An Analysis of Cybersecurity Awareness Efforts for Swiss SMEs
an Bryce
University of Applied Sciences (HES-SO), Geneva, Switzerland
Security, Incentive, Risk Management, Awareness.
This paper analyzes cybersecurity awareness efforts for SMEs in Switzerland. We highlight some weaknesses
in these efforts and propose avenues for improvement. Compared to existing work, e.g., (Alahmari and Dun-
can, 2020), we focus on attitudes and experience of experts trying to bring security to organizations rather than
the organizations themselves.
have a number of quality cybersecurity solu-
tions at their disposal. These range from IT tools (e.g.,
free and open-source tools for VPN, IAM, PAM, pen-
testing, etc.) to support structures (trainings, knowl-
edge portals, awareness programs, helplines, etc.). At
the same time, the Cyber-Safe Association reports
that 1 in 3 Swiss SMOs have already been the vic-
tim of cyberattacks. 15% of companies train their
employees in good cybersecurity practices, yet 100%
of organizations are the subject of phishing attempts.
For more than 1/4 of cyberattack victims, recovery
costs exceed 10 000 CHF
. A US report mentions that
60% of companies that suffer a cyber-attack go out of
business within a year (Team, 2021).
To borrow a term from the health domain, there
are inefficient clinical pathways (Kinsman et al.,
2010) from cybersecurity providers to SMOs regard-
ing understanding and application of cyber-health
principles. We use the term provider to denote those
responsible for encouraging and implementing secu-
rity solution providers, system administrators, re-
searchers, governments, etc.
This paper analyzes measures that encourage cy-
bersecurity in SMOs. This topic has been covered in
the literature, e.g., (Ponsard et al., 2019; Alahmari and
Duncan, 2020), but the focus has generally been on
how companies perceive risks and implement prac-
tices. This paper intentionally focuses on providers
for two reasons. First, they are the experts and, like in
the health domain, there can be a difference between
Small and Medium sized Organizations includes ad-
ministrations and non-profit organizations as well as SMEs.
how organizations perceive risks and the risks them-
selves. Second, providers must develop more coor-
dinated actions if cybersecurity practices in organiza-
tions are to become more effective, so it is important
to gauge their viewpoints
The methodology used was to hold interviews
with over 30 Swiss actors in the socioeconomic do-
main about their perspective on the problem. The ac-
tors came from domains as diverse as chambers of
commerce, banking, security solution providers, le-
gal, policing, insurance, and consulting.
The methodology adopted was to interview socio-
economic actors regarding their perspective on the cy-
bersecurity situation in SMOs. We have explicitly fo-
cused on actors who play a provider role. In the end,
35 actors were interviewed. The interviewees cho-
sen work on some aspect of bringing cybersecurity to
SMOs. Alternatively, interviewees have some role in
relation to influencing behaviors among organizations
or the public at large – three interviewees come from
the health domain, one from the advertisement indus-
try and another from the tax service industry. The
profiles of the interviewees are presented in Table 2.
When referenced in the paper, the notation “(2)” is
used (for interviewee 2 in this case).
We have striven for a meaningful number of in-
terviews (Guest et al., 2006). Though we chose 35
interviewees in the end, the intention was a purposive
sample where interviewees were chosen for specific
qualities (role, experience, and agency) rather than
a probabilistic sampling. The interviewees include
Bryce, C.
An Analysis of Cybersecurity Awareness Efforts for Swiss SMEs.
DOI: 10.5220/0011631100003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 381-388
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
managers at chambers of commerce, researchers, in-
surers, owners of security companies and various ex-
perts. They are experts in aspects of security and
whose opinion is likely to be listened to by SMOs
(agency). Probabilistic sampling is useful for gather-
ing feedback directly from SMEs such as their per-
spective on the cybersecurity crisis, e.g., (Huaman
et al., 2021; Pugnetti and Casi
an, 2021; Zec, 2015).
The goal of our study was not to determine a consen-
sus, but to define and delimit the feedback of experts
on the problem. Nonetheless, we felt that we have
achieved a degree of data saturation, as the later inter-
views brought less insight than the earlier ones.
The interviews were conducted between October
2020 and June 2022. They took the form of an open
one-on-one discussion with a duration of at least 30
minutes. Some interviewees were interviewed sev-
eral times. A workshop with interviewees took place
in December 2021. In the discussions, interviewees
were asked to explain what made their job difficult in
relation to encouraging cybersecurity, and what they
felt could improve the situation. Key replies form the
code book of our study, and are used to structure the
analysis of the interviews in the following sections.
The elements of the code book are the paragraph ti-
tles in Sections 3.2 to 3.6 and are listed in Table 1.
From an ethics point of view, the names of the in-
terviewees are hidden in this paper. No interviewee
asked for anonymity, and the opinions conveyed cor-
respond to opinions that they have also expressed in
public as part of their job.
Efforts to get SMOs to adopt security measures gener-
ally and historically begin with awareness programs.
The Swiss Confederation notably through the ef-
forts of the Swiss National Cyber-Security Center
is putting great emphasis into cyber-risks awareness.
Chambers of Commerce and similar organizations
also are making significant efforts to raise awareness
in companies through the organization of events.
Awareness is only the first step for an SMO to
have a cybersecurity culture. This is also a lesson
learned in the health domain, where informing a per-
son of the risk of bad behavior like smoking is not
considered enough since the person must have the
will and the means to adopt a healthy behavior. For
cybersecurity, the end-goal for SMOs is a cybersecu-
rity culture where cyber-risks are managed in an au-
tonomous manner, and where there is regular prac-
tice of defense and recovery procedures. Awareness
Table 1: Codebook for Interviews.
Stage Response
Awareness Too many companies
Limited attention
Fuzzy data
Message imparted 6= message heard
Understanding Belief it’s an IT issue
Rejection of negative messages
Abstract objectives
Poor risk assessment
Will to act Risk tolerance
Message incoherency
Action Poor IT Training
Perceived Costs
Mistrust of providers
Empowerment Absence of helpdesk
Absence of follow-up
No Sustainable Business Models
is only the first step for SMOs in this journey towards
the equivalent to what in the health domain is called
empowerment (Nutbeam, 1998).
In the cybersecurity context, we can break down
the stages between awareness and the end-goal of em-
powerment, as illustrated in Figure 1. This model
is loosely based on the Trans-theoretical Model
the health domain that describes the stages a patient
undergoes in therapy (Prochaska and DiClemente,
2005). We chose the model to illustrate that mak-
ing SMOs aware of cybersecurity risks is only the
start of a process. In other words, the question of
how to make SMOs aware is not the only question
we can ask ourselves. Identifying the stages allows
us to raise other questions like “who pays for secu-
rity?” and “how do we enable SMOs to address occa-
sional queries they have on security matters?”. Thus,
efforts to make SMOs secure should be stage matched
to where they are on the model’s curve.
3.1 Cybersecurity Stages
We adapted the Trans-theoretical Model to what we
see as the main stages of an organization’s cybersecu-
rity journey.
Awareness. The SMO learns about threats like ran-
somware and denial of service attacks. The SMO
understands the motivations of criminal organizations
and state actors and accepts that everyone is a target.
Medical researchers chose this name since the model
brings together several theories in psychotherapy.
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 1: Stages in Creating a Cybersecurity Culture in SMOs.
Table 2: Interviewee Profiles.
Domain ID
Technology Start-up 2
Health 6, 16, 26
Academic 17, 28
Police 24, 25
Chamber of Commerce 5, 8, 13
Public Administration 11, 24, 27, 30
Security Firm 2, 9, 17, 18, 31
Consultant 1, 4, 9, 10, 23, 29
Major IT provider 12, 22, 35
Insurance and Risk 1, 15, 32, 34
NGO 29
Law 20, 31
Security Foundation 3, 4, 21
Other 7, 14, 19, 33
Understanding. The SMO owner can measure the
impact of a cyber-attack on his own assets and busi-
ness. This measure can be in terms of company down-
time, number of employees to mobilize to recover
from an attack, or a monetary cost.
Will to Act. The SMO refuses to accept the cyber-
security risks and decides to act to mitigate these. The
SMO is willing to define a security policy and to in-
vest resources.
Take Action. The SMO acts by adopting a techni-
cal and organizational security solution. This can in-
clude purchasing a tool from a solution provider, hir-
ing a specialist, or defining and implementing a secu-
rity policy.
Empowerment. In this end state, there is a shift
in thinking within the SMO. Cybersecurity practices
are as integrated in the operation of the company as
accounting and salary management. Cyber-defense
mechanisms are in place and the business continuity
plan includes a rehearsed data restoration procedure.
The SMO can keep up to date about current risks and
gets informed of threats that it may not know about.
3.2 Resistors to Awareness
The first step of the cybersecurity journey is to make
companies aware of cyber-risks. Many of the inter-
viewees are involved in such efforts.
Too Many Companies? There are a lot of organi-
zations to make aware: 48’000 companies in Geneva
alone. One chamber of commerce has organized cy-
bersecurity events attended by 1’200 companies over
the last 10 years. Yet, 1’200 out of 48’000 is too low
a burn rate (8).
This raises the question of a more strategic target-
ing for awareness. For instance, there might be 1’000
bankers in the canton who organize loans to compa-
nies. An awareness program for 1’000 bankers is lo-
gistically simpler than a program for 48’000 compa-
nies (15), and can be more worthwhile if the bankers
can be convinced to include cybersecurity in the due
diligence of their clients (18).
Attention is a Limited and Highly Solicited Re-
source. The goal of every SME is to sell products.
Unless the company suffers a cyber-attack, then im-
plementing cybersecurity can get pushed out of the
list of priorities. A chamber of commerce reported
having organized an event on cybersecurity in 2016
that was very well attended; a similar event in 2020
was cancelled due to lack of inscriptions (5). Other
interviewees reported a similar disinterest in recent
cybersecurity events.
Since 2020, SMOs are obviously attributing much
attention to the Covid-19 crisis. Also, data protection
and regulations are not the only concerns for SMOs.
Depending on the sector, SMOs need to be concerned
with environmental emissions, taxation, Know-your-
customer rules, etc.
Fuzzy Data. The overall cybersecurity picture in
Switzerland can be hard to read since the cantons keep
statistics rather than the Swiss central government.
The figures for cantons are obviously lower than for
An Analysis of Cybersecurity Awareness Efforts for Swiss SMEs
the whole of Switzerland and this might lead SMOs
to underestimate the scale of the problem (25)
Further, many publications written for industry
give figures for the cost of cyber-attacks, e.g., “1% of
GDP”. However, it is often unclear what these costs
are, e.g., ransomware payments, capital, and opera-
tional spending on cybersecurity tools, losses incurred
from company downtime following a cyber-attack,
etc. It can also be unclear if the figures are for US
or worldwide companies. A precise cost methodol-
ogy of cyber-damage needs to be defined.
Part of the problem is the reluctance of SMOs to
report cyber-attacks. One study (Zec, 2015) explains
reluctance to report being caused by three factors: i)
fear of negative publicity, ii) lack of confidence in the
judiciary to do something about the attack, and iii) un-
derestimation of the seriousness of the attack. Having
the real figures could make the awareness campaign
more effective. In (Kuderli and Neher, 2020), the au-
thors cite the absence of a duty to report in Switzer-
land as the main reason why the current figures under-
estimate the impact of cyber-attacks. Obliging com-
panies to report could bring clarity to the situation.
Message Imparted Versus Message Heard. What
is said to SMOs is not necessarily the same thing as
what SMOs hear and understand (17). The message
can get skewed in “IT talk” translation. A marketing
specialist suggested that there is a lot of “geek speak”
in solution provider marketing (19). He mentions that
windows salesmen never start their sales pitch with
“this is a great window”; they start by saying that “you
can deduct installation costs from taxes and save up to
30% on your annual heating bill”. Security providers
have a hard sell, as they are selling a product that fun-
damentally, people do not want.
In that regard, Cyber-Safe highlights that the cy-
bersecurity message being given to SMOs is too IT
oriented and therefore not audible enough to company
owners (18). The IT message speaks of viruses, de-
nial of service attacks, etc. A company owner rea-
sons in terms of the value of company assets, expected
revenue and expenditure. Audibility is therefore in-
creased by moving away from IT-based KPIs (e.g.,
number of phishing emails blocked) to business KPIs
(salary costs and expected revenue losses).
Ultimately, there is a need for more creativity in
finding ways to inform SMOs. An interesting effort
to increase understanding is the Bande Dessin
ee de la
e (23) where the message is passed in a non-
traditional way for IT. Another incentive technique for
attention and learning is gaming (G
oschlberger and
This situation is evolving with the implementation of a
new IT platform by the federal authorities.
Bruck, 2017). An example is a simple card game that
teaches social engineering attacks (car, ).
Cyber-insurers are now a precious resource for
SMO security awareness. They have information
about all declared cyber-attacks. Further, courtiers
visit all companies in Switzerland and present risks –
including cyber-risks. For example, insurers carry the
message that the Windows 7 operating system should
no longer be used (15). If an SMO refuses a cyber-
insurance contract, he does so after being informed of
the risks.
3.3 Resistors to Understanding
Understanding is the phase where the SMO owner
can measure the impact of cyber-risks on his business.
This may require effort but is a pre-requisite to being
able to act appropriately.
Belief that Security is an IT Issue. Cyber-attacks
aim to extract or damage data within the IT system
so this contributes to the belief that the attack can be
resolved by the “IT guy” (10). The problem is that at-
tacks will succeed, and the SMO must have a business
recovery plan that includes procedures for handling
client data leaks and resuming business.
Another problem is that many SMO managers as-
sume that their “IT guy” can handle security (18).
Partly due to the emergence of frameworks, IT is
now a large field. Even something as apparently
straightforward as maintaining a WordPress website
is not trivial, since there are many configuration files,
databases, extensions, and style files to maintain. Few
IT professionals can be expected to have knowledge
in all areas of IT that companies rely upon.
Awareness efforts and solution provider messag-
ing might be partly to blame here since they empha-
size mostly IT-based defense strategies. Other depart-
ments need to be involved, notably HR since they are
ultimately responsible for training employees (10).
Many argue that the cybersecurity manager should
be part of the board of the company (17)(23), though
given the often too technical orientation of this man-
ager, he or she is often poorly adapted to the sys-
temic role that board members should have (Atmani
and Flaurand, 2021).
Rejection of Negative Messages. As noted in the
health domain, there is a natural human tendency to
reject uncomfortable messages (6). A negative mes-
sage is generally acted upon when it becomes per-
sonalized. For instance, breast-cancer screening pro-
grams often struggle to attract women, and many
women who attend are close to someone who already
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
suffers from cancer. Similarly, graphic images on
cigarette boxes are not dissuading people from buy-
ing cigarettes (6). The image of the person on the
cigarette box needs to be replaced by the image of a
close friend or family member for the message to be
effective. Scare-mongering is generally considered
to be ineffective by healthcare providers and IT se-
curity experts alike (22)(26)(15)(29). We should at
least frame messages in a more pedagogical manner,
such as “would you manage client data without tak-
ing security precautions, if you would not drive a car
without insurance?” (19).
Abstract Objectives. Many companies see cyber-
security as something nebulous, and it can be difficult
for companies to visualize the danger (15)(12). The
attackers are portrayed as hooded and faceless, and
the measures we ask them to put in place can be diffi-
cult to sell since they cannot cover all the attack sur-
face. Resilience might be a more meaningful term to
use in SMO awareness programs (12).
A further difficulty is to concretely measure the
risk and the value of some solution. For instance, in
the context of the Paris Climate Agreement Accord
Switzerland wants to reduce its emission of green-
house gases by 50% by the year 2030 compared to
1990 levels. Even if achieving this is hard, the objec-
tive is simply stated, easily measurable and therefore
easier to mobilize interest in.
A measurable objective in the cybersecurity con-
text could be “one private disk per company”, “2
rehearsed data restorations (post-ransomware) per
year” (24), etc.
Swissitude. Citizens in Switzerland enjoy a rela-
tively high level of physical security and safety. It has
been suggested that SMO owners sometimes project
this sentiment of safety to the Internet world. It
is common to hear remarks from SMOs like “Why
would my company be attacked? We are only a small
company” (24). This sentiment has also been high-
lighted in another study on Swiss employee attitudes
to cyber-risks (Pugnetti and Casi
an, 2021).
Poor Risk Assessment. Despite best intentions, it
is possible for the SMO to make the wrong risk as-
sessment (impact and probability) (15). Audits and
labels are devised to detect these errors (21), but not
all organizations ask for these.
One interviewee highlighted a disparity between
the message given by auditors and the reality in com-
panies (2). For instance, an audit might mark a com-
ponent as an accepted risk but this is the very com-
ponent through which an attack passes. An example
are administrators since they have too much privilege
and not enough safeguards. Also, too many cosmetic
solutions are proposed to companies (2).
3.4 Resistors to Will-to-Act
Despite understanding the risks to their own company,
SMO owners may choose to accept these risks, or
consider that they are not worth the cost of invest-
ment (23).
SMO owners are by nature open to risks. As one
SMO owner said: “if you are risk-averse, then be-
come an employee” (14). Another mentioned that
some companies do not care about the risks since
they believe that they could continue to function even
if attacks arise (9). Yet another perspective comes
from the health domain where treatment is endan-
gered when the patient believes that the “treatment is
worse than the illness”, even if the treatment is effec-
tive (26). A related perspective here is the concern
that making backups is a throwback to an older IT,
and that it can be frustrating to change one’s way of
working to incorporate cyber-hygiene practices (28).
Another resistor is the coherency of the message
from providers. There is agreement in the health do-
main that the message given to a patient from differ-
ent healthcare providers (nurse, doctor, pharmacist,
...) needs to be coherent, as incoherencies under-
mine the credibility of the message (e.g., when the
pharmacist proposes a different remedy to medica-
tion a doctor prescribed). In the cybersecurity con-
text, providers (administrations, solution providers,
educators, chambers of commerce) must ensure the
coherency of their messaging.
The advantage of the EU’s General Data Protec-
tion Regulation (GDPR) is that it obliges companies
to act for security – the stick approach in place of the
3.5 Resistors to Action
Poor IT Training. Many companies want to act but
ask “Ok, but what do we actually need to do?” (13).
Computer science degrees have been criticized for
not treating computer security enough (23). Until
recently at least, many IT graduates were unable to
define security policies or to design a secure infras-
tructure in a company. Also, not all IT professionals
understand the technical details of how attacks hap-
pen (2). There are not enough highly qualified per-
sonnel in Switzerland (23).
An Analysis of Cybersecurity Awareness Efforts for Swiss SMEs
There is good news on this issue, thanks largely to
the arrival of the GDPR. A new generation of com-
puter science students are learning that when build-
ing a full-stack Web service, instinctively, they must
factor in security (e.g., separate the DB tables hold-
ing personal client data, use encrypted storage). This
evolution in thinking is analogous to architects who
instinctively include fire escapes in their building de-
signs. If a change occurs to the budget of a building,
it would never occur to an architect to remove the fire
escapes to save money. Soon, it will never occur to
a computer scientist to forego security to cut projects
costs or to be ready for a release date.
This also responds to a common criticism of many
IT systems since the administrator has all privileges in
the system, so a compromise of an administrator ac-
count leads to a major security breach (e.g., a sudo
account in Linux or Administrator account in Win-
dows Server). This binary model also means that ad-
ministrators have access to too much data. This point
was again mentioned by the interviewees (2) and even
raised in a Swiss court case:
There are huge gaps in the ethics of computer
scientists. In their training, there is no course
on this subject. When I question them, I re-
alize that most consider it completely normal
for them to have all accesses” – Jean Treccani
Perceived Costs. SMOs are often hesitant about the
cost of security implementation: a company will tend
towards the best price ahead of the best security (10).
Even if there are many free tools available (capex),
there is the operational cost (opex) of understanding
and maintaining these. That said, it might be inter-
esting to distinguish SMOs from micro-SMOs (3),
where the former handle security in-house while the
latter tend more to outsource to providers. These con-
cerns raise two questions:
1. Given the importance of cybersecurity to SMOs,
who should pay for security? If cybersecurity
spending is obliged of companies, then a tax credit
model is worth investigating this model is in
place in the US state of Maryland since 2018
Tax and insurance are the two payment modes that
companies are used to where there is no immedi-
ately obvious return on investment. Tax credits,
for instance, are recommended in a US report by
the Cyber-Readiness Institute (Team, 2021).
2. How much does operational security cost any-
way? There is no standard figure that can be
given to an SMO for costs. Given that many secu-
rity tools are free, it is worthwhile defining a cost
model. This is something that insurance compa-
nies are interested in (32).
Hesitations About Solution Providers. Many
SMOs do not feel competent enough to decide on the
security tools they need. They rely on the advice of
a security solution provider for this. This can cre-
ate skepticism since the SMO cannot be sure that the
most appropriate solution is being provided (11)(22)
Providers are sometimes perceived as being too tech-
nical and not immersed enough in the operational and
business model of their client. On a related matter,
one interviewee reported how ethical hacking com-
panies had a negative impact by scaremongering and
creating a sentiment of continued vulnerability (23).
3.6 Resistors to Empowerment
Once a company has made its initial investment in
tools and processes for cybersecurity, it needs to
maintain its security preparedness.
Absence of a Helpdesk Structure. Companies
need accompaniment or advice over solutions. They
might have an occasional query on how to implement
some security feature or need to be informed of a par-
ticular malware to which they may be vulnerable.
One interviewee is developing a helpdesk model
for Value-Added Tax declarations. Like for cyberse-
curity, support for VAT needs to be continuous and
occasional. It is hard for security providers to pro-
vide this support since most of the 5’000 providers in
Switzerland have 3 employees or less. Nonetheless,
cyber-insurance companies now include a helpdesk in
their offers. The helpdesk is particularly useful after
an incident in guiding the client (15).
Absence of Follow-up. Once an SMO has adopted
a solution, label or cyber-insurance policy, its good
practices with respect to the solution need to be ver-
ified (18). In some countries, the health authority
uses a being remembered model (6), where patients
are regularly reminded for checkups (and can billed
even if they do not show up for the checkup). La-
bel providers limit the duration of the label so that the
company periodically demonstrates its ability to con-
form to the label requirements.
One auditor reported that a common motivation for
asking for an audit was to evaluate the company’s security
provider (18).
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Sustainable Business Models for Providers. SMO
empowerment must provide the possibility of a sus-
tainable business model for providers also. The SMO
market is not necessarily lucrative enough. One inter-
viewee reported a phenomenon where SMEs are not
considered as good clients by security providers since
revenue is generally low (18). Providers that target
SMEs and whose solution becomes successful, often
adapt their solutions to bigger sized clients for eco-
nomic reasons. Another interviewee mentioned that
his company was created to provide security consult-
ing to SMOs, but nearly the whole of his revenue over
the past 5 years has come from larger structures (31).
Smaller structures are harder to work with because fi-
nancial negotiations are more complicated
Further, in a domain where innovation is consid-
ered a key factor to provider success, SMOs still re-
quire solutions for older legacy infrastructures and
technologies. Updating from older systems requires a
critical mass of competence and resources that might
not be available within an SMO. Research funding
agencies like InnoSuisse and the Swiss National Sci-
ence Foundation prioritize innovative technology so-
lutions (30), whereas, arguably, SMOs really require
better engineered packages of existing solutions. Of
course, innovative solutions do have a role to play,
since better than making consumers aware of security
is the idea of making security automatically and in-
visibly implemented (4). Virtual environments like
Docker are good examples: instead of patching an
OS, one simply deploys a new virtual environment
which does not contain the vulnerability, i.e., the
patching of security fixes is automatically handled.
Another example is the automatic handling of back-
ups by cloud providers.
One report (Pugnetti and Casi
an, 2021) examines atti-
tudes to cyber-risks in Swiss firms from an employee
perspective. The study found that in the surveyed
companies, employees felt aware of the threat posed,
but felt that their company was not large enough to be
targeted. They also relied on external IT providers to
solve the problem. The authors identify this as a “sys-
temic weakness”, underlying that we “readily place
ourselves in the care of doctors and nurses and would
not self-medicate if we were seriously ill”. The report
urges more training within companies so that employ-
ees take ownership of cyber-risks.
A study of security preparedness for Slovakian
SMEs is made in (Zec, 2015). They identify three
areas where SMEs need to be effective: i) technical
competence, ii) organizational ability and iii) psycho-
logical maturity. The latter addresses the readiness
of IT people to address a cybersecurity issue when it
is not part of their job description, or when this in-
volves going against management or working over-
time. The report highlights weaknesses in the compa-
nies surveyed on all three levels, though the number
of companies chosen is small.
A study of German SME preparedness (aware-
ness, measures taken, and attacks suffered) is reported
in (Huaman et al., 2021). 5000 companies were inter-
viewed using computer-assisted telephone interviews.
The companies come from all economic sectors and
have up to 500 employees. Among the findings,
the study found that technical measures were widely
used but operational measures (written security pol-
icy, training, simulations) were especially absent in
smaller firms. Those companies that do have opera-
tional measures often have it for compliance reasons.
Companies with operational measures fared better un-
der attacks. The report also found that the risk of tar-
geted attacks is underestimated by all companies.
A study of Belgian SMEs (Ponsard et al., 2019)
concluded that cybersecurity awareness should con-
sider both the individual and the organization. Aware-
ness should deal with knowledge artifacts but also at-
titudes (i.e., feelings and emotions) and behaviors (ac-
tivities and risk-taking actions linked to security). The
techniques studied are awareness campaigns, general
information and guides, personae, quizzes, assess-
ments and audits, training courses with tool support.
They conclude that a mix of techniques is required
and events require good group dynamics.
The Swiss, Slovakian and German studies aim
to understand the SME perspective on cybersecurity.
These studies are important, but the issue with a spe-
cialized topic like security is that the perceived prob-
lem does not always correspond to the real problem.
Our study has taken a complementary approach of
questioning experts who are working to improve the
security of SMEs.
SMO cybersecurity would be improved if soft-
ware development methods could ensure fewer vul-
nerabilities. Several ethnographic studies have been
conducted to understand how software developers
can be made more aware of secure coding practices,
e.g., (Tuladhar et al., 2021; Weir et al., 2018). Among
the findings, software development teams best adopt
security practices using the same learning dynamics
that they use when adopting some new technology
(like a Web framework). It is better to include secure
coding from the start rather than having to modify ex-
isting code, especially when this code is already in
production. Developers are afraid of upsetting clients
An Analysis of Cybersecurity Awareness Efforts for Swiss SMEs
when working systems are modified (even if this is
to add security fixes). Experts who encourage secure
practices need to make a better effort at understanding
the developers’ issues for their message to be heard.
Organizations like chambers of commerce are mak-
ing great efforts to inform SMOs about cyber-risks
though inefficiencies remain. Among the lessons
learned in this study:
Targeted awareness programs are worth inves-
tigating. An awareness program might target
bankers who give loans to companies and seek
to convince these bankers to ask for cybersecurity
guarantees as part of client due diligence.
There is still a lot of geek speak and a tendency to
target IT to the detriment of others such as HR.
Providers generally take little of the client risk,
and distrust of IT solution providers hampers
security efforts.
A help-line service for organizations and ensur-
ing a coherent security message is transmitted to
organizations would be very useful.
The greatest challenge to develop a business
model for companies creating solutions for
SMOs. Solution providers find it difficult to gen-
erate revenue from working with SMOs. While it
is critical to help SMOs, there is little economic
incentive to do so.
The author is very grateful to the Hasler Foundation
for funding this research.
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ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy