In this work, we proposed the combination of two ad-
versarial attacks against Re-ID systems. As far as we
know, one of the attacks, the P-FGSM, was never im-
plemented before for this kind of system. More than
that, we used Dropout during the inference as a coun-
termeasure for the considered attacks.
We used three datasets and two models with the
best results and among the most used ones for the ex-
periments. Our tests aimed to increase the obstacles
even further for Re-ID with the combination of the
attack methods. These tests strengthen the decrease
in the classification results in some cases. However,
the proposed countermeasure did not perform well
against the attacks.
There were limitations related to the accessible
data and unexpected results considering the already
available attack implementations. However, we pre-
tend to continue exploring this problem concerning
adversarial attacks and Re-ID systems. We also hope
that combining different attack and defense methods
can be an approach for our future work and other
The Coordenac¸
ao de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de
ıvel Superior (CAPES), Conselho Nacional de De-
senvolvimento Cient
ıfico e Tecnol
ogico (CNPq), and
PrimeUp Soluc¸
oes de TI LTDA financed part of this
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Combining Two Adversarial Attacks Against Person Re-Identification Systems