
Table 12: Average of the 50 last epochs obtained with the final threshold. These results are presented to comment on how
these changes affect overfitting.
Model Dataset γ Avg. Acc. Std. APCER Avg. BPCER Avg.
FeatherNet A CASIA-SURF 3 85.746 1.003 0.160 0.105
FeatherNet A GRAFTSET - 10% Both 3 87.478 0.401 0.113 0.155
FeatherNet A WMCA 3 88.446 1.012 0 0.504
cases both in presentation attacks and ambient condi-
tions of WMCA. Not only would this dataset be much
closer to what a real day-to-day use of a PAD appli-
cation would encounter, it would also benefit the gen-
eralization of models developed with it. Hence mean-
ing, that with a more diverse dataset, the number of
studies that deviate from the binary approach to live-
ness detection by categorizing each attack individu-
ally could grow with different insights on what dif-
ferent attacks are more challenging with what modal-
On a final note, and trying to be straightforward
on the best approach regarding the information given
to the model, on a regular application, the conclusion
was moving away from depth or infra red, on both
direct input, or only as a supervision for the model,
as well as sticking with the regular color informa-
tion, proving that the way the model is constructed
is of great importance. The building of a new model
that, like FeatherNets, tries to be as light as possible,
achieving great results and not requiring extra infor-
mation could benefit from some of the considerations
made here. This model would require a new approach
to its construction since many of the choices made
for FeatherNets were taken considering the depth in-
put. Since this new theoretical model would return
to the more common use RGB images but forego the
supervision provided by the extra modalities (depth,
infra red), techniques that were successful for these
types of models might not benefit this one, being per-
haps beneficial to consider the approaches used before
the extra modalities were available while considering
not only the more complex dataset as well as the ap-
proaches demonstrated in this paper.
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ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods