In this study, we investigated the effect of vehicle dy-
namics on driver attention to traffic signs and miss-
ing traffic signs during driving. Utilizing an accurate
object detector algorithm, YOLO-V4, and an accu-
rate algorithm to map the driver’s gaze to the for-
ward stereoscopic system, we calculated the inter-
section of the driver’s visual attention area and traf-
fic signs. We determine the number of missed traf-
fic signs, number of pre-attentive and attentive fixa-
tions at various speed ranges. The results indicate that
fewer traffic signs are missed at lower speeds and that
there are more pre-attention and attentive fixations at
lower speeds. The results also indicate that different
drivers have different behaviors regarding checking
traffic signs during driving. In future work, we will
look to employ our method on a larger and more di-
verse dataset. We would look to explore the potential
impact of environmental factors, e.g. day/night, fog,
harsh sunlight, rain, snow, etc. We also plan to inves-
tigate combining our method in fusion with data from
other sensors to improve the accuracy. Analyzing the
effect of characteristics of signs, e.g. shape, color, and
orientation, in missing traffic signs is another inter-
esting topic that can be investigated to provide more
information on this subject.
In considering the implications for ADAS, we
note that not all signs are equally important, e.g. a
stop sign is probably more important than a parking
sign. Thus we may want to focus on "critical" signs,
which may be dependent on the driving context. We
would like to implement our method in an equipped
car to be used an actual driving situations where we
can determine whether a driver misses a critical traf-
fic sign, such as a stop sign, and possibly warning the
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VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications