Deformable and Structural Representative Network for Remote
Sensing Image Captioning
Jaya Sharm
, Peketi Divya
, C. Vishnu
, C. Linga Reddy
, B. H Sekhar
and C. Krishna Mohan
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India
Department of Artificial Intelligence, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India
Department of Computer Science, Mangalore University, Karnataka, India
Department of Information and Communication Technology, UiA, Campus Grimstad, Norway,
Keywords: Deformable Network, Contextual Network, Structural Representative Network, Attention Mechanism,
Multi-Level LSTM, Remote Sensing Image Captioning.
Abstract: Remote sensing image captioning has greater significance in image understanding that generates textual
description of aerial images automatically. Majority of the existing architectures work within the framework
of encoder-decoder structure. However, it is noted that the existing encoder-decoder based methods for remote
sensing image captioning avoid fine-grained structural representation of objects and lack deep encoding
representation of an image. In this paper, we propose a novel structural representative network for capturing
fine-grained structures of remote sensing imagery to produce fine grained captions. Initially, a deformable
network has been incorporated on intermediate layers of convolutional neural network to take out spatially
invariant features from an image. Secondly, a contextual network is incorporated in the last layers of the
proposed network for producing multi-level contextual features. In order to extract dense contextual features,
an attention mechanism is accomplished in contextual networks. Thus, the holistic representations of aerial
images are obtained through a structural representative network by combining spatial and contextual features.
Further, features from the structural representative network are provided to multi-level decoders for
generating spatially semantic meaningful captions. The textual descriptions obtained due to our proposed
approach is demonstrated on two standard datasets, namely, the Sydney-Captions dataset and the UCM-
Captions dataset. The comparative analysis is made with recently proposed approaches to exhibit the
performance of the proposed approach and hence argue that the proposed approach is more suitable for remote
sensing image captioning tasks.
Due to technological advancements in aerial imagery
understanding systems, it is possible by the satellites
and launch vehicles to provide the finer details of the
earths’ surface. However, the amount of remotely
sensed image data generated by satellites and launch
vehicles is veryy large, making it difficult for both
researchers and users to access, store, and observe
relevant data from a large number of details. Remote
sensing image captioning (RSIC) is a probabilistic
approach that depends on the attributes and visual
features of the image and it helps in providing
meaningful descriptions about remotely sensed
images. The main goal of RSIC is that the generated
captions must focus on the relationship between the
scene and the object of an image. It is applied in most
of the recent applications, including image
interpretation and understanding (Wang B, 2020),
text search in an image (Gu J, 2018), detail generation
(Xu K, 2015), robotic vision (Szegedy C, 2016),
content search (Chung YN, 2015) etc. Several RSIC
methods (Ramos, 2022 & Wang, 2022) in the
literature explore encoder-decoder framework to
generate meaningful captions. These frameworks
generate sequences of words using recurrent neural
networks (RNNs) that depend on the features of the
remote sensing images captured by the convolutional
neural networks (CNNs). Recently, Gu et al. (Ma C,
2018) proposed an approach in which multiple LSTM
decoders are incorporated into a multi level coarse to
fine generative network for producing fine grained
Sharm, J., Divya, P., Vishnu, C., Reddy, C., Sekhar, B. and Mohan, C.
Deformable and Structural Representative Network for Remote Sensing Image Captioning.
DOI: 10.5220/0011625900003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
descriptions. Later, a few research works employed
the attention mechanism (Wei H, 2019) in the encoder
and decoder of the models to focus on essential parts
of an image. However, these frameworks are not
efficient in generating meaningful captions due to
their failure in capturing the structural representations
of remotely sensed images (RSI). The major
challenges pertaining to current approaches are (i)
inefficient spatial and structural representations of
RSI and (ii) the use of a single-level caption decoder,
which leads to inefficient generation of fine-grained
meaningful captions. Therefore, we propose a
structural representative network (SRN) that
addresses these limitations.
Our proposed SRN extracts both spatial and
semantic information from initial and final layers of
CNN through deformable and contextual networks.
Deformable networks are incorporated into initial
layers of CNN as it possesses capability of handling
geometric transformations, thus improving the
transformation capability of the model. However,
CNNs do not handle these transformations because of
fixed size kernels of convolution and max pool
operations. Robust way of representing different
scaled objects is possible through a deformable
network in remote sensing images. An SRN is
incorporated on top of the final layers of CNN to
capture fine grained structural representations of RSI
since CNN fails in preserving multi scale features and
capturing boundary details of an object due to
repeated stride and pooling operations (Chen LC,
2018). The proposed SRN captures structural
representations of an RSI by applying dilated
convolutions parallely at different dilation rates in
various fields of views. Finally, these spatial and
semantic features are given to multi level decoder for
generating meaningful captions of an RSI. The major
contributions of this work are as follows:
We propose a structural representative network
(SRN) in order to encode guided contextual
information for generating meaningful
A novel structural representation and
deformable networks are incorporated at the
encoder of our encoder decoder framework for
capturing dense multi scale and spatial
invariant features from RSI for meaningful
caption generation
Accuracy of the proposed network is evaluated
on two RSIC datasets, namely, Sydney captions
and UCM captions. Our model outperforms
state of the art methods in generating
semantically meaningful captions by learning a
rich structural representation of an RSI.
The remainder of the paper is organised as follows. A
detailed description of the existing works on RSIC is
provided in Section 2. Our proposal method is
presented in Section 3. The implementation details,
experimental results, comparison with state-of-the-art
methods are shown in Section 4. Finally, Section 5
provides the conclusion.
This section reviews the state of the art methods and
various statistical learning algorithms used in
structural investigation and semantic retrieval of
2.1 Image Captioning in Remote
Sensing Imagery
Currently, deep learning models are extensively
explored and applied in image captioning tasks where
input can be camera based or remotely sensed images.
Most of the image captioning tasks (zhang, 2017)
utilise encoder decoder frameworks where CNNs are
used at encoder to capture the meaningful features
and RNNs at decoder for providing textual
description of an RSI. Similarly, we have seen many
promising approaches (lu, 2019), (Zhao R, 2021),
(Wang Q, 2020), (Ma X, 2020) to generate
descriptions for RSI. It is also noted that template-
based technique was proposed by Shi et al (Shi Z,
2017) where FCN and CNN are used to capture the
image content. Here, the generated words from the
decoder are sequenced into complete sentences with
stable templates. Further, Lu et al (Lu X, 2017)
introduced RSI datasets such as Sydney-Captions and
the UCM-Captions datasets for image captioning
tasks, and conducted a series of evaluations and
observed increase in the performance with these
datasets by applying a soft attention mechanism.
Later, the attribute-attribute model was proposed by
Zhang et. al (Zhang X, 2019) to generate a huge
amount of salient features by capturing the core
attributes to reweight the features of an image. It is
proved that the strength of the model is improved with
this attribute
data for generating meaningful
sentences. Marker-driven attention mechanism was
introduced by Zhang et al (Zhang Z, 2019) for
generating meaningful captions where the details of
the marker are utilised in the attention computation to
assign weights in the attention layer. In this approach,
label data from RSI is filtered out and more salient
features are provided in each decoding step. Another
notable work by Sumbul et al (Sumbul G, 2020)
Deformable and Structural Representative Network for Remote Sensing Image Captioning
considered novel visual alignment loss to capture
important features from an RSI for the training
2.2 Visual Feature Encoding Methods
Standard pipeline with combination of CNN and
RNN was exploited by Ma et al. (Jégou H, 2011) for
capturing rich features of an image using deep CNN
to improve the performance of visual tracking.
Firstly, the model combines all five true captions into
single caption and then adaptive weighting strategy
applied dynamically considering the predicted words
in the standard and summary time steps. Fusion
method combines semantic and coarse details to
achieve spatial visual features of an image. ExFuse
was another fusion method proposed for
segmentation tasks where semantic features are
combined with low level features of an image and
high spatial resolution features are combined with
high level features. Later, spatial transformer
networks (STN) (Jaderberg M, 2015) was introduced
to deal with spatial transformations of an image. This
approach can even include spatial manipulations into
the training data. Further, dilated convolutions are
applied in CNNs to obtain multi-level structural
representations of an image. With the exponential
increase in size of the receptive fields of dilated
convolutions, rich structural representations are
captured (Dai J, 2017). Then, the spatial pyramid
pooling component (Chen LC, 2018) was introduced
to study dilated convolutions with different dilation
rates in multiple fields of views. Deformable
networks (Dai J, 2017) was introduced with
inspiration from STNs. Incorporating deformable
networks improves the performance of the model by
generating dense predictions compared to STNs.
Recently, several works (Lu Y, 2020), (Jaderberg M,
2015) handled geometric transformations and multi-
scale variations by incorporating deformable
networks in model architectures.
This section consists of encoding and decoding phase
details. Convolutional neural network (CNN) is
employed in the encoding phase to encode the visual
depiction of an RSIs followed by a decoding phase
where multi level long short-term memory (LSTM) is
utilised to decode the visual attributes and produce a
series of words. Subsequently, the structural
representative network and deformable networks are
designed for RSI captioning. The framework of the
proposed methodology is presented in figure 1.
3.1 Visual Encoder
Visual encoder network helps in encoding the
features where the multiscale structural
representations and spatially transformed features of
an image are encoded by processing the remote
sensing image through distinct network components
namely the backbone network, deformable network,
multi scale structural representative network, and
feature fusion.
3.1.1 Backbone Network
A pre-trained ResNet (He K, 2016) is used as a
backbone network and hence to retrieve the features
for providing visual descriptions of an RSI through
the first five layers, namely, Conv1, Conv2, Conv3,
Conv4, and Conv5. Each Conv layer contains
different bottleneck layers. Generally, initial layers of
the CNNs hold small object details in an image but
fail in capturing the semantic details whereas final
layers can capture semantic details, lacking spatial
Figure 1: The overview of the proposed method.
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Framework of proposed methodology.
information of the objects. In our framework (figure
1), fully connected layers of ResNet are removed to
utilise spatial and structural representations of conv
layers. We incorporate 32 × 32 with 512 channels
spatial resolution at conv3 of the backbone ResNet
network after extracting the spatial features from it.
Further, semantic details are obtained through conv5
layer with 8x8 resolution and 2048 channels.
Deformable network and SRN is incorporated on top
of initial and final layers of backbone network to
capture multi level structural representations of RSI.
3.1.2 Deformable Network
The CNN is a broadly analysed model for image
captioning, yet its accomplishment is bounded by the
absence of capacity to deal with geometrical changes.
Earlier, the CNN networks acquired spatially
invariant information by usage of enormous
approaches, augmentation methods, and hand crafted
methods, for example, max-pooling or scale invariant
element changes using SIFT. But, hand crafted
features cannot deal with unspecified geometric
transformations (Si H, 2019) as it can learn only fixed
and known changes. Further, these models and hand-
crafted approaches are troublesome, intricate,
inaccessible, and require costly preparation for
excessively complex changes. Furthermore, the same
activation units are produced by fixing the kernel and
max pooling receptive field sizes by skipping out the
fact that the different locations map with different
scaled objects as well as deformations (Si H, 2019).
To overcome these problems, we have introduced
deformable convs on Conv3 of backbone network as
the initial layers are not genuinely invariant to
enormous changes of the input data when compared
to final layer attributes (Conv5). The standard
convolution produces the output feature map L
utilising grid over the input feature map F as
) = Σ (A
) · F(A
+ A
+ ∆A
), A
Where A signifies random position (F(A
+ A
+ ∆A
) and , A
signifies the weight values and location
on L.
defined on sampled grid (). Thus, the offsets are
augmented using deformable convolutions A
| m
= 1, . . . , M , M = mod . In deformable convolutions,
the sampling is done at irregular and offset locations
+ ∆A
). As shown in Eq 2, we apply bilinear
interpolation ß on Eq 1 since A
is fractional and all
spatial locations in F are enumerated by S.
F(p) =(ß(S,P)·F(S)) (2)
In the deformable convolution module, 2D offsets
are sequentially added at grid sampling points in
standard convolutions. This offset is learned from the
previous convolution layer and determines the
deformation of the input feature. Simple backward
propagation can be used to train the end-to-end
deformable convolution module between layers. This
work incorporates two deformable convolutions in
between two standard bottleneck layers..
Deformable and Structural Representative Network for Remote Sensing Image Captioning
3.1.3 Multi-Scale Structural Representation
Major works in image captioning (Vinyals O, 2015),
(Xu K, 2015), (Chen L, 2017), (Wei H, 2019) utilise
the semantic details from the final layers of the
backbone network. But, boundary specific details of
the objects are reduced due to application of a large
number of pooling and convolutions operations. To
overcome this problem, we have employed SRN on
top of conv5 feature map for capturing structural
representations of the RSI by applying multiple
dilated convolutions with different scales parallely.
The SRN helps in mitigating the number of learnable
parameters along with computation time by managing
the receptive field size of the input feature map
instead of increasing the filter's field of view. Thus,
greater structural details are obtained through SRN
where it segments the objects at various scales at
every layer through parallel dilated convolutions at
different dilation rates. More formally, given a 2D
signal for every location L on m which is the output
attribute map and as the kernel matrix with weights,
the dilated convolutions are utilised on the input
attribute map F as
L(q)=F(q+D·)() (3)
Here, for each location L, of q as the output feature
map and as weight kernel matrix, D implies the
dilation rate at which the sampling of the input feature
map is done. D = 1 is the dilated convolution’s special
case, where it denotes the ideal convolution. The
filter’s field-of-view changes flexibility with dilation
3.1.4 Feature Fusion
The spatially transformed representations of RSI
obtained from deformable network at Conv3 of
backbone network and structural representations
obtained due to feeding Conv5 features of backbone
network to SRN networks are fused in the proposed
method. Before concatenating, bi-linear interpolation
technique is applied to upsample structural features to
spatial features. Then, concatenation of these features
are done through stacking up features one another and
3x3 convolutions are applied before sending to the
3.2 Decoding Module
Almost all recent works used a one stage decoder
module for generating captions of an RSI. However,
these works failed in obtaining meaningful captions
as there is minimal transitional supervision. To
overcome this challenge, we have utilised multistage
caption decoder framework (Gu J, 2018) for a coarse
to fine grained caption generation. It also focuses on
the problem of vanishing gradients that arose because
of the coarse-to-fine multi-stage caption decoding
module. As shown in Figure 1, a three-stacked long-
short term memory network, where stage one of the
LSTM decoder generates coarse to fine grained RSI
details, and the succeeding LSTM decoder produces
the fine-grained details. At every stage, preceding
decoder hidden vectors and attention weights are
given to the next LSTM decoder to produce more
precise captions.
A stage-wise details of multi-stage decoder are
provided as follows: LSTM network (LSTM
) learns
encoded details of an image by utilising the visual
encoder. At every interval , the details of preceding
words, the visual depiction of an image, and the
LSTM network’s previous hidden states are provided
to produce the caption as given by
, H
, X
, W
= (f (Z); H
where the hidden states are H
and H
, the
cell state is C
, the preceding word is W
, X
denotes (X = 0 for LSTM
and X & d
= 1 for fine
decoders (LSTM
)). The total number of fine stages
are indicated by N
, and the mean pool visual encoder
features are denoted by f(Z). Further, utilising the
attention weights α
, fine stage decoders, visual
details, and preceding words are precisely captioned
, H
, X
, W
= (d(Z, α
, H
, H
Here, the function of spatial attention (d(.)) is to
produce attention-guided visual details. On
accomplishing attentive attributes, our decoder
framework produces meaningful information from an
input RSI.
In this section, we present details of the datasets used,
implementation details, experimental results and
comparative analysis to exhibit the performance of
the proposed approach.
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
4.1 Dataset Details
4.1.1 UCM-Captions Dataset
The UCM-Caption dataset (Yang Y, 2010) consists of
21 classes of land use images with 100 images in each
class. Each image is of 256x256 size and was
extracted from the United States Geological Survey
(USGS) National Map. Every image in this dataset is
described through five sentences. All the five
sentences for each image are diversified but the
difference between sentences of the same class is very
small. There are 2100 images with 10500 captions
4.1.2 Sydney-Captions Dataset
Sydney-captions dataset (Zhang F, 2014) was
collected from Google Earth. It has 613 images of
airports, residential areas, rivers etc., and are
categorised into seven classes. Similar to the UCM-
caption dataset, each image is described with five
sentences and the entire dataset has 3065 descriptions
for those 613 images.
4.2 Parameter Settings and
Implementation Details
The proposed deformable and structural
representative network (SRN) are implemented using
the Pytorch framework. The dimension of structural
representative features, the embedding of the
attention layer, hidden LSTM, and feature maps are
set to dimension 512. In our work, we implement
ADAM optimizer with 0.0001 and 0.0003 learning
rates for the visual encoder and caption decoder. We
fixed batch size to 32 throughout the implementation.
This model keeps on learning until the accuracy of the
model remains the same and also completes 15
epochs on the validation set. At last, the decay rate is
employed, when the model does not progress for 6
epochs. Further, the ResNet-101 (He K, 2016)
backbone network is pre-trained on Imagenet and is
used at the visual encoder. Initially, we obtain the
spatial features from Conv3 and semantic features
from Conv5 of backbone with resolutions of
32×32×512 and 8 × 8 × 2048, respectively. Then, the
spatially transformed features are captured from a
deformable network employed on top of initial layers
with two deformable and standard convolutions. For
standard convolutions, We set bottleneck layer filters
with 512 channels and 3×3 filters for the deformable
convolutions. Later, the SRN is incorporated on the
Conv5 feature map of backbone with various dilated
convolutions. SRN consists of 1×1 conv and 3×3
conv layers with different dilation rates ie., 2, 4, and
6. A single conv layer of 1×1 and average pooling is
included in the network along with dilated
convolutions to obtain features from various fields of
views. Before fusing, the spatially transformed and
semantic features obtained from two networks, the
channel count was reduced to 512.
4.3 Quantitative Results
Our approach is evaluated on two datasets namely
Sydney-captions and UCM-captions. Our method is
compared with various well-known methods such as
VLAD + RNN (Jégou H, 2011), GloVe (Pennington
J, 2014), Hard-attention, Soft-attention (Lu X, 2017),
mRNN (Gu J, 2018), ConvCap (Aneja J, 2018),
mGRU- embedword (Lu X, 2019), CSMLF (Wang
B, 2019), SAA (Lu X, 2019), and RTRMN(Wang B,
2020). In our work, we split data as 80% for training,
10% for validation, and the rest for testing.
Evaluation Metrics: For evaluating the accuracy
of the produced captions, four different metrics were
used such as ROUGE-L (Lin CY, 2004), CIDEr-D
(Vedantam R, 2015), METEOR (Banerjee S, 2005),
and BLEU (Papineni K, 2002). These metrics are
widely used in almost all image captioning tasks.
4.3.1 BLEU
The co-occurrences among the generated and the
ground truth captions is measured using the BLEU
(Papineni K, 2002) that considers a sequence of n
number of ordered words. The BLEU-n (n = {1, 2, 3,
4}) is computed as the ratio of the n-grams that are
matched with the total number of n-grams in the
evaluated caption to the total n-grams. This scores in
the range of 0.0 and 1.0
4.3.2 ROUGE-L
ROUGE-L (Lin CY, 2004) is an updated form of
ROUGE, which computes an F-measure that uses the
longest common subsequence (LCS) between the
generated and the ground-truth captions with a recall
bias. This scores in the range of 0.0 and 1.0
4.3.3 CIDEr-D
CIDEr-D (Vedantam R, 2015) is another version of
CIDEr, where initially, the caption is converted into
the term frequency inverse document frequency (TF-
IDF) vector (Robertson S, 2004) and then the
reference caption is produced using the cosine
similarity and finally the caption is generated by the
Deformable and Structural Representative Network for Remote Sensing Image Captioning
Table 1: Evaluation scores (%) on the SYDNEY -
CAPTIONS dataset.
(Lu X, 2019)
68.85 60.03 51.81 44.29 57.47 168.94
X, 2017)
49.13 34.12 27.60 23.14 42.01 91.64
Lu X, 2017
56.58 45.14 38.07 32.79 52.71 93.72
(Aneja J,
74.72 65.12 57.25 50.12 66.74 214.84
(Lu X, 2017)
73.22 66.74 66.23 58.20 71.27 249.93
Lu X, 2017
75.91 66.10 58.89 52.58 71.89 218.19
(Wang 2019)
59.98 45.83 38.69 34.33 50.18 75.55
(Lu X, 2019)
68.82 60.73 52.94 43.89 58.20 175.52
77.85 68.01 68.51 60.40 73.64 228.56
Table 2: Evaluation scores (%) on the UCM-CAPTIONS
dataset (Yang Y, 2010).
(Lu X,
75.74 69.83 64.51 59.98 66.74 279.2
X, 2017
70.16 60.85 54.96 50.30 65.20 231.3
(Lu X,
63.11 51.93 46.06 42.09 58.78 200.6
(Aneja J,
70.34 56.47 46.24 38.57 59.62 190.1
(Lu X,
74.54 65.45 58.55 52.50 72.37 261.24
(Lu X,
81.57 75.12 67.02 61.82 76.98 299.47
36.71 14.85 7.63 5.05 29.86 13.51
X, 2019
79.62 74.01 69.09 64.77 69.42 294.51
Ours 82.92 76.95 72.17 67.75 78.49 315.15
model. CIDEr-D regularises n-grams repetition if
they occur beyond the number of times in the
reference sentence. Higher score indicates a higher
accuracy. The score of this metric is between 0.0 and
The evaluation scores presented in Tables 1 and 2
follow similar experimental procedures i.e. 80% for
training, 10% for testing, & 10% for validation,
making the evaluation fair. It is observed that our
approach performs well when compared to the
existing methods due to the addition of rich semantics
and textual information.
4.4 Qualitative Results
The qualitative results obtained due to the proposed
approach is shown in Figures 3 and 4, where each
word generated from the decoder has appropriate
attention mask for the given RSI. As observed in
Figures 3 and 4, the produced words have appropriate
mapping with corresponding image parts through an
attention map. Our approach generates highly
descriptive, accurate, very precise words by encoding
spatial and structural representative features of RSI.
The visualisations of the captioning results are shown
in Figures 3 and 4 respectively.
Figure 3: Generated caption with attention mask on the
UCM-Caption dataset.
Figure 4: Generated caption with attention mask on the
Sydney-Captions dataset.
For holistic representation of an RSI, most image
captioning methods utilise image-level features or
visual entities. However, these approaches cannot
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
incorporate multi-scale structural information and
spatial features of small entities. To overcome this
problem, a novel deformable and structural
representative network (SRN) is proposed for remote
sensing image captioning. Particularly, the
semantically spatial features are obtained from the
backbone network. Subsequently, we have developed
a deformable network on the initial layers and SRN
on the last layers of the CNN to obtain spatially
transformed information and structural
representations of an RSI. Finally, a multi-stage
caption decoder is utilised to produce meaningful
captions. In our approach, a stack of LSTMs in the
decoder helps to deal with the vanishing gradient
problem and also includes mid-path monitoring. Our
approach performed better than the well-known RSIC
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