Leveraging Out-of-the-Box Retrieval Models to Improve Mental Health
Theo Rummer-Downing
1,2 a
and Julie Weeds
1 b
University of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9RH, U.K.
Tellmi, London SE1 7LL, U.K.
Mental Health, BM25, SBERT, Information Retrieval, Semantic Search.
This work compares the performance of several information retrieval (IR) models in the search for relevant
mental health documents based on relevance to forum post queries from a fully-moderated online mental
health service. Three different architectures are assessed: a sparse lexical model, BM25, is used as a base-
line, alongside two neural SBERT-based architectures - the bi-encoder and the cross-encoder. We highlight
the credibility of using pretrained language models (PLMs) out-of-the-box, without an additional fine-tuning
stage, to achieve high retrieval quality across a limited set of resources. Error analysis of the ranking results
suggested PLMs make errors on documents which contain so called red-herrings - words which are seman-
tically related but irrelevant to the query - whereas human judgements were found to suffer when queries are
vague and present no clear information need. Further, we show that bias towards an author’s writing style
within a PLM affects retrieval quality and, therefore, can impact on the success of mental health support if left
The ability to find relevant information is now a sim-
ple and quick task thanks to algorithms like Google’s
PageRank (Brin and Page, 1998) and Okapi BM25
(Robertson et al., 1995). Information search usually
involves submission of a query to a system that can re-
turn the most relevant results. However, the unifying
assumption on which these systems are based is that a
user has crafted a query in order to maximise the prob-
ability of retrieving relevant results. Although this
paradigm suits searching for specific information, sit-
uations exist where information is sought indirectly,
as is the case for the company, Tellmi.
Tellmi is a social enterprise which operates a
youth mental health service via a mobile application.
Tellmi was set up in order to tackle the mental health
crisis facing young people. They cite a large num-
ber of statistics which indicate the poor state of youth
mental health support, perhaps the most worrying of
which being that suicide is the leading cause of death
in young people (University of Manchester, 2018;
Office for National Statistics, 2020). Tellmi service
users are supported using a fully-moderated peer-to-
peer model, alongside access to a directory of mental
health resources. The Tellmi directory contains over
500 useful resources which are available to users. Ac-
cess to the resources currently requires either manual
search by the user, or manual recommendation by an
admin - both labour intensive and inefficient. It is pro-
posed that having an accurate recommendation sys-
tem for resources could significantly aid in signpost-
ing users to relevant help by reducing search times
and increasing search accuracy. Further, accurate rec-
ommendation could enable Tellmi to scale the number
of listings in their directory without increasing the dif-
ficulty for users to find relevant information.
Posts to the forum are typically statements, many
of which lack a clear information request and hence,
do not resemble typical IR queries which commonly
display a ‘direct’ information need. For example, a
user is unlikely to post “How to tackle anxiety and
worries?”. Instead, “My worries are getting really
bad and I am finding it hard not to give in to the
is more plausible in a forum setting. De-
It is important to note that any post written within
this document has been paraphrased/re-written to protect
Rummer-Downing, T. and Weeds, J.
Leveraging Out-of-the-Box Retrieval Models to Improve Mental Health Support.
DOI: 10.5220/0011634300003414
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2023) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 64-73
ISBN: 978-989-758-631-6; ISSN: 2184-4305
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
spite this, it is possible that resources exist which
could be highly useful and relevant to their problem,
hence, an ‘indirect query’ problem whereby the in-
formation need is less explicit. The central inquiry
of this work, therefore, is to determine whether exist-
ing relevance matching NLP algorithms can success-
fully retrieve relevant mental health resources based
on the content of a user’s post. As an example, the
NHS resource with the description “Feeling low, anx-
ious or worried? We offer a confidential space to
help. should have high relevance to the aforemen-
tioned post, whereas the resource titled “My Battle
With Anorexia” should be ranked with lower rele-
vance to the query.
Many IR models rely on word embedding meth-
ods. Traditional methods are based on sparse embed-
dings produced by models like the Okapi BM25 al-
gorithm. More recently, dense embedding methods
have become the norm in NLP literature with a fo-
cus on deep transformer-based language models, such
as BERT (Devlin et al., 2019), which are pre-trained
on enormous corpora. The dense embeddings pro-
duced by these pre-trained language models (PLMs)
have been successfully applied to IR methodologies
(Reimers and Gurevych, 2019).
We focus on the implementation of two different
SBERT (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019) architectures:
the bi-encoder and the cross-encoder. These models
use a pre-trained attention network to create contex-
tualised vector representations so that relevance be-
tween documents can be calculated using a distance
measure, such as the cosine similarity. The advan-
tage these models present over statistical models is
their potential to overcome instances which lack lex-
ical overlap of query terms. For example, given a
set of posts containing words such as bulimia, binge
and starve it should be possible to match these with
resources containing words like eating disorder and
overweight due to their similar contexts, despite the
resources containing no direct lexical overlap with the
This paper contributes the following points to
the health informatics literature. We show that pre-
trained SBERT models can be applied out-of-the-box
with high success on an information retrieval task
within a health forum. However, the work also high-
lights the concept of stylistic bias within PLMs, and
details the hindrance this bias has on the quality of re-
trieval. Further, we suggest that the ‘indirect query’
problem, whereby queries do not explicitly state an
information need, is an under-addressed problem in
information retrieval, and that current Question An-
swering (QA) datasets are likely to be insufficient for
research into this specific problem as they model a
very ‘direct’ notion of relevance. More generally, we
show the potential of using information retrieval tech-
niques to improve access to health-related informa-
The family of BM25 algorithms are some of the most
successful text-retrieval algorithms that have been de-
veloped (Robertson and Zaragoza, 2009). The algo-
rithm is a probabilistic method developed in the early
1990s for the Text Retrieval Conferences (TREC)
based on term frequency statistics between a docu-
ment and a query, and although somewhat outdated,
it is still useful today as a high-recall method for re-
trieval prior to re-ranking via neural methods (Tra-
belsi et al., 2021). The basis for all BM25 algo-
rithms is the original Okapi BM25 algorithm detailed
by Robertson et al. (1996) and used in the Okapi
Information Retrieval system. Some variants which
have been developed include BM25L, BM25+ and
BM25-adpt, all of which are detailed by Trotman
et al. (2014). Variants of BM25 are found to be a
common baseline method across much IR literature.
Mikolov et al. (2013) introduced the Word2Vec
model, which builds dense vector embeddings of
words within a corpus of text by training a neural net-
work architecture. These representations can be pro-
jected into a semantic space and compared with se-
mantically similar words, and have proven useful for
improving the generalisation of NLP models.
More recently, advanced neural models have
utilised the transformer architectures described by
Vaswani et al. (2017) and have become state-of-the-
art on NLP benchmarks. Possibly the most well-
known application of transformers is the work on
Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Trans-
formers, or BERT (Devlin et al., 2019). Devlin et al.
(2019) describe BERT as a stack of encoder units
which is trained using a masked language model
(MLM) pre-training objective. BERT set new state-
of-the-art across eleven NLP benchmarks and, as a
result, many variations based on this architecture have
been developed (Liu et al., 2019; Sanh et al., 2020).
BERT-based models have been shown to have
state-of-the-art performance on sentence-level tasks
such as semantic textual similarity (STS Benchmark)
(Devlin et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2019). However,
Reimers and Gurevych (2019) describe how BERT
would take approximately 65 hours to perform all-
pairs similarity for 10,000 sentences, and they found
Two BERT models were designed, BERT
, with 12
encoder layers, and BERT
, with 24 encoder layers.
Leveraging Out-of-the-Box Retrieval Models to Improve Mental Health Support
that the BERT sentence embeddings are inherently
poor for comparing sentences in semantic space.
Reimers and Gurevych (2019) proposed Sentence-
BERT (SBERT) to tackle this problem.
The SBERT model consists of two identical BERT
models with tied weights. It relies on a pooling strat-
egy over the outputs to create sentence embeddings
of fixed-length. SBERT creates a more uniform se-
mantic space for sentence comparison by ensuring
the attention mechanism cannot attend to information
from the comparative sentence. The results on the
Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) benchmarks indi-
cate that sentence embeddings produced by SBERT
capture sentence-level semantics well, and are there-
fore well suited for sentence-level semantic similarity.
Further, as SBERT computes embeddings before in-
ference time, all-pairs similarity for 10,000 sentences
takes approximately 5 seconds, making it commer-
cially viable.
Knowledge distillation, whereby a small student
model with relatively few parameters is trained to
replicate the prediction distribution of a larger BERT
teacher model, has been used by Sanh et al. (2020) to
produce DistilBERT. In DistilBERT, the pre-training
parameters of BERT are condensed into a more
compressed model whilst retaining around 97% of
BERT’s performance. The resultant model leverages
the full predictive distribution of BERT to enable
high performance, whilst greatly reducing fine-tuning
costs and increasing computation speed. Knowl-
edge distillation was also used by Microsoft to cre-
ate MiniLM (Wang et al., 2020), a smaller version of
their UniLM (Dong et al., 2019) which is very simi-
lar in design to BERT. The student-teacher paradigm
was also used in conjunction with newly designed loss
functions to construct TinyBERT (Jiao et al., 2020), in
which the authors successfully compressed the major-
ity of the BERT teacher into only four encoder layers.
Knowledge-distilled models have successfully
been used with the SBERT pooling layer for seman-
tic search problems (Reimers, 2021b) by training on
QA datasets. Specific asymmetric-search models use
the MS MARCO Passage Ranking Dataset (Bajaj
et al., 2018) due to it’s asymmetry between query
and document lengths. On evaluation with a diverse
range of semantic search tasks, Reimers (2021b) re-
ported the highest performing bi-encoder to be a Dis-
tilBERT model, followed closely by a model based on
MiniLM, although the MiniLM models outperformed
DistilBERT in computation speed. The best cross-
encoder was also based on MiniLM. Knowledge-
distilled models are the main focus for this work.
Datasets for sentence embedding evaluation in-
clude the SentEval toolkit (Conneau and Kiela, 2018),
the GLUE benchmark (Wang et al., 2019), and the
BEIR benchmark (Thakur et al., 2021). All contain
various sentence-level tasks, with BEIR more directed
towards information retrieval. However, the datasets
for the retrieval tasks tend to use queries which have a
direct relation to relevant documents, for example, the
BEIR SciDocs dataset in which queries are abstracts
of the larger articles.
There appears to be less research on IR tasks
where links between queries and documents are less
direct, hence the ‘indirect’ query problem appears to
be an under-addressed problem in IR. Closely related
problems tend to centre around forum threads, with
tasks including retrieval of related threads (Cho et al.,
2014; Elsas and Carbonell, 2009), duplicate query re-
trieval (Saha et al., 2019) and forum thread ranking
(Faisal et al., 2016). Cho et al. (2014) describe how
they also use a forum post as a query for a document
retrieval task. However, most settings more closely
resemble question-answer-type retrieval as they in-
volve queries which are directly seeking information
and documents (threads) which actively attempt to an-
swer the query.
The Tellmi dataset consists of text from user posts
and the set of text descriptions of mental health re-
sources. The content of the posts includes discus-
sions about mental health, worries, complaints, and
general concerns of young people, and are comprised
of both statements and questions. The mental health
resources vary greatly in length and style, and in-
clude: poems and stories written by both users and
professional writers; advertisements for third-party
organisations for self-improvement and learning; and
descriptions for specific mental health charities and
helplines which offer support. Summary statistics of
the dataset are detailed in Table 1. As can be seen
from the table, the dataset is highly asymmetric as the
query length is considerably shorter than that of the
document. Further asymmetry is characterised by the
inability to logically reverse the search task as a re-
source does not tend to implicate a post - only the
inverse is true. Although Tellmi provided a sample of
over 180,000 posts, our evaluation focuses on a small
number of posts in order to enable qualitative study.
Generally, the maximum input sequence length to
BERT-like models is 512 tokens, with the default op-
eration for sequences over the limit being truncation.
With reference to Table 1, the posts are suitable for in-
put to a BERT model. The lengths of resources have
greater variation, with some resulting in truncation.
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
All data is suitable for input to BM25 as there is no
maximum input sequence length.
Table 1: Dataset summary statistics.
Statistic Posts Resources
Total no. of docs 187,733 329
Mean doc. length (tokens) 40.0 173
Std. dev. doc. length 22.2 313
Min doc. length 1 15
Max doc. length 175 2540
The methodologies employed in this work centre
around the use of several architectures: lexical re-
trieval, and knowledge-distilled SBERT bi-encoders
and cross-encoders. Specifically, we use BM25 for
lexical retrieval, and we use the MiniLM SBERT
model as a basis for the bi-encoder and cross-encoder.
The design of an evaluation dataset for both quantita-
tive and qualitative evaluation is described in section
4.1. Section 4.2 describes the BM25 algorithm, sec-
tion 4.3 details the SBERT models which were used,
and section 4.4 gives an overview of our experimental
4.1 Evaluation Dataset
The Tellmi dataset does not contain annotations for
relevance between posts and resource documents.
Therefore, it was necessary to build a small evaluation
set in order to quantitatively and qualitatively evalu-
ate the models. The original resource corpus was split
evenly into development and test sets. We used the
development set for preliminary work to qualitatively
determine if it was possible to use a forum post as a
query to retrieve relevant documents from the corpus
using the retrieval methods detailed in sections 4.2
and 4.3. We then used the test set to create a quan-
titative evaluation set.
The dataset was built such that five manually pre-
selected resource documents were ranked in order of
their relevance to a post. The resources were man-
ually chosen to ensure that, per query, three docu-
ments could be classed as relevant and two documents
irrelevant, ensuring uniformity of ranking structure
across different queries. Twenty posts were manu-
ally selected as queries, and the widely-used major-
ity voting (Hern
alez et al., 2018) was ap-
plied across ve annotators to produce a gold stan-
dard rank order of resources from 1 (most relevant)
to 5 (least relevant) for each query. Later, one query
was discarded due to low inter-annotator agreement
and subsequent inspection, leaving 19 queries in the
evaluation set. To assess the reliability of the dataset,
inter-annotator agreement was calculated using Krip-
pendorffs alpha (Krippendorff, 2019) from the Krip-
pendorff python package (Castro, 2021). Following
Krippendorff (2019) and Zapf et al. (2016), Krippen-
dorffs alpha was chosen as the agreement measure
over Fleiss’ kappa (Fleiss, 1971) for several reasons:
it is suitable for ordinal data; there is no upper bound
on the number of annotators to compare; it is robust
and allows for missing data; and it takes into account
chance variation in ranking. Krippendorff (2019) de-
scribes how agreements with α 0.800 can be con-
sidered reliable, and below this threshold reliability
tails off. We found the agreement across five annota-
tors to be 0.814, indicating reliability of the dataset.
4.2 BM25
Our variant of BM25 is implemented using the ‘rank-
bm25’ package (Brown, 2020). It uses a combination
of the ATIRE BM25 function developed by Trotman
et al. (2012) and the original Okapi BM25 algorithm
detailed in Robertson et al. (1996). The model is de-
scribed in equation 1:
+ 1) · tf
1 b + b ·
+ tf
where rsv
is the calculated score for all terms,
t, in the query, q, with document, d; tf
is the fre-
quency of the term in the document; L
is the length
of the document; L
is the mean document length
in the collection; k
and b are free tuning parameters;
and the inverse document frequency function, IDF, is
defined as:
N df
+ 0.5
+ 0.5
if IDF
ε · IDF
where N is the number of documents in the collec-
tion, df
is the number of documents that the term ap-
pears in (the document frequency), IDF
is the mean
IDF value over all terms in the corpus, and ε is a free
tuning parameter.
The β, k
and ε parameters are important when
considering the set up of BM25. We use grid search
across the parameters to investigate an upper bound
for model performance on the evaluation dataset. β
controls the importance of the document length and k
termed either “Retrieval Status Value” (Trotman et al.,
2014) or “Robertson Selection Value” (Robertson et al.,
1996), depending on the source
Leveraging Out-of-the-Box Retrieval Models to Improve Mental Health Support
weights the term frequency, both of which operate on
the term frequency section of the equation. ε is used
as a scaling factor for the lower bound on the docu-
ment frequency. When k
= 0, the query-document
pair is scored solely on the occurrence of the term in
the corpus and negates the contribution of the occur-
rence in the document. k
was varied between 0.01
and 3, at increments of 0.5. For β = 0, there is no
penalisation for documents above average length. β
was varied between 0 and 2, at increments of 0.25.
ε = 0 imparts no contribution from common words,
and ε = 0.5 weights common words by half of the av-
erage frequency across documents. ε was investigated
between 0 and 0.5, with 0.1 increments. Intuitively,
ε 0.5 is likely to greatly increase the noise in the
system, hence ε was not investigated above 0.5.
Preprocessing for BM25 included tokenisation
based on whitespace, lowercasing, punctuation re-
moval, stop word removal and stemming. Stemming
was performed using the NLTK implementation
the Snowball stemmer (Porter, 1980).
Several bi- and cross-encoder models, which are
available on the SBERT repository and listed in Ta-
bles 2 and 3, were selected for evaluation in this
work based on their prior semantic search perfor-
mance on six tasks from the BEIR dataset (Reimers,
2021b). These models have been fine-tuned on the
MS MARCO Passage Ranking Dataset (Bajaj et al.,
2018). Bi-encoders take a single sequence, in our case
a post or resource, as input to produce a single embed-
ding. Cross-encoders instead take two sequences si-
multaneously as input, separated by a separator token
As with BM25, we aimed to investigate the up-
per bound for SBERT performance over the evalu-
ation dataset by varying two parameters: the maxi-
mum sequence length of the input on both the bi- and
cross-encoder, which alters the amount of data avail-
able for models to utilise in relevance measurements;
and the input order of the query and document on the
, which has the potential to affect the
relevance measurement as the position of the two se-
quences is encoded within the input. Sequence length
was varied between 128 to 512 tokens at increments
of 64, and sequence order was changed by placing
the document before the query to form a document-
[SEP]-query input.
= 0 can cause division by zero if a term is not
present in the corpus, hence 0.01 was used as a lower bound.
this is not a parameter of the bi-encoder
The only preprocessing to be performed for
SBERT input was WordPiece tokenisation (Schus-
ter and Nakajima, 2012). The MiniLM models only
differ in their number of encoder layers (6 or 12),
whereas the DistilBERT and TinyBERT models dif-
fer in their pre-training and architecture.
4.4 Experiments
4.4.1 Quantitative
The evaluation dataset was used to determine the
upper bound on performance of the retrieval mod-
els. Mean Average Precision (MAP) was calculated
across 19 queries, each with 5 respective candidate
documents. MAP is described by Trotman et al.
(2014) in equation 3:
where q is a query in the query set, Q, and average
precision, AP, is defined as:
0 otherwise
where L is the number of documents in the results
list; L
is the relevance label at position n in the results
list; and P
is the precision at position n, which is
defined as the number of relevant documents in the
result set up to document n, divided by n; and N
the number of relevant documents known for query q.
We use the MAP metric because it includes infor-
mation about all relevant documents to a query and is
suited to judging the rank order between binary rel-
evance labels. We also give the standard deviation
in the average precision, which indicates the variance
across the different queries in the evaluation dataset.
We chose not to use Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR)
as this only considers the first relevant document and
discards useful information about subsequent rele-
vant documents and, as there was a large proportion
of relevant documents in the ranked candidates (3/5)
compared with results from a much larger IR sys-
tem, it was assumed that MAP would give greater
resolution than MRR for results on this dataset. We
decided against Normalised Discounted Cumulative
Gain (NDCG) as this is best suited to judge the dif-
ference between relevance scores and, although this
could be useful for future work, we are currently most
interested in judgement of binary relevance labels.
A randomised baseline MAP score was boot-
strapped across 1,000 iterations on randomly selected
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
data in order to determine a baseline performance on
the dataset with which other models could be com-
4.4.2 Qualitative
Qualitative evaluation and error analysis are used to
determine and explain differences in quantitative per-
formance on the evaluation set. Additionally, the
models from Table 4 were used to retrieve the ten
most relevant documents across the entire resource
corpus (development and testing splits combined) for
the 19 queries in the evaluation set, and the results
were probed by one annotator to determine which
models were found to best ‘answer’ the 19 queries.
Reliability of the annotator was inferred from the high
inter-annotator agreement on the evaluation dataset,
and from their experience working for Tellmi.
4.4.3 Bias
We found that during curation of the evaluation
dataset, two overarching writing styles within the re-
source corpus could be identified: user-generated,
and helpline-like documents. The former were cre-
ated by users of the app, and usually described their
experiences with the majority written in the first per-
son in an informal style. In contrast, the latter were
written in either the second or third person and gener-
ally advertised a service.
We investigated the effect this could have on
the aforementioned document retrieval task over the
larger dataset. The proportions of each class of doc-
ument in the top ten results were recorded for each
model and compared.
Further, embeddings of the resource documents
were created using a 6-layer MiniLM bi-encoder and
clustered with the community detection clustering al-
gorithm available in the Sentence Transformers pack-
age. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used
to show the clusters in two dimensions in figure 1.
The results of this investigation are described in Sec-
tion 5.4.
Here we present and discuss results from the afore-
mentioned experiments from Section 4.4. Section 5.1
describes the results of the ranking task experiments,
followed by Section 5.2 where the model parameter
experiments are discussed. The results of the qualita-
tive evaluation are discussed in Section 5.3, and lastly,
the results of the investigation into model bias are de-
tailed in Section 5.4.
5.1 Ranking Experiments
Table 2: Bi-encoder model selection on the evaluation set
(input sequence length: 512).
Bi-encoder Model MAP ± stdev.
msmarco-distilbert-cos-v5 0.91 ± 0.12
msmarco-MiniLM-L6-cos-v5 0.89 ± 0.13
msmarco-MiniLM-L12-cos-v5 0.91 ± 0.13
Table 3: Cross-encoder model selection on evaluation set
(input sequence length: 512).
Cross-encoder Model MAP ± stdev.
ms-marco-TinyBERT-L-2-v2 0.89 ± 0.15
ms-marco-MiniLM-L-6-v2 0.96 ± 0.08
ms-marco-MiniLM-L-12-v2 0.93 ± 0.11
Table 2 compares MAP scores over the evaluation
dataset for each bi-encoder model with a fixed input
sequence length of 512 tokens, and table 3 presents
the equivalent evaluation of cross-encoder models.
We find that the largest 12-layer bi-encoder model
outperforms the smaller 6-layer bi-encoder models,
whereas the 6-layer cross-encoder model returned the
best performance of cross-encoders. We note there is
no signigicant difference between the largest 12-layer
bi-encoder and the DistilBERT bi-encoder, despite
the latter being half the size of the former. Our results
here are consistent with those of Reimers (2021b),
who found that for these bi-encoder models there was
no outstanding model across three separate datasets.
The 2-layer TinyBERT cross-encoder showed re-
duced performance compared to larger models which
aligns with the results published by Reimers (2021a).
However, we found that the 6-layer model outper-
formed it’s 12-layer counterpart which contrasts with
Reimers (2021a) who found negligible difference be-
tween the two.
We present the best performing parameter set-
tings for each retrieval algorithm over the evalua-
tion dataset in Table 4. We observe that each model
outperforms the random baseline, providing evidence
that these methods are likely to be suitable for this
type of retrieval task. We found the 6-layer MiniLM
cross-encoder to have highest performance on the
Tellmi dataset, with an MAP of 0.96 considerably
close to the maximum achievable score of 1, indi-
cating performance which was close to optimum for
this task and, therefore, also close to expected human-
level judgement.
With reference to Table 4, BM25 and the 12-layer
MiniLM Bi-encoder were found to have comparable
scores. This provided evidence against the hypoth-
esis that, due to the complexity of the retrieval sce-
Leveraging Out-of-the-Box Retrieval Models to Improve Mental Health Support
Table 4: Highest performance achieved by each method on the evaluation set.
Algorithm MAP ± stdev. Parameters
Random Baseline 0.73 ± 0.04 10,000 repeats
BM25 0.92 ± 0.12 k
= 1.5, β = 0, ε = 0.4
SBERT Bi-encoder 0.91 ± 0.13 max.len. = 512, model = 12layerMiniLM
SBERT Cross-encoder 0.96 ± 0.053 max.len. = 192, model = 6layerMiniLM
nario, both dense retrieval models would outperform
the simpler lexical model. Quantitatively, it is evident
that only the cross-encoder provides improved rank-
ing over BM25.
The 6-layer cross-encoder was found able to out-
perform a bi-encoder of twice the layer size. This im-
plies that the cross-encoder architecture requires less
parameters to achieve equivalent results, and there-
fore, could be more applicable for relevance judge-
ments. We found that the maximum input length had
little effect on the results, implying that the majority
of useful information is distributed towards the begin-
ning of a resource.
Collectively, these observations indicate that it is
theoretically possible to use these algorithms to rank
relevant mental health resources by using a post as a
query. The results on the dataset are somewhat lim-
ited in comparison with those over a typical ranking
corpus due to the small dataset size. However, the re-
sults can be considered reliable due to the high inter-
annotator agreement of the dataset noted in Section
5.2 Parameter Evaluation
With reference to Section 4.2, we explored the effect
of varying parameter settings for BM25. We found
optima at k
= 1.5, β = 0, and ε < 0.4. β and ε
were found to have a slightly larger effect on perfor-
mance than k
across the search space. The highest
MAP score for BM25 on the evaluation dataset, using
the aforementioned parameter settings, was 0.92 as
shown in Table 4. We also note that across all param-
eter search values, MAP for BM25 varied between
0.88 and 0.92 and therefore consistently performed
better than the random baseline MAP of 0.73.
Section 4.3 describes our exploration of the pa-
rameter settings for the SBERT models. Varying the
maximum input sequence length to the bi- and cross-
encoders had minimal effect on the MAP scores on
the evaluation dataset, causing variance of only 0.02
to the respective models. We found that changing
the input sequence order to the cross-encoder had a
substantial detrimental effect on the MAP score, with
a document-first order score of 0.78 compared with
0.96 for the standard query-first order - a reduction of
0.18. This was to be expected as the cross-encoders
were pre-trained on an asymmetric task and, as de-
scribed in section 3, the Tellmi dataset is highly asym-
metric. It follows that it is important to determine the
symmetry of the task prior to use of the cross-encoder
to ensure optimal performance.
We conclude this section by noting that com-
pletely out-of-the-box, i.e., without any parameter
tuning, the bi-encoder and BM25 are likely to exhibit
very similar performance. The MAP score for BM25
varied between 0.88 and 0.92 whereas the MAP score
for the bi-encoder varied between 0.89 and 0.91. As-
suming that the correct query-document input order is
chosen, the MAP score for cross-encoder varied be-
tween 0.94 and 0.96, making it reliably the best out-
of-the-box method.
5.3 Qualitative Evaluation
We interrogated the results of the ranking task based
on the errors made by models and annotators. As
three of the ve documents for each query were rele-
vant, we classed an error as any occurrence of a rel-
evant document being ranked in the bottom two (or
inversely, an irrelevant document occurring in the top
three) compared with the majority-voted gold stan-
dard, as this indicated a fundamental error in rele-
Upon qualitative study, we found that errors made
by the cross-encoder mainly occurred where doc-
uments had relatively low lexical overlap with the
query, but which included overlap of near-synonyms
or related words which were irrelevant to the query -
terms we denote as red-herrings. One example query
contained ‘suicide’
despite the topic being about
grief. In this case, an irrelevant document which con-
tained ‘kill myself, although being about bullying,
was ranked highly. Hence, we suggest that the ability
for dense models to match unseen synonymous and
related words can be detrimental to performance as
irrelevant documents can be assigned inflated similar-
ity scores.
Conversely, we found that these errors were un-
common in the human annotation results. Instead,
annotators were found to make errors where the in-
These were large examples, hence only their important
components are described.
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
formation need of a query was vague or ambiguous
despite its topic being clearly defined. The queries
were composed of statements and did not ask ques-
tions or explicitly seek advice. An example of this
was “My siblings don’t like me. Nobody likes me. I
don’t speak to anybody and I’m really lonely”. In-
terestingly, this was rarely a problem for the cross-
encoder model, suggesting a strength of this model
over human judgement.
As expected, the errors made by BM25, which
resulted in some relevant documents being poorly
scored, were because synonymous and related words
could not be leveraged for relevance. However, this
was relatively inconsequential to the quantitative re-
sults as the random baseline was still considerably
lower, indicating that relevant documents within the
dataset generally had some degree of lexical overlap
with the query, and hence, BM25 could still be con-
sidered a useful model for a coarse or simple search
As described in section 4.4.2, document retrieval
was performed over the entire resource corpus. We
classed a query as ‘answered’ if one or more docu-
ments in the top ten results provided information to a
user which was considered relevant and helpful. We
found that the number of ‘answered’ queries were 12,
15 and 16 for BM25, the bi-encoder and the cross-
encoder, respectively. These results suggest the dense
retrieval models could be better suited to the task than
BM25, and show that the dense models are more sim-
ilar in performance over the larger dataset than the
quantitative evaluation would suggest.
5.4 Bias Experiments
Upon investigation into potential bias within the re-
source corpus, as described in section 4.4.3, we found
that the retrieval results from a bi-encoder were more
likely to contain resources that were user-generated
than helpline-like.
Table 5 describes the distribution of document
types within the resource corpus, and Table 6 shows
the average number of user-generated resources in the
most relevant (k = 10) results returned by each re-
trieval method across 19 queries. We see that both
dense retrieval models return a higher proportion of
user-generated documents compared with BM25, in-
dicating possible bias within the dense models to-
wards this type. It is worth noting that although
the number of helplines returned by the dense mod-
els were fewer, the number of relevant helplines was
higher for these models, indicating higher precision.
As stated in section 4.4.3, clustering the first two
principal components of bi-encoder document em-
beddings, as shown in Figure 1, was used to probe
this further. Two relatively distinct clusters are ob-
served which correlate strongly with their document
type, indicating an observable difference between the
two types. These clusters indicate retrieval bias to-
wards the query style because similarity, and hence
relevance, is affected by document style. Due to all
queries being user-generated, the likelihood of a user-
generated documents in search results is therefore in-
Table 5: Proportions of resource types in corpus.
Resource Type No. of Docs % of Corpus
User-generated 44 13.4
Helpline-like 285 86.6
Total 329 -
Table 6: Average number of user-generated (UG) resources
in top result set (k = 10) for each model.
Mean UG
Docs. in Top
10 ± stdev.
BM25 5.3 ± 2.0
12-layer MiniLM Bi-encoder 6.1 ± 2.1
6-layer MiniLM Cross-encoder 7.0 ± 2.5
Figure 1: First two principal components from the 6-layer
MiniLM bi-encoder resource embeddings.
In contrast to a typical search query where the query
contains an explicit information need, we have con-
sidered the ‘indirect query’ problem whereby a search
query does not explicitly request information, but to
which documents may still exist that could be useful
to the reader. We describe the example of a forum post
on a mental health platform to which relevant mental
health resources might be helpful. It has been shown
that a forum post can contain sufficient information
to obtain high quality results when used as a query on
Leveraging Out-of-the-Box Retrieval Models to Improve Mental Health Support
a retrieval task. A traditional lexical method, BM25,
was tested alongside two modern dense embedding
methods, the bi-encoder and cross-encoder, for re-
trieval and ranking performance on a digital health-
care problem. All models performed above a random
baseline on a small-scale ranking task, indicating that
relevant documents can be ranked with a good level of
success. Quantitatively, BM25 was equivalent in per-
formance to a bi-encoder, however, a cross-encoder
was found to be superior over both methods, with the
6-layer MiniLM model achieving the highest MAP
score. Furthermore, a cross-encoder model of half
the size of a bi-encoder showed equivalent perfor-
mance, suggesting the cross-encoder architecture is
more space efficient. Qualitative analysis over a larger
corpus showed relevant documents returned within
the top ten results, indicating good success with re-
trieval, however we also found that the dense retrieval
models introduced bias towards the style of the query
such that user-generated documents were more likely
to occur in search results.
We suggest the following points as advice for
practitioners within health informatics tackling sim-
ilar information retrieval tasks. When maximum
search performance is required, cross-encoders are
likely to be the best solution. However, cross-
encoders can only be deployed on small document
sets because inference speed diminishes rapidly as
corpus size increases, therefore bi-encoders should
be the primary choice where any increase in scale is
likely to be required. However, when high perfor-
mance is not as critical, BM25 would be well suited
to search at any scale, particularly because it has been
found to perform above random without any changes
to default parameter settings.
It is also important to understand the dataset that
will be used in a search setting. In the case that the
document and query sets are likely to be from simi-
lar distributions (and therefore unlikely to differ sig-
nificantly stylistically), dense models are preferable
to BM25 because the trade off between performance
and bias would be favourable. In addition, when im-
plementing a cross-encoder, understanding the sym-
metry of the search task will enable the practitioner
to avoid using models which are fine-tuned on an in-
correct task and which could severely degrade search
performance. Symmetry can be judged by the degree
to which document and query lengths differ, and by
whether reversal of the search order would make a
difference to the logic of the search. We recommend
cross-encoder models trained on the MS MARCO
dataset for asymmetric tasks. It is also suggested that
the maximum sequence length parameter is unlikely
to have a significant effect on performance, and there-
fore, dense models could be used without altering the
default maximum.
For evaluation, we suggest that using MAP for
binary relevance tasks is sufficient to show notable
differences in performance, but that NDCG tends to
be used for tasks involving relevance scores where
the degree of relevance to a query is most impor-
tant. Finally, we note that when using bi-encoder em-
beddings, dimensionality reduction via PCA and sub-
sequent visualisation of embeddings can be a useful
heuristic for bias evaluation.
The focus of this work was on ‘out-of-the-box’
neural models which have not had further masked-
language model pre-training or fine-tuning for down-
stream tasks on in-domain data. Further work could
therefore aim to evaluate the effect of both further pre-
training and fine-tuning on retrieval and ranking per-
formance. Development of a more robust evaluation
dataset which encompasses a larger body of annota-
tion work would improve reliability of findings. In-
vestigation into methods to reduce bias within either
the dataset or the models themselves could improve
results and increase confidence in these methods.
This work is supported by Innovate UK. We also
thank Colin Ashby for edits, the Tellmi annotators for
their valuable time, and Jo Downing for her support.
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Leveraging Out-of-the-Box Retrieval Models to Improve Mental Health Support