CA. An excerpt of the execution trace at step 701 in
shown in Figure 5. It shows that agent 7 changes its
role, broadcasts its new certificate and agents 0 to 6,
which lost their trust in the other CAs, request a cer-
tificate from agent 7. The self-organization algorithm
led to the promotion of a friendly CA and the mali-
cious CAs being ignored.
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key infrastructure, named MAKI, adapted to open
multi-agent systems of embedded agents. This infras-
tructure secures the communications to allow agents
to securely exchange information to detect intrud-
ers. Those intruders are then revoked thanks to the
use of certificates delivered and revoked by a subset
of trusted certification authorities agents maintained
with no third parties involved. A proof-of-concept of
MAKI is also presented, with the source available to
reviews, to demonstrate how revocations are obtained
once one or more intruders are detected. We are now
focusing our efforts on further validating MAKI us-
ing formal methods such as model checking. We are
also exploring a blockhain-based solution to provide
a way to easily share certificates and allow agents to
better audit certification authorities.
This work is supported by the French National Re-
search Agency in the framework of the “Investisse-
ments d’avenir” program (ANR-15-IDEX-02).
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ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence