concepts: gesture-based direct manipulation of life-
size avatars and perspective switching. Subsequently,
we designed an interaction to satisfy these two
concepts and developed a prototype. In the first-
person perspective mode, users are represented as
full-body self-avatars in virtual spaces, and they
create their avatars in manners such as by changing
the length of the self-avatar’s sleeves through pulling
on the self-avatar’s hand or changing the parting of
the self-avatar’s front hair in the mirror by touching
the self-avatar’s hand. In the third-person mode, users
are represented as hand self-avatars in front of the
target avatar for creation in virtual spaces, and they
create their avatars in manners such as by changing
the length of the target avatar’s back hair with the
hand self-avatar from behind or changing the length
of the target avatar’s skirt with the hand self-avatar.
We conducted a preliminary user study with three
participants using the prototype. The results suggest
that these two system concepts were generally
positively accepted. In particular, we determined that
the proposed system is useful for adjusting parts that
are more difficult to specify using parameters, such as
the parting of hair and fullness of sleeves.
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