
observation, such as whether the information was
taken from the visual or textual analysis compo-
hasInformationOfInterest: This property iden-
tifies the most important data in an observation,
such as the type of scene, for example airfield,
and the recognized objects, such as building, auto-
mobile, etc. Domain experts suggested what was
deemed important information.
hasMetadata: Based on the type of the obser-
vation, this property indicates the observation’s
metadata. This property indicates the metadata of
the observation, based on the type of the observa-
tion. If the observation is a result of the: (a) visual
analysis component (see Table 1), and (b) textual
analysis component (see Table 3).
hasLocation: This property shows where the im-
portant information in an observation is located.
Observe that the location is specified using lati-
tude and longitude.
consistsOf: This property lists the observations
that make up a project. A project is a collection of
observations with neighboring coordinates.
hasProjectLocation: This property indicates the
location of the project.
includes: This property indicates the name of the
user that created the project.
hasUserLocation: This property indicates the lo-
cation of the user.
hasRiskReport: This property indicates the risk
level of the project, i.e., if it is an emergency or
3.3 Point of Interest Creation and
In order to make it easier for journalists and media or-
ganizations to complete a remote production mission,
POIs aim to create some points in a region (i.e., pins
on a map) that convey vital geographical information.
Any user can add or modify POIs using a phone ap-
plication (which is not currently public). The user can
either provide a picture or video that the visual anal-
ysis component analyzes, and some of the important
data in the image or video is then passed to a new
or existing POI (the pipeline for a textual message is
similar). Notice that in Figure 1, we also show that
XR4DRAMA Knowledge Graph: A Knowledge Graph for Media Planning
Figure 2: XR4DRAMA KG high level illustration.
the POIs receive information from the KG. Here we
analyze only the information from the messages, as
the information from the KG refers to some IDs that
relate to the projects and the observations (see subsec-
tion 3.2).
It is simple to comprehend why a POI would need
to be formed: if an event had taken place and there
were none already present in the region. The updating
of POIs, on the other hand, takes place when there are
already POIs in the region and part of the information
in them needs to be updated since the event’s state has
changed. For instance, the area has become crowded.
The data from a visual message that is sent to a POI
during creation (see Table 1) or updating (see Table
2) is shown below.
Table 1: Information passed from a visual message to a POI
when created.
Label Value Example
category string Education
subcategory string Universities
current user string journalist 1
objectsDetected list of strings [cabinet,chair]
sceneRecognition string theater
type string Point
coordinates list of floats [11.55,45.54]
Table 2: Information passed from a visual message to a POI
when updated.
Label Value Example
objectsDetected list of strings [cabinet,chair]
sceneRecognition string theater
One can notice that when a POI is created the in-
formation passed from the visual analysis messages
are: (i) what objects have been recognized, and (ii) the
label of the scene (i.e., the scene is the verge classifi-
cation of the image see subsection 3.1). Since some
of the aforementioned data may be dynamic, the POI
will still be constructed even if some are absent. The
category and subcategory characterize the area which
was recognized, in our running example an Education
area, and more particularly, a University was recog-
nized. In addition, the current user is the name of
the user who sent the message. Last but not least, the
coordinates are also given in the format: [longitude,
latitude]. The current user, the category, the subcate-
gory, and the location are required pieces of informa-
tion. However, only a limited amount of information
can be altered if a POI already exists. The data which
can be updated are: (i) and (ii).
We also analyze the information from a textual
message that is passed to a POI when is created (see
Table 3) or updated (see Table 4).
Table 3: Information passed from a textual message to a
POI when created.
Label Value Example
category string Education
subcategory string Universities
current user string journalist 1
sourceText string
the theater
has become
objectsDetected list of strings [cabinet, man]
label string theater
type string Point
coordinates list of floats [11.55,45.54]
Similarly when a POI is created the information
passed from the textual analysis messages are: (i)
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 4: Information passed from a textual message to a
POI when updated.
Label Value Example
sourceText string
the theater
has become
objectsDetected list of strings [cabinet, man]
label string theater
which are the detected objects, (ii) an auxiliary label
that characterizes the location, and (iii) the source text
of the textual message. The aforementioned data can
be dynamic, meaning that even if some are missing
the POI will still be created. The necessary data is the
current user, the category, the subcategory, and the
coordinates. On the other hand, if a POI already ex-
ists only some information can be updated. The data
which can be updated are: (i-iii).
The XR4DRAMA KG was evaluated with two sep-
arate methods. On the one hand, we analyzed the
XR4DRAMA KG’s consistency and completeness
using two separate evaluation techniques. By de-
veloping a set of competency questions that the KG
must be able to answer with the knowledge it con-
tains (subsection 4.1), we evaluated the comprehen-
siveness of the XR4DRAMA KG. Then, we evalu-
ated the XR4DRAMA KG’s consistency by seeing if
it adhered to a particular set of SHACL constraints
(subsection 4.1). On the other hand, by calculating
the precision-recall-F1 scores utilized in information
extraction systems (subsection 4.2), the POI manage-
ment mechanism was evaluated.
4.1 Completness and Consistency of the
Knowledge Graph
Competency Questions (CQs) compiled during the
creation of the official ontology requirements spec-
ification document (ORSD) were used to assess
the completeness of the XR4DRAMA KG (Su
Figueroa et al., 2009). For this reason, we asked a
group of specialists to create a series of questions that
they would like the XR4DRAMA KG to answer be-
fore we built it. The experts were authority workers
from Autorita’ di bacino distrettuale delle alpi orien-
and journalists from Deutsche Welle
. A total of
32 CQs were gathered, and we have included a sam-
ple of 10 of them in Figure 3. The full list of CQs may
be accessed here
Figure 3: Batch of Competency Questions.
The completeness of the XR4DRAMA KG
was found adequate, as each CQ when translated
into a SPARQL counterpart returned the desired
information. For instance, the fourth CQ from
Figure 3 when translated into a SPARQL counterpart
(see Example 1), for the observation VisualMeta-
data 2c60537511c240c9add7fb2eb4e7459e 0 re-
turned amphitheater. If the observation is visual, the
name will be created from the text VisualMetadata
(if not, TextualMetadata ) and a unique simmoid
Example 1. SELECT DISTINCT ?area WHERE {
xr:VisualMetadata 2c60537511c240c9add7
fb2eb4e7459e 0
xr:hasInformationOfInterest ?info .
?info xr:hasLocation ?location .
?location xr:hasArea ?area. }
In addition to the CQs, we carried out a validation
process to examine the syntactic and structural quality
of the KB’s metadata and to verify their consistency.
Custom SHACL consistency checking rules and na-
tive ontology consistency checking, such OWL DL
reasoning, were used to adhere to the closed-world
criterion. One can find constraint violations, such
as cardinality inconsistencies, incomplete, or miss-
ing information, by employing the first method. By
employing the latter, the terminological semantics, or
TBox, are taken into account as validation, much like
in the case of class disjointness. Out of 56 SHACL
rules, 21 of which referenced to object type proper-
ties and 35 to data type properties, the consistency of
the XR4DRAMA KG was deemed sufficient because
none of them returned any rule invalidation. We also
looked for instances that belong to the intersection of
classes because we did not want that to happen, but
none were found.
XR4DRAMA Knowledge Graph: A Knowledge Graph for Media Planning
4.2 POI Management Mechanism
The standard precision, recall, and F1-score used for
information extraction systems (Equations 1, 2 and 3)
were applied to the evaluation of the POI management
mechanism in order to create or update POIs from
visual and textual messages. The POI management
mechanism can be regarded as an information extrac-
tion mechanism, as a query is received (in our case
a message from the textual or visual analysis com-
ponents), and some information is extracted from the
KG (a POI is created or updated).
precision =
|{RelevantInstance} {RetrievedInstance}|
recall =
|{RelevantInstance} {RetrievedInstance}|
F1 = 2
recall precision
recall + precision
Retrieved Instances are considered all the visual
(or textual) messages for which the POI management
mechanism, did not return an error when we casted a
message in order to create or update a POI.
Relevant Instances are considered all the the vi-
sual (or textual) messages for which the POI manage-
ment mechanism, managed to create or update a POI,
when we casted a message with them.
The intuition behind the retrieved and relevant
instances, is that retrieved pairs from the moment
that the POI management mechanism did not return
any error they are capable of retrieving information
(through a POI), while relevant are instance which
managed to create or update a POI and therefore con-
tain information relevant to a project.
The number of retrieved textual and visual mes-
sages are indicated by the variables Retrieved
, respectively. The numbers of relevant tex-
tual and visual messages are Relevant
and Relevant
respectively. Next, recall
, recall
, are the recall
scores for the textual and visual messages, F1
, F1
are the F1 scores for the textual and visual messages,
respectively, and precision
, precision
are the preci-
sion scores for the textual and visual messages.
One can find the dataset used to test our POI man-
agement mechanism here
. It consists of a set of 1501
text messages and 800 visual messages. Be aware
that the values of each label in each message were
chosen at random from a gold standard dataset as-
sembled by domain experts, in order to tackle poten-
tial biases. It is interesting that all messages—textual
or visual—were considered to have been successfully
retrieved, which means that our POI management
mechanism never returned an error for any given mes-
sage, whether it was textual or visual. The resulting
values are Retrieved
= 1501 and Retrieved
= 800.
The same does not hold for the relevant messages, ei-
ther textual or visual, as there were 1376 Relevant
messages for the textual analysis component and 697
messages for the visual analysis compo-
Table 5 contains the precision, recall, and F1
scores for both textual and visual messages based on
the aforementioned data. The results are rounded to
four decimals.
Table 5: Precision, Recall and F1-scores for textual and vi-
sual messages.
Precision Recall F1
Textual Messages 0.917 1.0 0.956
Visual Messages 0.871 1.0 0.931
The XR4DRAMA KG was founded with the goal
of assisting journalists in managing and disseminat-
ing information regarding the condition of a location,
so that they may provide the best coverage possi-
ble for events that took place there. In addition, the
XR4DRAMA KG provides a innovative mechanism,
the POI management mechanism that can create or
update POIs, which contain vital geographical data
required by journalists in order to have a clear view
of the area and plan appropriately for the coverage of
an event. The XR4DRAMA KG was constructed in
order to work as a KG that would assist journalists in
media planning.
Regarding the evaluation our goal was to examine
the POI management mechanism using the precision-
recall-F1 metrics for information extraction systems,
as well as the completeness and consistency of the
XR4DRAMA KG. CQs, which were gathered by ex-
perts, were used to assess the KG’s completeness
(subsection 4.1). More specifically, we converted
each CQ into a SPARQL equivalent, and we antici-
pated that each one would return results. This is evi-
dence that our KG may deliver significant information
in a broader media planning scenario. A series of 56
SHACL restrict rules, of which 21 related to object
type properties and 35 to data type properties, were
used to test the consistency of the KG (subsection
4.1); none of them resulted in the rule being invali-
dated. Additionally, we looked to see whether there
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
were any instances that belonged to the intersection
of the classes, but none were found. This demon-
strates the coherence of our KG, proving that it is free
of noise and contradicting information.
Our POI management mechanism received strong
F1 scores for both the visual (93.1%) and textual
(95.6%) message, demonstrating that it can be utilized
independently to create/update POIs in a broad me-
dia planning scenario. Additionally, we can comment
that this occurred when updating POIs, which means
that new information could not be added to POIs that
already existed in the area, and were missing relevant
instances for both textual and visual messages. The
updated messages were straying outside of the bound-
ing boxes of all existing POIs because each POI has
a box around it. Be aware that the POIs’ bounding
boxes are part of a broader bounding box that encom-
passes the area that requires news coverage. It seems
reasonable to take into account a bounding box for the
POIs and the area that requires news coverage; other-
wise, we risk adding POIs to the area that are situated
in a completely other area of the map.
The high Recall scores—100% for both the visual
and textual messages—can also be mentioned. This
essentially indicates that there were no textual or vi-
sual messages that indicated an error. If we examine
the two scenarios in which an error may be returned,
the reason for not doing so is pretty clear: (i) The mes-
sage’s coordinates do not fall within a bounding box
that designates the location where an event has oc-
curred, or (ii) The user will identify a non-matching
category-subcategory tuple. It is difficult for the user
to choose the incorrect selection in both cases since
the user sends messages using a mobile application
(which is now private) that displays the permissible
category-subcategory tuples, and the bounding box
with a blue hue over an area.
In terms of future work, we intend to provide a
method that will make the POIs more beneficial while
making decisions. Additionally, we will provide POIs
with a list of tasks that must be taken in order to com-
plete a remote production mission more accurately.
This work has been funded by XR4DRAMA Horizon
2020 project, grant agreement number 952133.
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XR4DRAMA Knowledge Graph: A Knowledge Graph for Media Planning