Figure 11: SpO
calibration curve. The average linear func-
tion is represented in red with the error space represented in
Wearable devices have been promoted and improved
in the last few years. In addition, their application in
the digital measurement of health has gained attention
by researchers, as they allow for continuous data ac-
quisition in real-world scenarios, however, it could be
at the cost of the signal quality.
A solution for an automatic signal quality evalu-
ation in real-time was developed. This solution di-
vided the data into three separate qualities with sev-
eral classification models developed. The multi-class
classifiers achieved an accuracy double than random
chance, similar to other systems found in the litera-
ture. Two binary chained classifiers were also tested
which also had adequate performance, especially dif-
ferentiating bad quality signals from usable signals.
The HR and RR were also extracted from the PPG
signal. Since there is a prior evaluation of the sig-
nal quality, these metrics are only extracted when the
quality exceeds a threshold, thus avoiding abnormal
values. Both algorithms developed resulted in perfor-
mances similar to those found in the literature and in
other devices currently on the market. A SpO
traction algorithm was also developed. Although the
achieved results are promising, more data is needed to
reach statistical significance.
While this work presents promising results, there
are two big improvements that could be made before
applying the developed algorithms in a real-world de-
vice: (1) Expand the database, since a larger sample
size would provide better statistical significance while
evaluating more correctly the models’ ability to gen-
eralize; (2) A deeper feature engineering phase could
significantly improve the results. An alternative could
be the implementation of features from other sensors,
e.g., the accelerometer which was already acquired
but not used. However, it would lead to a solution that
required a larger number of sensors, thus, more pro-
cessing capacity and increased computational power,
which might be limited by wearables capabilities.
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Machine Learning Algorithm Development and Metrics Extraction from PPG Signal for Improved Robustness in Wearables