Virtual Agent Behavior Modeling in Case of a Risky Situation in a
Virtual Electrical Substation
Dilyana Budakova
, Velyo Vasilev
, Lyudmil Dakovski
and Stanimir Stefanov
Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv Branch, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
European Polytechnic University, Pernik, Bulgaria
Keywords: Virtual Reality Technology, Electrical Substation Modeling, Agent Modeling, Intelligent Virtual Agents,
Risky Situation, Goal Change, Priority Change, Social Power.
Abstract: In this paper, the behavior of a realistically represented intelligent virtual agent (IVA) that accompanies
students during their visit to a virtual electrical substation is modeled. The choice of technologies for modeling
the agent and the task environment is considered. The properties of the task environment are discussed. The
agent’s behavior when a risky situation occurs is investigated. For this purpose, an IVA behavior model, based
on psychological theories of motivation, emotions, and power is proposed. A change in the IVA priorities and,
as a consequence, a change in its goal is modeled. Results of a survey, studying the trust, which the IVA
receives from the students, are presented. To have a more realistic IVA, the model includes knowledge of the
environment, the shortest evacuation route learning, visitor training locations, priorities, emotions, social
power strategy, set goals, abilities to learn, abilities to change priorities and goals when a risk occurs, and a
role of a specialist – electrician.
Prediction and prevention of risky situations,
disasters, and accidents unite the efforts of
researchers and experts. When they do occur, they
require an immediate response, a change in priorities
for all affected, a search for an exit, evacuation, and
damage limitation.
The behavior of intelligent agents, designed to
communicate with users in critical situations includes
some requirements for their modeling so that the
users could trust them. These are, for example:
having knowledge of the environment; having up-to-
date information about the course of events; being
able to show empathy, being able to change priorities,
having a strategy for demonstrating power, having
social communication skills, and being realistic.
A great advantage is the possibility to model the
risky situation in a way that allows presenting the risk
most realistically and, at the same time, organizing all
corresponding actions in a safe way for the users.
Virtual Reality technology (Favian, 2019, Gartner,
2018, Resnick, 2022) enables appropriate means for
achieving extremely realistic and at the same time
completely safe experiences of the modeled events by
the customers. Therefore, this technology was chosen
for conducting experiments within the presented
Electrical energy is generated and used in real
time. A large part of the facilities in an electric grid
such as substations, overhead power lines, renewable
energy sources, and conductors, are located outdoors.
They are dependent on the meteorological conditions;
the change in the amount of consumed power; the
health of the facilities and many others. Power
generators and consumers may be located at great
distances. Power consumption is constantly growing
and becoming a key factor in industrial development
and social life. The electrical substation in particular
is an example of a risky working environment (B2B,
EPRI, OSHA, saVRee), which justifies its choice as
an object for conducting the experiments.
In this paper, the behavior of a realistic intelligent
virtual agent (IVA) that accompanies students during
their visit to a virtual electrical substation is modeled.
The properties of the task environment are discussed.
The agent’s behavior when a risky situation occurs is
investigated. For this purpose, an IVA behavior
Budakova, D., Vasilev, V., Dakovski, L. and Stefanov, S.
Virtual Agent Behavior Modeling in Case of a Risky Situation in a Virtual Electrical Substation.
DOI: 10.5220/0011623700003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 1, pages 189-198
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
model, based on psychological theories of personality
motivation, emotions, and power, is proposed. A
change in the IVA priorities and, as a consequence, a
change in its goal is modeled.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 justifies the choice of the
technology Virtual Reality to recreate a risky
situation and IVA behavior in the course of its
development. Existing models in the field of electric
power engineering, using Virtual Reality technology
are also discussed.
Section 3 presents modeling the IVA behavior in
a risky situation when a change of goals and priorities
is needed. The IVA must have a Self-Transcendence
Need and knowledge of the hierarchy of all needs
according to subsection 3.1. The need for an Expert
Social Power Strategy Model using is explained in
subsection 3.2. Modeling the Agent Type, the
Performance Measure, the Task Environment, the
Actuators, and the Sensors is shown in subsection 3.3.
Section 4 considers modeling the appearance of
the IVA, its role, and the scene. Using Unity Game
Engine reasons are explained in subsection 4.1;
Modeling the appearance of the IVA and ins role are
discussed in subsection 4.2; Modeling the scene in 4.3
Experimental settings and experimental results
are presented in Section 5 as follows: in 5.1. and 5.2.
The experimental setting of the first and second
experiments are explained; in subsection 5.3. A
Survey of the students' opinions after the conducted
experiments is presented.
The conclusion, contributions, and future work
are discussed in Section 6.
The new technologies of Virtual reality (VR),
Augmented reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR)
reveal new possibilities for realistic and more
impactful modeling of processes, phenomena,
behavior, objects, environment, IVAs, NPC-non-
player characters and the interrelations between them
(Flavian, 2019). Evidence of the great interest in these
technologies and the applications, using them, are the
numerous developed applications in various fields;
the ranking of these technologies in the top 10
strategic technologies for 2018 (Gartner, 2018); the
outline of trends, stimulating the development of
metaverse technologies today and over the next three
to five years (Gartner, 2018, Resnick, 2022).
With VR technology, users have the opportunity
to interact only with virtual objects in a virtual
environment. Being completely safe, they can
experience in a truly realistic way the course of life-
threatening situations, such as storms, fires, and
accidents. They can manipulate the objects with no
consequences for them in case of making a mistake.
By using VR, the user achieves the psychological
feeling of being present at the location of the
simulation. It is also called immersion or
The provision of innovative training approaches
through interactive 3D lessons in virtual reality is of
interest to several modern technological companies
from the electric power system (B2B, 2022, EPRI,
2022, OSHA, 2022, saVRee, 2022). The lessons
cover training in maintaining workplace safety by
complying with Occupational Safety and Health
Administration - OSHA standards (OSHA, 2022),
transformer oil sampling, familiarization with high
voltage electrical substation equipment such as power
transformers, oil circuit breakers, re-closers,
switchgear, etc., viewing 3D models of the
constituent components of the equipment, the power
line operators’ training system, etc. (Vanfretti, 2020,
Perez-Ramirez, 2019, Sier 2022). Other examples of
Immersive virtual training for substation electricians
are (Silva, 2021, Memik, 2021, Tanaka, 2017,
Hernandez, 2016).
According to the Electric Power Research
Institute EPRI (EPRI, 2022), AI technologies
should be actively used in the electric power industry
(Vanfretti, 2020, Hernandez, 2016, Silva, 2021).
Usually, electrical substation training projects,
based on Virtual Reality technology, lack an
intelligent agent model, which actively
communicates with the learners and assists them by
guiding them.
The development of a virtual consultant-
electrician can help achieve automatic diagnosis and
monitoring of the equipment in the electrical
substation and ensure the safety of the workers. Our
motivation for modeling an IVA - consultant to
students-visitors to a virtual electrical substation was
to study its behavior, on the one hand, and to see how
it is perceived by the students.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
There are a lot of examples in the literature of solving
conflict situations, evoking mixed emotions (Lee,, 2006, Campos,, 2012, Campos 2012,
Basheer,, 2013). It is relevant to consider a
complex system that solves problems in a dynamic
environment, in real-time, as a rational agent that has
Beliefs, Desires, and Intentions (BDI) (Rao and
Georgeff, 1995). Rao and Georgeff propose a BDI
agent-based air-traffic management system. Desires
are seen as motivational states of the system. The
occurrence of events may require a change in the goal
chosen to be achieved by the system or the intention
(Kinny and Georgeff, 1991). A system with evaluator
CBR (Case-Based Reasoning) and advisor BDI
agents is used for a web-based risk management
system for small and medium businesses (De Paz,, 2011). BDI agents are used for social
simulations (Adam and Gaudou, 2016, Puica M. A,
Florea A. M., 2013).
In works (Moffaert, 2016, Natarajan, 2005)
an IVA is trained to achieve goals, which, to varying
degrees, satisfy the controversial requirements of the
users. Pareto front goals are those, which propose
different ways of balancing conflicting demands. The
users have to choose one that balances their
requirements in the best way. (Moffaert, 2016,
Natarajan, 2005).
Other authors focus on the way of achieving a
given goal (Budakova, et. al. 2020, 2020a). They
introduce a hierarchy of requirements concerning the
way of achieving a goal. When it is not possible to
achieve a goal by complying with all the
requirements, compromises are suggested. For this
purpose, the characteristics-requirements are
classified as acceptable and unacceptable for the
The IVA is trained to make only acceptable
compromises to manage the way to achieve the goal
and not to make unnecessary compromises. An
algorithm of learning by reinforcement learning is
used, in which a matrix of the characteristics is
introduced, as well as weights, denoting their degree
of importance.
The IVA in the considered scenario is modeled to
be a bearer of self-transcendence values, i.e., to have
a self-transcendence need. According to (Maslow,
1954, Liu, 2022), it means concern for the well-being
of others, empathy (Paiva, et. al. 2017), socially
engaging emotions (Liu, 2022, Paiva, 2017), and
prosocial behavior (Liu, 2022, Paiva, 2017, Gratch,
2004). To realize this need, two goals are set in front
of the IVA. The first one is to accompany the visitors
to pre-set locations in the electrical substation. The
second goal is to ensure the safety of the visitors.
According to the scenario, at a randomly chosen
moment after the tour starts and before it ends, an
explosion occurs, requiring the evacuation of the
visitors. This means that the IVA has started actions
to achieve the first goal – visiting a sequence of
designated training locations. Before achieving it,
however, it has to stop the actions for achieving it and
undertake actions to achieve the second goal
evacuation to save the students from the explosion.
Consequently, not the manner of achieving one
goal is managed here, but the pursuit of one goal must
be stopped and actions for the achievement of another
goal must be initiated. If we can talk about
compromises, the compromise here is to leave the
first goal unachieved to achieve the second one. For
the specific scenario, the compromise is that the
planned places for training remain unvisited to
guarantee the students’ safety.
3.1 Self-Transcendence Need and
Resulted Behavior Modeling
To realize a change of goals, the IVA must have a
Self-Transcendence Need and knowledge of the
hierarchy of all needs. In his theory of personality
motivation, Maslow defined a pyramid that illustrates
the hierarchy of needs (Maslow, 1954). For the
purposes of the experiments in this paper, only the
possibilities for the IVA to take care of user safety
and knowledge transfer are modeled.
According to Maslow's theory (Maslow, 1954),
the place of each need in the hierarchy can change
depending on the degree of their satisfaction. When,
for example, there is an explosion, great uncertainty
arises and this need is given the highest priority. The
most important thing is to protect the visitors’ life and
health. And when there is no danger, the transfer of
knowledge is valued as the most important again.
According to the theory of Ortony, Clore, and Collins
(OCC model) (Ortony, et. al. 1988), the occurring
events receive a cognitive appraisal, giving rise to
emotions. The emotions are "valenced reactions".
Following this cognitive approach, which explains
the emergence of emotions, it is assumed that the
explosion receives a negative appraisal and the state
of safety - a positive one.
Virtual Agent Behavior Modeling in Case of a Risky Situation in a Virtual Electrical Substation
A module of the environment called "critic"
defines the priorities of the needs, the cognitive
appraisal to be given to the events, which occur in the
task environment, and the emotions, caused by these
appraisals (Russel and Norvig, 2009). The IVA's
priorities and emotions are associated with taking
specific actions. The rules defined in the "Critic"
module cannot be changed by the IVA. These rules
tell the agent what is right and what is wrong. The
rules, determining the agent's priorities, emotions,
and actions, which correspond to them, can be briefly
described by the pseudo-code, given here:
Function Environment State (percept) returns an action
if environment _state = = exploded then
priority Update Highest priority (
safety achieving)
evaluation Assigning evaluation (negative)
emotion Assigning evaluation (fear)
return action evacuation;
else if environment _state = = safety then
priority Update Highest priority (teaching)
evaluation Assigning evaluation (positive)
emotion Assigning evaluation (pride)
return action next learning place;
According to this pseudo-code, if there is an
explosion, ensuring safety becomes the highest
priority for the agent. The explosion receives a
negative cognitive appraisal and as a result, the
emotions of fear and empathy arise, and immediate
action is taken to evacuate the visitors out of the
electrical substation. If there is no explosion and the
situation is safe, the most important priority for the
IVA is to be useful to users. Safety receives a positive
cognitive appraisal.
This appraisal gives rise to the emotions of joy,
and the opportunity to share knowledge evokes pride.
3.2 Expert Social Power Strategy
The simulated agent is in the role of an electrician
who accompanies the students on their visit to the
virtual electrical substation. It is necessary for the
students to follow the agent’s instructions especially
when a critical situation arises. A number of studies
(French and Raven, 1959, Pereira, 2016,
Hashemian, 2018) prove that social power and
the use of a social power strategy have an impact on
social interaction.
It is expected that if the IVA uses a social power
strategy it will have a greater impact on the students
and they will follow it to a greater extent. According
to the Theory of Social Power proposed by French
and Raven, there are five approaches to realizing
social power: Reward Social Power; Coercive Social
Power; Expert Social Power; Legitimate Social
Power; Referent Social Power. It is also important
what type of Power Resources the agent has at its
disposal. The modeled IVA is in the role of an
electrician, which is one of its Power Resources. It
also uses Expert Social Power because it has
knowledge of the task environment, training
locations, and evacuation routes.
As a social power strategy, the agent uses phrases
like: “Let's go. I will take you out by the shortest and
safest route. I know the electrical substation very
well."; “You will enjoy the following video tutorial.
You must see it. It's just for you”.
It is assumed that this role, the knowledge, and the
used social power strategy will help the IVA to gain
the trust of the visitors. The obtained results are
discussed in section 5.
3.3 Modeling the Agent Type, the
Performance Measure, the Task
Environment, the Actuators and
the Sensors
According to (Russel and Norvig, 2009), intelligent
agent modeling and modeling the task environment
are directly related to each other. Therefore, they are
considered in this section.
The world of the virtual agent - an electrician is
simplified at the maximum. Like a simple reflexive
agent, it chooses its actions based on the current
perception and does not store a history of perceptions.
As a result of the environment monitoring, the
IVA can dynamically change its goal. This enables
the agent with the ability to cope with the uncertainty
and stochasticity of the task environment.
The agent undertakes a visit to the locations,
designated for conducting the training process. The
agent has autonomy when learning to find the shortest
safe evacuation route or the shortest route to a given
goal to conduct a video tutorial with the visitors. A Q-
learning reinforcement algorithm is applied (Sutton
and Barto, 1998).
In summary, it can be said that the modeled agent
is a learning agent, which is utility-based, has goals,
and responds to the immediately observable
characteristics of the task environment.
The task environment is known to the virtual
agent – the electrician. It can lead the students
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
visitors of the virtual electrical substation to all
intended goals; in case of an explosion, it chooses the
shortest safe route of evacuation.
For the purposes of this experiment, the task
environment is assumed to be fully observable.
The working environment is considered episodic.
For each episode, the agent perceives the state of the
environment and takes an action.
The other modeled moving-on-the-scene virtual
electricians in this experiment are only considered as
objects. They neither cooperate nor compete with
each other. They do not take part in the experiment
and do not affect the behavior of the intelligent virtual
agent an electrician under consideration. It means
that the modeled environment is a single-agent one.
For the conducted experiments, a dynamic,
uncertain, and stochastic environment was modeled.
This is achieved by limiting the abilities of the IVA.
For example, the future state of the environment does
not depend on the actions of the virtual agent an
electrician. The IVA is not capable of predicting or
taking actions to prevent a critical situation. The
environment is dynamic, as it can change while the
agent shows the objects in the electrical substation to
the students. For example, a storm may start, and an
accident or an explosion requiring evacuation may
occur. Consequently, the environment is also
Table 1: The model of the working environment.
Working environment
Model of the
Including generators, transformers,
circuit breakers, gauges, etc.
Other characters
Other characters, move on the
Students, visiting the electrical
Model of a storm; Model of an
explosion; Model of accidents such
as short circuit occurrence,
electrical sparks, arcing etc.
Input module
Camera, microphone, keyboard,
and motion controllers;
Output module
Visualization of the scene, of the
IVA, of the occurring events.
Module "Critic"
Rules, define when and which
priority is most important; which
event receives what rating; what
emotion it evokes; what action to
Table 2: The model of a Utility-Based Intelligent Virtual
Utility-Based Intelligent Virtual Agent
Need to provide safety and to pass on
Emotions and
Joy and anxiety
Social skills
Gait, facial expressions, gestures,
TTS, Speech Recognition; Social
power strategy.
Two goals correspond to the agent’s
needs, which can also be in conflict.
Resolving a
Resolving a conflict situation by
changing the priorities and thence by
changing the goal.
Patrolling behavior; behavior aimed
at finding out the shortest route to the
training and evacuation locations
Ability to learn
The Reinforcement Learning
Algorithm uses a reward model;
environment model; dangerous
places avoidance model.
3D model of an
Including movements, mimics, and
gestures animation, TTS, and speech
Knowledge of the environment; the
occurred accidents; of the evacuation
route; the places where a video
tutorial can be seen; the
characteristics of the objects in the
electrical substation and knowledge
of the signs of danger of an accident.
Knowledge of the needs (priorities),
the emotions they give rise to, and the
corresponding actions.
The model of the working environment and the
model of an IVA, are given in Table 1 and Table 2
respectively. The IVA and the working environment
interact continuously.
4.1 Unity Game Engine Using
Unity 3D real-time development platform is used for
modeling and control of 3D interactive applications
for VR, MR, and AR (Unity Documentation, 2022).
The applications, developed with the help of the
Unity 3D Game Engine, allow for conducting
experiments in the field of artificial intelligence,
Virtual Agent Behavior Modeling in Case of a Risky Situation in a Virtual Electrical Substation
robotics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence
for games (Craighead,, 2008, Craighead,,
2008a, Buyuksaliha,, 2017, Wang,, 2020,
Wang,, 2019, Weitnauer, 2008).
The applied programs, developed with the help of
Unity consist of scenes, game objects, and scripts,
written in the programming languages Python or C#
using the programming environment Visual Studio.
NET. The developers can add resources from the
Unity Asset Store with the help of the Package
Manager. A valuable option is to use sensors in the
developed applications.
The great capabilities of the Unity Game Engine,
its popularity, and the recognition that it is the fast
way to implement a virtual reality application were
the reasons why it was chosen for the implementation
of the experimental setup in this study.
4.2 Modeling the Appearance of the
IVA and Its Role
The IVA is modeled at full height. The 3D character
Pete from the site (Mixamo) was chosen because he
is dressed in work clothes and is suitable for the role
of an electrician to accompany the students, visiting
the virtual electrical substation (Figure 1). Again
from (Mixamo) several animations of walking,
running, waving, pointing, and searching were chosen
to make the agent even more plausible. The package
for Unity SALSA LipSync (Crazy Minnow Studio) is
used to ensure synchronization of the agent's lip
movement with the pronounced speech and the
direction of the gaze toward the speaker. The agent
can pronounce any written text with the help of the
package for Unity RT-Voice (Crosstales), which uses
TTS voices, integrated into the application under
An alternative suitable package for 3D modeling
of the IVA appearance is UMA2 - universal
multipurpose agents (UMA Steering Group), which
provides opportunities to construct a unique avatar by
changing the appearance of the agent - height, weight,
placement of eyes, cheekbones, lips, as well as
clothing and hairstyle.
4.3 Modeling the Scene
To model the scene, first of all, the standard Unity
Environment package is used, which allows placing
terrain, mountains, grass, and trees, to model a windy
area. Then the sky is placed using the Classic Skybox
package (Mgsvevo, 2015). The Storm Effects
package (WeBee3D, 2012) is used to model a storm
Figure 1: A model of a virtual electrical substation with a
visualized intelligent agent – an electrician.
with thunder, lightning, and the appropriate sounds.
The Package Pixel Art Particle System Pack
(Gonzalez, 2018) makes it possible to add electric
sparks, an electric arc, explosions, fire, smoke, and
other sound and visual effects to the project. The
substation model is based on the one, proposed in the
asset store package “Electrical substation Power
Grid” (Kobra Game Studios, 2018). All object models
in this package such as generators, transformers,
circuit breakers, cables, etc. are authentic and fully
correspond to the real ones.
Figure 2: A scene in the electrical substation during a
critical situation caused by a heavy storm.
A scene in the electrical substation during a
critical situation caused by a heavy storm is given in
Figure 2.
5.1 Experimental Setting of the First
One of the goals of the simulation is for the students
to experience as realistically as possible an extreme
situation caused by a heavy storm on the territory of
the virtual electrical substation. A disaster where the
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
rain is torrential, the thunder is frequent and the
lightning is so close, is dangerous to see live. The goal
is for the students to be virtually present in a risky
environment, which they cannot visit live due to
danger to life. Accidents are modeled, such as the
occurrence of short circuits, electric sparks, arcing,
dangerous amplification of the sound emitted during
the operation of the devices, cracking of the ceramic
insulation, windings of sand and deposits on the
housings of the devices, leakage of protective oil from
the circuit breakers, overheating of the transformers
necessitating turning off.
In the first experiment, a virtual agent in the role
of an accompanying electrician, advises the students
to get into a safe, fully protected flying capsule to
explore the electrical substation in this risky situation,
passing as close as possible to each object. In this
realistically modeled risky environment, they can
choose to take the tour or not. What is studied is: the
preference of the students whether to tour the
electrical substation accompanied by an IVA or
independently; whether the experience is realistic and
whether it is useful for them to see this risky situation
up close while being completely safe.
5.2 Experimental Setting of the Second
In the second experiment, the tour around the
electrical substation begins under normal conditions.
The virtual agent offers to guide the students to
specially placed screens where they will be able to
view video lessons. The agent explains that they will
see three video tutorials on screens, located in
different places on the grounds of the electrical
substation. The topics of the video lessons are, for
example, related to the principles of operation of the
electrical substation; the most frequent accidents; the
components of the transformer, generator, and circuit
breakers; the need for the tanks to be filled with non-
conductive oil, the fans, the ceramic insulation, the
gauges to be monitored; what accidents can be caused
by the storm and outdoor operation of the devices;
what is necessary to be observed by the electricians
during a tour and inspection of the facilities.
At a random moment after the tour around the
electrical substation begins and before the end of the
third video tutorial, an explosion occurs and the agent
initiates evacuation. The students can independently
explore the substation and watch the video tutorials.
They can follow the IVA and its advice and
recommendations or ignore it. What is investigated is
whether the students prefer to communicate with the
5.3 Survey of the Students' Opinions
after the Conducted Experiments
Twenty first-year students at our university
participated in the experiment. After completing both
of the experiments, the students must answer yes, no,
or neutral to the following survey questions:
Regarding the simulated environment: Was the
experience truly realistic for you? Was the experience
extreme? Regarding the video lessons: Was the video
lesson more impactful because of the realistic setting?
Is it a good idea to study in a realistically modeled
environment? Did you remember and understand
more and better the presented learning material as a
result of the realistically modeled setting? Do you feel
better prepared to go to a real electrical substation
after the virtual reality experience? Would you like to
walk around the model electrical substation and
watch video tutorials for each device standing right in
front of it? Regarding the behavior of the intelligent
agent: Was the virtual agent realistic? Do you prefer
to follow an IVA when visiting the virtual electrical
substation? Do you prefer to explore the electrical
substation on your own? Did the IVA have sufficient
knowledge and social skills? In addition, students
were asked to rate on a ten-point scale the realism and
usefulness of the applied models and the confidence
in the modeled IVA.
Figure 3: Results of a student rating on a ten-point scale of
the realism of the applied models and confidence in the
modeled IVA.
The result of the research showed that the students
had a real, unique, and extremely exciting experience.
They appreciate the fact that they could not be present
in the electrical substation in a risky situation of a
heavy storm and electrical accidents. 80% of the
students expressed a preference to be accompanied by
an IVA during their visit to the virtual substation.
They shared that they enjoyed the flight capsule tour
and wanted to get as close as possible to any device
or sign of an accident. The students find it useful to
Virtual Agent Behavior Modeling in Case of a Risky Situation in a Virtual Electrical Substation
study in a realistic setting. They expressed a
preference for the first experiment, in which they
were present in the electrical substation during an
extreme situation created by a storm, something they
could not experience in the real world.
Figure 4: Results of a student rating on a ten-point scale of
the realism and usefulness of the applied models and
confidence in the modeled IVA.
After examining the survey data, it was found that
the realism ratings of the models corresponded very
closely with the IVA confidence rating (Figure 3).
They also correspond to utility ratings although to a
less extent. This is shown in Figure 4. It seems that it
can be concluded that there is a relationship between
the degree of realism of the representation of the
models and the assessment of their usefulness, as well
as confidence in them. But this claim requires a larger
study to be confirmed.
A model of a virtual electrical substation and a model
of a realistic IVA - an electrician have been proposed
in this paper. The modeled agent is a utility-based
learning agent, having goals, and responding to
immediately observable characteristics of the task
environment. The justification of the IVA behavior
through the theories of Maslow, (Maslow, 1954)
Ortony, Clore, Collins, (Ortony,, 1988) French,
and Raven (French and Raven, 1959) is considered a
Two scenarios of a risky situation development,
caused by a storm and an explosion, have been
proposed. The behavior of an IVA in these situations
has been investigated. The emergence of risk causes
a change in the priorities and, as a consequence, a
change in the goal of the IVA. The IVA behavior
model is based on Maslow's theory of personality
motivation. A contribution is that in the process of
implementation of the present model, the agent
terminates the execution of an initially chosen goal
before achieving it and undertakes the execution of
another goal in response to the change of priorities
and the risk that has arisen. The IVA modeling also
uses the theory of Ortony, Clore, and Collis,
according to which an event receives a cognitive
appraisal, giving rise to emotions. Based on this
theory, the emotions and the motivation of the IVA
are modeled. The IVA uses a social power strategy in
accordance with the French and Raven's theories.
To gain the users' trust, the IVAs are required to:
possess knowledge, and good social skills, use social
resources and a social power strategy, express
emotions, use appropriate gestures, gait, gaze
direction, recognize and deliver a speech, make
decisions in a critical situation, have goals and
priorities. All these functionalities help to achieve a
high degree of realism of the virtual agent.
The experiments, carried out with the students in
their work with the developed scenarios of a risky
situation occurring during their visit to a virtual
electrical substation are discussed. The results show
that the behavior of the IVA is perceived as correct
and realistic. 80% of the students who participated in
the experiment preferred an IVA to accompany them
on their visit to the electrical substation. They
consider that the use of Virtual Reality technology is
suitable for modeling risky situations to be observed
in a safe environment.
The study could be continued in the future in the
following direction: after the risk has passed the agent
could go on with achieving the unachieved original
Modeling other types of risky situations and/or
opportunities to prevent and predict them is also of
interest. The IVA will get greater autonomy and a
better performance measure. The students will get
more opportunities to interact with the environment
and take action to prevent accidents in the electrical
substation. Greater functionality of the IVAs is also
envisaged, such as explaining the actions to be taken
or explaining the status of objects from the electrical
substation; learning to manage the way to achieve
their goals so as to increase their performance
It will be interesting to model a multi-agent
environment in future experiments, where the agents
located in different places on the scene of the
electrical substation will exchange information about
the state of the objects in order to cooperate.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial
support provided within the Technical University of
Sofia, Research and Development Sector, Project for
Ph.D. students helping 222ПД0001-19 „New
algorithms and models for working of intelligent
agents assistants in a risky environment.“
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ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence