PCTL properties to check the adequacy of the model.
We also ran an experiment to explore the sensitivity
of inhibitory control to the modulation of some con-
nections. The modified model complies with Parkin-
son’s disease. Further modifications to represent, e.g.,
Alzheimer’s disease are planned as future work.
Probabilistic formal models can represent a wide
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sary to brought up a new generalization of the LI&F
classical neuron model to represent small networks
behavior with a single module. This work opens new
avenues for the formal modeling of cognitive func-
tions. Moreover, it has proven the feasibility of such
model exploration using only off the shelf laptops.
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activity model of a patient playing a serious game tar-
geting the inhibitory control function. The goal is to
explore modifications in the brain neural network that
may generate a patient behavior characteristic of neu-
rocognitive disorders.
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