With the increasing demand for stronger authentica-
tion methods, biometric authentication systems are
being improved and implemented. Due to the grow-
ing number of sensors and diverse set of user-driven
features, keystroke dynamics is an on-the-go authen-
tication method, which does not hinder the user. But
is it good enough? In order to analyze this, we first es-
tablish several requirements leading to an evaluation
scheme. This evaluation scheme was applied to com-
pare three selected approaches. Based on the compar-
ison, keystroke dynamics and the gathered require-
ments are discussed. While the pure typing rhythm
is too inaccurate, the incorporation of other factors
such as pressure strength and size helps to improve
the method. In the next step, we plan to extend the
current evaluation and analyze and compare the se-
curity of keystroke dynamics with traditional authen-
tication methods. A real-world user study helps to
evaluate data acquisition under different environmen-
tal conditions. This may lead to a common dataset,
improving the comparison of different proposed ap-
proaches. Last but not least, we evaluate the addition
of emojis and other symbols.
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ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy