In this paper, we tackle the problem of hand-crafted
feature learning limitations in the context of volume
rendering. We introduced a pre-trained 3D CNN deep
learning framework, consisting of a new architecture
inspired by Resnet50, that learns weights from the 2D
Resnet50 for initialization. The novel CNN allows
for gathering deeper information from the data vox-
els. We incorporate the 3D CNN into an incremental-
based image-centric method to improve the feature
learning process and classification efficiency. The
performance of the image-centric was evaluated on
many popular 3D datasets. Results were compared
against other methods. We demonstrated that the
new framework performs with the highest accuracy
on all three datasets. The empirical results con-
firmed that the 3D CNN improves the performance of
visualization-based classification. This framework al-
lows users to interact with an intuitive user interface
and control the final rendering results. Finally, we
compared the required training time for the proposed
system with other methods and showed that the pro-
posed CNN-based framework outperforms the other
methods in all experimented datasets. As a result, the
proposed method achieves real-time rendering of vi-
sual results while the users select regions of interest,
thanks to the use of incremental classification. In the
future, we aim to improve the network performance.
The proposed method has a few limitations that will
be worked on. In this approach, we worked with the
best slices along X ,Y , and Z directions to create a sim-
ple GUI without being crowded with unnecessary im-
ages. The choice of the slices is based only on en-
tropy. To ensure that we pick the best representative
ones, other criteria could also be used like informa-
tion gain or mutual information. Besides, the final re-
sult depends strongly on the user’s choice. Even if the
system needs to be used by a domain expert who is fa-
miliar with grayscale images and knows exactly what
he looks for, a bad choice does not provide satisfac-
tory results. So rather than restarting the system, the
elimination of some selected voxels needs to be taken
into consideration. As a result, using a decremental
classification could be useful in some cases to per-
form satisfactory results. Also, we can investigate the
effectiveness of the 3D CNN-based method to explore
volumetric data in real-time clinical applications.
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Deep Interactive Volume Exploration Through Pre-Trained 3D CNN and Active Learning