A Survey of Socio-Emotional Strategies for Generation-Based
Conversational Agents
Lorraine Vanel
, Alya Yacoubi
and Chlo
e Clavel
LTCI, Telecom-Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France
Zaion, Paris, France
Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems, Social Dialogue, Emotional Dialogue, Persona, Empathetic Conversational
System, Conversational Dataset, Neural Generation Models, End-to-End Generation.
As dialogue systems are expected to display more and more “human” features, a subfield of conversational
artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged, aiming to make virtual agents socially competent. As the common
outlook firmly places emotion in the domain of chit-chatting, most of the studies tackle the problem of social
behaviour in open domain applications. In this paper, we provide an overview of such approaches and think
about how they can be applied to a task-oriented setting. The angle we explore is the influence of data on socio-
emotional neural generation models. We focus on three aspects: dialogue strategies, emotional strategies and
Despite the development of increasingly advanced di-
alogue generation systems, one main challenge re-
mains for conversational agents: consistency. It im-
plies different sub-problems, such as logical consis-
tency (relevance of the generated answer to the con-
versation history), persona consistency (relevance of
the bot’s behaviour to its past behaviour in the inter-
action), social consistency (relevance of the answer to
a set of accepted social etiquette and rules) and emo-
tional consistency (relevance to the user’s emotional
While the logical consistency issue can be solved
by the power of recent Natural Language Processing
(NLP) engines (Shu et al., 2021), no unique defini-
tion or consensus has been reached in literature on the
other aspects. However, social components have been
proven to improve user experience: (Hardy et al.,
2021) show that different dialogue strategies used by a
conversational system such as back-channelling, self-
disclosure and the use of statements strongly influ-
ence users’ behaviour, with a positive impact on user
While several survey papers that study
emotionally-aware generation systems exist (Ma
et al., 2020; Wardhana et al., 2021; Pamungkas,
2019; Rashkin et al., 2018), they do not discuss
more general social behaviours achieved through
dialogue strategies or persona. This paper thus
constitutes the first survey that takes into account
those aspects of social dialogue generation. We look
into the recent methods used in the open domain
to see how they can be applied to task-oriented
bots. To that end, we address the following questions:
Q1. What are the studied socio-emotional strategies
and how are they relevant to task-oriented conversa-
tional systems? (Section 2)
Q2. How is socio-conversational data currently col-
lected and annotated and what could be improved?
(Section 3)
Afterwards, we present the remaining challenges
for the field of socio-emotional end-to-end generation
models (Section 4).
In the literature of end-to-end generation models for
socio-emotional conversational systems, three dimen-
sions clearly emerge: emotional strategies, (i.e., em-
pathy), dialogue strategies and persona.
Emotional Strategies. In literature, one of the most
commonly studied emotional strategies is empathy.
Vanel, L., Yacoubi, A. and Clavel, C.
A Survey of Socio-Emotional Strategies for Generation-Based Conversational Agents.
DOI: 10.5220/0011632400003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 185-192
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Various forms of empathy exist involving different
biological processes, but human psychology gener-
ally defines empathy as the capacity to understand
and feel what another person is experiencing. Be-
ing empathetic thus requires the ability to share the
other’s thoughts, to be aware of what they are going
through and to imagine what it would feel like to be
in that situation (Cuff et al., 2016). Multiple works in
the domain of Artificial Intelligence have been aim-
ing to reproduce this ability in machines (Fung et al.,
2018; Lin et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2021; Hosseini
and Caragea, 2021). In the case of NLP, it often trans-
lates into creating empathetic conversational systems.
However, as machines are not yet able to perfectly
understand deep, complex emotions or to infer the
causes behind them, it is hard to talk about empathy.
Hence why the term Artificial Empathy” has been
coined, to refer to the coding of a “simplified” em-
pathy into AI and the different mechanisms that aim
to model and mimic human empathy. Empathy is a
term that catches people’s attention, especially in the
domain of conversational systems designed to interact
with humans.
Dialogue Strategies. While empathy certainly does
have its merits, as emotionally-aware approaches
have proven to significantly improve user experience,
one issue rises from this “boom” of empathy: most
empathetic approaches seem to critically lack in any
real interactive strategy. Even though it is overly rep-
resented in literature, empathy is far from being the
sole option for efficient social and emotionally-aware
interactions. Sometimes it is not even appropriate at
all. Strategies can go beyond the line drawn by em-
pathy/emotion, and step into the realm of “action”.
We call dialogue strategy a conversational plan of ac-
tion to engage and react in a dialogue (Galescu et al.,
2018; Santos Teixeira and Dragoni, 2022; Liu et al.,
2021). In the following table, you will find a summary
of the different dialogue strategies we have seen in the
literature. Dialogue strategies as implemented in con-
versational systems represent the “realisation” of the
social and emotional behaviours at an utterance-level.
Some of them such as informing and questioning can
be linked to the concept of dialogue acts (see upper
section of Table 1).
Persona. While the dialogue generation will rely on
variable features, like the conversational behaviours
described previously, some “fixed” features can also
be modelled, such as persona, or personality traits.
Many works (Wolf et al., 2019; Madotto et al., 2019;
Zheng et al., 2020; Wu et al., 2019) have started to
explore the idea of granting bots a personality with
Table 1: List of dialogue strategies.
Agreeing Showing agreement with the interlocu-
tor (Rashkin et al., 2018; Welivita et al.,
Informing Giving relevant information (Liu et al.,
Questioning Asking a direct question (Rashkin et al.,
2018; Welivita et al., 2021; Liu et al.,
Interjecting to signal attention (Hardy
et al., 2021)
Consoling Cheering someone up if they show neg-
ative sentiment (Rashkin et al., 2018;
Welivita et al., 2021)
Encouraging Showing enthusiasm and support
(Rashkin et al., 2018; Welivita et al.,
2021; Liu et al., 2021)
Giving advice on how to react to a sit-
uation (Rashkin et al., 2018; Welivita
et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2021)
Restating Reformulating the interlocutor’s point
(Liu et al., 2021)
Revealing information about oneself
(Liu et al., 2021; Soni et al., 2021;
Hardy et al., 2021)
Sympathising Reflecting the interlocutor’s feelings
(Rashkin et al., 2018; Welivita et al.,
2021; Liu et al., 2021)
likes and dislikes. For multi-modal systems, persona
can be conveyed through visual and auditory means,
but for chatbots it heavily relies on textual content.
Response generation will be regulated by the persona
features, so that the system will have its own way to
react to certain situations in a cohesive manner, using
conversational strategies adapted to the interaction’s
2.1 How Are Socio-Emotional
Strategies Relevant to
Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems?
Papers are usually not very specific when it comes
to the strategies their models adopt. They use adjec-
tives such as “empathetic” or “emotionally-aware” to
refer to the ability to detect users’ emotions, but are
not necessarily very descriptive of the system’s socio-
emotional approach. Empathy is often used as an um-
brella term to designate superficial behaviours where
the model mirrors the user’s emotion: the system will
detect an emotion in the user’s utterance using emo-
tion recognition components, then use it to produce
a response that matches the tone of the human inter-
locutor. If a mapping of the emotions is used (i.e., a
set of rules that decide what emotion the bot should
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
express in response to a detected user situation), it is
rarely detailed.
Simulating an emotion involves more than only
the textual content of the response: it is also dis-
played by the agent’s behaviour. Psychology stud-
ies have formed theories on how action and emotion
are linked in the brain’s behavioural processes (Frijda
et al., 1986). For humans, events that can trigger such
reactions are numerous. They can be external such as
during a social interaction or an interaction with ob-
jects, or internal which are provoked by oneself. They
usually start a process that involves physiological and
behavioural responses leading to one’s awareness of
their emotional state.
However, for a conversational system, the only
stimuli is the external event triggered by the user’s
situation. In addition, the agent does not actually
have feelings that can be influenced. When research
tries to grant the bot the ability to “feel”, it usually
relies on making them “say” the emotion instead of
“showing” it by merging the textual content with a
fitting behavioural response. This is why we need to
give dialogue systems the ability to adopt more gen-
eral and lasting dialogue strategies, and to teach them
how and when to shift their behaviour to better re-
spond to users (Dias and Paiva, 2005; Mascarenhas
et al., 2021). Having the bot respond to an emotional
input with an emotional output can be sub-optimal,
and even intrusive. We need to give them the ability
to take certain types of conversational actions as de-
scribed in Table 1. Those actions must be consistent
with both the emotion the agent has to display and the
dialogue strategy it has been using during the previ-
ous turns of the dialogue.
In task-oriented applications, the challenge is to
be able to provide a response that is both efficient
(i.e. meets the objective set by the task) and socially
and emotionally accurate with regard to the user’s sit-
uation. The goal of chit-chatting bots is the user’s
enjoyment and they naturally become the subject of
studies that aim to add emotion within generated dia-
logues. However, many do not consider how more ad-
vanced social behaviours could benefit task-oriented
chatbots. Chit-chat remains relevant to a task-oriented
system (Sun et al., 2020) but its use implies many
challenges, such as the timing, safety or relevance to
the task.
Though some strategies listed in Table 1 are
purely emotional like sympathising or encouraging,
they can be applied to a task-oriented conversation
for more efficient interaction. Some tasks require
the bot to show socio-emotionally-driven approaches.
In such cases, social (including emotions) and task
should not be considered independently.
We can take a concrete example of a virtual
agent tasked to help people calling a towing service.
This conversational agent needs to converse with cus-
tomers in distress or shock after a car accident. Hav-
ing a bot able to recognise such situations, act accord-
ingly and regulate the intensity of its emotional re-
sponse depending on the context (Ochs et al., 2008)
would be a great improvement to an inconsistent, sys-
tematic use of empathy - even if it is to transfer the
conversation to a human agent better equipped to deal
with the situation.
After establishing the importance of those strate-
gies, our next step is to understand how they are il-
lustrated in existing conversational corpora. Table
2 presents the different “socio-emotional” conversa-
tional datasets, along with a summary of some of their
features. Our goal is to study how to effectively in-
tegrate the different socio-emotional dimensions and
labels in conversational data.
3.1 Data Collection
Firstly, we go over the three main collection ap-
proaches we have observed in the literature of con-
versational systems.
3.1.1 Crowd-Sourcing
When applied to data collection, crowd-sourcing is a
participatory method where a group of people con-
tributes to creating data samples. The crowd-sourced
data is typically Human-Human interaction (H-H).
The data is collected by having two crowd-workers
interact by following set guidelines: the speaker (or
seeker) sets up a situation and the listener (or helper)
has to answer accordingly. Dialogue systems are
trained to perform in the role of Listeners. In (Rashkin
et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2021), workers taking the role
of speakers are asked to start the conversation follow-
ing an emotional prompt. The listeners have to adapt
their replies to the context presented by their inter-
locutor without being aware of the prompt.
3.1.2 Crawled from Online Sources
Another common way to collect data is by extract-
ing information from online sources. In the case of
textual data, it is often posts and comments crawled
from social media and is thus natural Human-Human
speech (Zhong et al., 2020; Mazar
e et al., 2018). It
A Survey of Socio-Emotional Strategies for Generation-Based Conversational Agents
can also come from other sources, such as OpenSub-
titles (Welivita et al., 2021) where the data is scripted.
The data extracted from those websites is usually not
labelled and annotation processes must be designed to
label the corpora.
3.1.3 Retrieved from Conversation Logs
Human-Agent. Most of the time, this approach ap-
plies to human-machine interactions, through conver-
sational models deployed for data-collection purposes
or as services. When such models are already de-
ployed, it is possible to retrieve the logs to compile
them into corpora. One such dataset is EmoContext
(Chatterjee et al., 2019), which can only be accessed
by directly requesting it from its authors.
Human-Human. This approach can also be used
to retrieve human-human conversation logs from call
center data, like in (Clavel et al., 2013).
Such data is less accessible, as this practice re-
quires having the means to deploy such services
or requesting data from a company with such re-
sources. Even then, the data is usually confidential
and thus cannot be shared as public datasets, unless
user consent was given and/or data has been properly
3.2 Data Labelling
There are different approaches to data annotation:
they differ depending on the point of view of the anno-
tator, the tools and resources required to carry out the
labelling tasks, or the information available directly
from the source of the data.
Manual Annotations. This approach can be used
on any kind of data as long as the dataset is small or if
the research team has sufficient material means. Data
can be entirely annotated by human experts or annota-
tors that have been trained on that specific annotation
task. (Li et al., 2017) introduce a 13K dataset, Dai-
lyDialog, that was annotated by 3 experts holding a
good understanding of dialogue and communication
theory, and were taught the guidelines of the particu-
lar task (i.e. emotion and dialogue act annotation).
Semi-Automatic Annotations. Manual annotation
can be paired up with algorithms to accelerate the
work and lighten the human judges’ workload. This
hybrid approach is called semi-automatic annotation
(Lu et al., 2021; Welivita et al., 2021). In general,
the first step is to have human judges annotate a small
fraction of the collected dialogues. To provide further
support to the human helpers, (Welivita et al., 2021)
train a Bert-based model on the empathetic dialogues
dataset (Rashkin et al., 2018) to output the top 3 most
likely label for each dialogue. Instead of considering
all 42 available labels, the human judges can pick be-
tween 3, with the possibility of selecting one of the
others if needed. The second part of the process is to
use this manually annotated set as training data for a
classifier that will automatically annotate the rest of
the collected data.
This can also be used for data retrieved from con-
versation logs. For their EmoContext dataset, (Chat-
terjee et al., 2019) have 50 human annotators man-
ually annotate 300 dialogues for each of the 4 emo-
tional classes. Each dialogue is looked over by 7
judges. These annotated dialogues were embedded as
vectors, and used with cosine similarity thresholds to
find similar occurrences in the non-annotated pool of
data. Results would then be checked by human judges
who make the last ruling.
Derived Annotations. It is the main method of an-
notation for crowd-sourced data, where the emotions
and dialogue strategies labels associated with the data
can be directly derived from the instructions given
to the annotators in (Rashkin et al., 2018; Liu et al.,
2021). Additionally, (Liu et al., 2021) collect answers
to surveys submitted to the workers during the collec-
tion process on both the listener and the speaker side.
This allows for the collection of more data such as
empathy grading and utterance-level dialogue strate-
(Zhong et al., 2020) use the context in which web
data was posted and extracts posts and comments on
two subreddits: happy and offmychest. The original
Reddit environment thus provides a label and what is
left to do is to direct a quality check by asking hu-
man annotators to annotate a small set of the con-
versations: 100 from the happy reddit, 100 from the
offmychest reddit and for control, 100 from the casu-
alconversations reddit.
For conversation logs, derived annotation can be
user feedback. This is because some deployed bots
ask for customer satisfaction feedback either directly
or through surveys. This information can be used
to annotate certain conversations (Maslowski et al.,
In the case of derived annotation, the label comes
directly from the source of the data. The point of view
of the annotator is internal, which differs greatly from
the external viewpoint of the annotators in the other
methods described above, where they have to analyse
data that comes from an outside source. This differ-
ence is even more prominent when it comes to labels
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: List of Conversational Emotional Corpora in Literature. Volume refers to the number of conversations. The Dimen-
sion Labels column presents the different dimension presented by the datasets: ES for Emotional Strategy, DS for Dialogue
Strategies and P for Persona;
refers to utterance-level annotation, and
refers to conversation-level annotation; the fol-
lowing number refers to the number of labels in the category. For collection, CS refers to Crowd-Sourced. N stands for
“Natural”, where S stands for “Scripted”.
Name Interaction Volume Dimension Labels Collection Scripted-
Emotional Support Conversation Dataset (ES-
Conv), (Liu et al., 2021)
H-H 1300 ES
(7), DS
(8) CS S Emotion Prompt
Empathetic dialogues, (Rashkin et al., 2018) H-H 25k ES
(32), DS
(8) CS S Emotion Prompt
EmoWOZ, (Feng et al., 2021) H-H 11K ES
(7) CS S Manual annotation (Amazon Mechanical Turk)
Persona Chat (PC), (Zhang et al., 2018) H-H 10K P(1155) CS S No Annotation
EmotionLines, (Chen et al., 2018) H-H 2K ES
(7) TV Script S Manual annotation with 5 Human Annotators
DailyDialog, (Li et al., 2017) H-H 13K ES
(6), DS
(4) Internet S Manual Annotation by 3 Human Annotators
Emotional dialogue in OpenSubtitles (EDOS),
(Welivita et al., 2021)
(32), DS
(8) OpenSubtitles S Semi-Automatic annotation with 3 Human Anno-
Persona-based Empathetic Conversation
(PEC), (Zhong et al., 2020)
H-H 11k ES
(2), P(100) Reddit N Automatic annotation with Human Control Check
PCR, (Mazar
e et al., 2018) H-H 5M P(7.3M) Reddit N Semi-Automatic annotation with Human Annota-
Sentimental Douban Conversational Corpus,
(Lu et al., 2021)
(Sentiment) Douban N Semi-Automatic annotation with 3 Human Anno-
EmoContext, (Chatterjee et al., 2019) H-M 38K ES
(4) Bot Logs N Semi-Automatic annotation with 50 Human An-
as subjective as emotion. The internal annotator can
label accurately what emotion they are feeling and ex-
pressing in the data, but an external annotator has to
make a guess as to what emotion is being expressed.
This can be an easy guess, or be quite ambiguous and
perceived differently depending on one’s personal ex-
periences and sensibilities.
3.3 Annotation Dimensions
We now present three “dimensions” (Column 4 in Ta-
ble 2) that are annotated in data: emotional labels,
dialogue strategies and persona features. Another as-
pect we comment on is the annotation level: labels
can either be given on a conversation-level (one label
for the entire dialogue) or utterance-level (one label
per speaker turns).
Emotional States. As we have mentioned in the
first section on dialogue strategies, empathy and emo-
tions are the most represented socio-emotional strat-
egy. As a direct consequence of this, most social cor-
pora are annotated with emotional states.
(Lu et al., 2021) use sentiment instead of emotion.
Sentiment analysis is an NLP task that consists of un-
derstanding the polarity of an utterance and classify-
ing it into the positive sentiment or the negative sen-
timent. Sometimes there is also the neutral class, but
(Lu et al., 2021) only use binary labels. (Zhong et al.,
2020) do something similar to sentiment labelling, us-
ing the reddit context the data was extracted from to
annotate whole conversations: happy for a positive
polarity, offmychest for a negative polarity and casu-
alConversation for a neutral control sample.
Other studies have referred to various psychology
theories for emotion classification, but there is no con-
sensus on the way to define and classify emotions
in conversation analysis (Clavel and Callejas, 2016).
(Chatterjee et al., 2019) use a simplified classifica-
tion of emotions, angry, happy, sad and others. (Li
et al., 2017) base their annotations on Ekman’s model
(Ekman, 1999). On the other hand, (Liu et al., 2021;
Rashkin et al., 2018; Welivita et al., 2021) use clas-
sical theories derived from biological responses (Ek-
man, 1999; Plutchik, 1984) as well as studies that
focused on larger sets of subtle, context-dependant
emotions (Skerry et al., 2015) reaching as many as
32 emotion labels.
(Feng et al., 2021) use a classification tailored to
task-oriented settings: neutral, fearful, dissatisfied,
apologetic, abusive, excited and satisfied.
Dialogue Strategies. Another dimension of anno-
tation is dialogue strategies, as some papers have led
a dual annotation, taking into account both emotions
and dialogue strategies. Table 1 presented in the first
section summarises the ones we have seen being used
in literature. As seen in Section 2, dialogue strate-
A Survey of Socio-Emotional Strategies for Generation-Based Conversational Agents
gies can be associated with dialogue acts and a large
number of existing corpora are annotated in dialogue
acts. For example, (Li et al., 2017) use inform, ques-
tion, directive, commissive as labels to develop socio-
emotional conversational systems. Such strategies are
included in the works of (Bunt, 2006) on the classifi-
cation and the dimensions of dialogue acts.
Persona. The last aspect we want to introduce in
this section is persona features. Corpora that in-
troduce persona characteristics (Zhong et al., 2020;
e et al., 2018) usually define a “persona” as a
set of sentences representing a given personality that
influences the agent’s wording and general behaviour.
Persona sentences are often collected from online user
profiles found in conversational data, with one user
representing one persona. It may be independent from
the conversation that can be annotated with other la-
bels such as emotion.
3.4 Guidelines for the Collection and
Annotation of Socio-Emotional Data
For a model to provide good performance, the train-
ing data, as well as the label types, must be similar to
the real-time data the system will face when deployed
to users. Public corpora often compile conversations
from the open domain that exhibit different strategies,
formulations and goals. For good task-oriented re-
sults, it is a challenge to gather data that is the closest
possible to the task’s conversational context.
For the means of collection, crowdsourcing allows
for precise control on the content of the dialogues,
the gathering of numerous and diverse samples that
answer specific problems as defined by the research
team, and a label given directly by the source of the
data (the speaker). Nevertheless, the scripted na-
ture of the interactions induces a significant bias in
the corpus, as it differs from how one might spon-
taneously express themselves in a similar situation.
Open-domain data crawled from online sources is an-
other issue, as it is not structured in the same way
task-oriented dialogues are. Ultimately, the optimal
solution for service providers that already have agents
deployed in production is to retrieve and use con-
versation logs. Data retrieved from deployed con-
versational agents falls squarely into the Human-
Machine interaction scope. While the acceptability
of such bots can influence the conversation and the
way the user conveys their intent, the interaction re-
mains spontaneous and authentic. However, biases
that are intrinsic to the machine’s behaviour and de-
velopment will be preserved in the corpus. Even so, it
offers the best compromise between task-oriented ut-
terances that match the intended use of the bot and the
spontaneous nature of the conversations and the gen-
uine reactions, even if they might be influenced by
their acceptability of technology and AI in customer
Once the data has been collected, we believe that
a very important step must precede the annotation
phase. A labelling process must be designed that es-
tablishes what strategies and emotions need to be an-
notated. This can be done by studying patterns in the
data and extracting the features that will be taught to
the agent. Once this process is clearly defined, a semi-
automatic annotation allows a good optimisation of
resources, while guaranteeing good consistency with
quality control by human annotators. It is important
to note that annotating emotional states is a complex
task, even for humans, because of how subjective it is.
Two people might not agree on an emotion expressed
in a same sample, because of the personal and internal
biases that colour our perception of others’ emotional
If we consider our towing service example again:
how can we build a socio-emotional dataset relevant
to the response generation task? The towing company
provided us with conversation files between their hu-
man agents and their customers. For the collection
of relevant annotations in dialogue strategies, we look
at the different sets of socio-emotional labels used in
literature (see Section 3.3). By observing conversa-
tions from the company’s logs, we are able to narrow
down a list of relevant strategies and emotion labels.
We noticed that some might not be as common in the
context of our task, like ‘disgust’ for emotions. Fur-
thermore, some new labels emerged and were added
to our list, such as ‘Repair/Self-Repair’ for the act of
correcting oneself or one’s interlocutor.
The growing availability of efficient and pre-trained
language models (Devlin et al., 2019; Radford et al.,
2019) has spurred the field of end-to-end NLP mod-
els. These data-driven approaches applied to socio-
emotional dialogue have raised many challenges.
The first one is related to the architecture: the ab-
sence of causality modelling creates a lack of con-
trol and explainability of the process (Yacoubi and
Sabouret, 2018). Nonetheless, some approaches have
attempted to bridge this issue, offering better visi-
bility on the problem decomposition while making
the most of the computational benefits of end-to-end
training (Gao et al., 2021; Soni et al., 2021).
Secondly, these approaches also need a huge
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
amount of annotated data, which implies specific data
collection and annotation processes.
Finally, papers tend to contrast automatic metrics
designed to evaluate text generation systems (Pap-
ineni et al., 2002; Lin, 2004) to human evaluation
(Finch and Choi, 2020). Empathetic and social be-
haviour is better appraised by humans who are both
the target-users and have the social intelligence that
AI systems try to replicate.
This survey paper provides an overview of the re-
cent works that tackle the challenging goal of adding
a socio-emotional dimension to end-to-end dialogue
generation. As most of those studies focus on open-
domain applications, we think about how to apply
these methods to a task-oriented context. In order to
create conversational systems with efficient social be-
haviour, it is important to combine dialogue strategies
and emotions, as well as eventually adding persona
features for better consistency in the responses.
Our future work involves designing a general, ef-
ficient and comprehensive labelling process based on
the observations made in this paper. This also in-
cludes verifying the annotation process and the qual-
ity of the resulting labelling.
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tual emotion detection in text. In Proceedings of the
13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation,
pages 39–48, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Associ-
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of multi-party conversations.
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ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence